Agendas and Minutes

Social Equity and Racial Justice Advisory Committee (View All)

Social Equity and Racial Justice Commission

Thursday, November 04, 2021

Social Equity and Racial Justice Commission
Meeting Agenda

November 4, 2021 at 5:00 p.m.

Remote Meeting via Zoom
Note: This meeting will be recorded and uploaded to the website to accompany the minutes.
  1. Call to Order
  2. Welcome and Introduction Anne Cowden (5 minutes)
  3. Discussion and Election of Chair (30 minutes)
  4. Approval of Minutes from October 7, 2021
  5. Public Input must be submitted via the SERJ contact form in writing by 10:00 a.m. the day before the meeting. (5 minutes)
  6. Update of Follow Up sub committee work (20 minutes) Minutes, DRAFT Why we need a DEI Manager or DEI Consultant
  7. Update of Conciliatory Services sub-committee work (10 minutes) Notes
  8. Discussion of building relationships with community partners. Workplan task #1 (20 minutes)
  9. Brief discussion on the invitation to the joint commission meeting on December 2.
  10. Council Liaison Update (5 minutes)
  11. Wrap up and Items to be added to future agendas.
    1. Invite Toya Cooper, VP DEI at SOU to be a guest at a future SERJ meeting
    2. At the request of Precious Yamaguchi, a discussion on how SOU students can b e involved in the work of SERJ.
  12. Next meeting date: December 2, 2021 at 5:00 p.m.
  13. Adjourn
Meeting Givens
  • Don’t interupt
  • Be respectful
  • Raise your hand to speak
  • Allow others to speak before speaking again
  • It’s OK to disagree
  • Stay on topic
  • Be prepared (do your homework)
  • Support the relationship to and with the City
  • Keep an open mind

Social Equity and Racial Justice Commission
The Purpose of the Social Equity and Racial Justice Commission is to provide recommendations and support to the Council and City Manager and education to the community on policies, measures, and practices to foster racial and social equity and respectful intergroup relations.
The duties and responsibilities of the Social Equity and Racial Justice Commission shall be as follows:
A. To serve as an advisory body to the City Manager and City Council, with the same authority as other City commissions to define problems in City policies or governance, specify remedies, and partner with community organizations to implement those remedies upon City Manager or City Council approval.
B. To encourage understanding and celebration of the diversity of the City’s population and visitors. 
C. To promote amicable inter-group relations within the City.
D. To provide or facilitate human rights education and training opportunities for policymakers and the general public.
E. To foster increased economic opportunities for Black, Indigenous, People of Color, LGBTQ+, and disabled persons, as well as other marginalized persons in the Ashland community.
F. To consult with other City advisory bodies and non-City entities on matters of mutual interest in the course of developing Commission recommendations.
G. To engage at least every two years a broad spectrum of community members in gathering information on emerging issues and needs as they relate to human rights and intergroup relations.
H. An individual may approach the Commission regarding a specific instance of prejudice, discrimination, or racism. If there is a mutual agreement from all parties involved in the incident, then the Commission shall arrange for impartial, nonbinding, collaborative conciliatory services that do not conflict with the functions of any other government body. If any party involved in the incident does not want to engage in conciliatory services, then the aggrieved individual will be referred to qualified sources of impartial advice and counsel.
I. To deliver to the Council annual reports on its activities and accomplishments in the preceding year and to provide to the Council for its approval the Commission’s priorities for the succeeding year and the Commission’s draft workplan for developing recommendations on:
  1. Identifying and rectifying historic and contemporary systemic and systematic practices of racism, homophobia, sexism, classism, and other racial and social inequities impacting Black, Indigenous, People of Color, LGBTQ+, and disabled persons, as well as other marginalized persons in the Ashland community.
    2. Proposed policies, measures and practices to bring about social and racial equity and a greater inclusion for all who live, work, or visit in the City.

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