Agendas and Minutes

Transportation Advisory Committee (View All)

Transportation Commission Meeting

Thursday, January 23, 2020

January 23, 2020

Borgerson called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Bruce Borgerson, Linda Peterson Adams, Corinne Vičville, Katharine Danner
Commissioners Absent: Derrick Claypool-Barnes, Joe Graf, Mark Brouillard
Council Liaison Present: Julie Akins
Staff Present: Scott Fleury, Taina Glick
Peterson Adams informed the group of a transit equity meeting being held on February 4 at 6:30 pm in the Gresham Room at the public library. She will be speaking at the meeting on behalf of Ashland Citizens for Transit.
Vičville requested that each meeting begin with roll call.
Approval of Minutes: December 19, 2019
Commissioners Danner/Peterson Adams m/s to approve minutes as presented.
All ayes. Minutes approved.
Heulz Gutcheon Ashland, OR
Gutcheon informed commissioners of an email he sent to them. He stated that he’d like to see everyone in electric cars. Further he opined that the future is all electric.
Gary Shaff Ashland, OR
Spoke regarding his perception of the inadequacy of the bicycle network within the city. He opined that the TSP update consultant, Kittleson, has supplied a cookie-cutter approach to cycle facility improvements that lacks the insight he provided.
Borgerson noticed there were no accidents involving cyclists or pedestrians. Danner appreciated the year to year summary and found it useful. Commissioners discussed summary.
NEW BUSINESS            
Council Presentation meeting audio starts at 19:00
Fleury provided guidelines and general information regarding council presentations. Presentations will occur at the February 4 City Council meeting.
Commissioners opted to include in the presentation:

  • Transit Feasibility Study
  • Traffic Calming Program
  • Handling of individual citizen requests​

Peterson Adams requested that the presentation be provided to Commissioners for input prior to being submitted.
Street Design Standards meeting audio starts at 32:00
Fleury presented the City of Ashland Street Design Guidelines. He discussed roadway configurations as well as how guidelines are applied. Roadway classifications included in the design guidelines will be reviewed as part of the TSP update. Fleury suspected the State may require the City to change our classification system to mimic the State and Federal highway requirements.
Transportation System Plan Update meeting audio starts at 51:19
Fleury informed commissioners of the City’s intent to incorporate the Climate Energy Action Plan into future master plans with recently developed language. This will affect the TSP update.
Fleury asked for Commission interest in acting as facilitators for 3 small-group community briefings. Vičville asked about the responsibilities of involvement in the briefings. See page 15, section 5.
Fleury reminded the group that the TSP is a planning document developing a high-level view of what you want to do for projects. Its purpose is to provide policy and direction. Project implementation is when needs for each location are defined.
Peterson Adams expressed concern about development of the citizen advisory committee (CAC) and inquired about the process. Fleury reminded the Commissioners of staff’s request at the last meeting for Commissioners to provide suggestions of individuals they feel may be appropriate for or interested in serving on the CAC. Danner and Peterson Adams supported the idea of TC involvement in the community briefings. Commission should select a member at the next meeting to serve on the TAC.
Fleury requested input from Commissioners about additions, changes or omissions. 
Discuss current action item list meeting audio starts at 1:40:00
Danner wondered how this document changes. Fleury informed the group that bolded and italicized items indicate current status He was open to suggestions for how commissioners would prefer to see changes to the document. Danner suggested addition of dates next to items.
Borgerson inquired if the Traffic Calming information had been posted to the website. Fleury indicated it has been. Peterson Adams suggested directing citizens who spoke at prior meetings to the traffic calming program.
Peterson Adams expressed frustration about the Revitalize Downtown Ashland TGM meeting where a member indicated it wouldn’t go anywhere if parking wasn’t the main issue discussed. Fleury responded that there will be CAC meetings where only parking will be discussed.
Bike Map Subcommittee meeting audio starts at 1:50:00
Doodle polls send out at the end of 2019 were not adequately responded to, so another will be sent out for a potential meeting in February.
Traffic Safety Corner-Utility Billing Insert meeting audio starts at 1:52:46
Citizen requested staff create a flyer regarding road right-of-way, winter driving conditions, traffic rules, etc. Fleury created several paragraphs for inclusion in the City Source. Staff will submit information regarding the traffic calming program for inclusion in City Source. Peterson Adams suggested adding a news item on the City website regarding the traffic calming program.
OPEN DISCUSSION meeting audio starts at 1:54:43
Vičville asked if there is an agenda for the transit equity meeting. Peterson Adams indicated there is not but will forward her a link to the information.
Borgerson informed the group of a press release about autonomous, electric shuttles intended to end private car use.
A St Parking Prohibitions
Bus Pass Program
Crosswalk Policy
Respectfully submitted,
Taina Glick
Public Works Administrative Assistant

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