Agendas and Minutes

Ashland Parks & Recreation Commission (View All)

Bee City USA Minutes 3-14-18

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

March 14, 2018
North Mountain Park Nature Center
620 North Mountain Ave. 
3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. 
In attendance: Carolyn Hunsaker (guest), Albert Pepe, Shari Shattuck, Kristina Lefever, Nancy Appling, Joel Heller, Libby VanWyhe
1. Approve Minutes from previous meeting 
All voted to approve the minutes from last time.
2. Review Action Items from previous meeting
These will be discussed as we go through the unfinished business portion of the agenda.
1. Open Forum
1. Update on The Grove BCUA Pollinator Garden 
Nancy has been going regularly to check on the pollinator garden and pull a few weeds.  Nancy thinks we may have under-planted the area and is considering buying a few more plants (6 to 12) and putting them in to fill out the zone.  
 Nancy will type a letter to all the Bee City USA gardeners to see if they have any deer-resistant plants to share for use at the Grove.  
Also, we could request donations from the Ashland Garden Club.
Carolyn suggests using a chicken-wire dome to protect plants when they are small. Once they mature, the plants may be more deer resistant.
 It was suggested that we should position a dish of rocks so that it could be filled with water when the irrigation comes on.
 Libby will send the next City Source invite to the group to encourage them to write an article about the grove pollinator garden.
2. Flyer/brochure for pollinator-friendly landscape practices.
Perhaps in the interim we should just reprint the BCU card 
 Kristina will ask Phylis for a modifiable digital copy of the Bee City USA rack card.
3. Additional Bee City USA signage 
We have two streets signs available for placement. 
Nancy suggests, why not have both BCU and Bee Campus, and Tree City USA signage together?  She suggests placing three signs in median in front of SOU with Campus, City, and Tree Signs all together?!
The subcommittee suggests placing one sign in Lithia Park.  
 Joel will propose this to the Parks and Rec signs committee.
the subcommittee proposes placing the triple sign in the median on Siskiyou Blvd between Avery and Whightman. 
 Libby will send this proposed location to Scott Fleury and ask him whose jurisdiction this location falls under.  Hopefully Scott will advise us about the process required for this location.
4. BCUA Program Recertification Letter
Everyone approved this letter .
  Nancy will send the BCUA pollinator garden annual re-certification letter out to team.
5. City Source for Swarm - letter for paper? 
This has already been released in the most recent City Source.
Kristina suggests making a quarter page flier with information about “reporting a swarm”.
  Shari will draft a ¼ page instruction sheet about how to report a swarm. 
 Libby will find the hyperlink for the City Source swarm article and post to Facebook.
6. Discuss re-election of officers   
Kristina suggested that Nancy be nominated as vice chair.  Shari is ok with this given her workload.
All voted in favor of making Nancy vice-chair.
Kristina mentioned that we need some more people on the committee.
Libby suggested that we reach out to our approved pollinator gardeners and see if they could volunteer to take on small tasks.
It would be lovely to have another person on the committee.
7. Budget
We have $400 remaining in the budget line item and $300 in the Ashland Parks Foundation.
Kristina suggests that we buy a few brochure holders and flier holders
Kristina suggests the printing of the Bee City USA rack card, could be paid for out of the budget line, via Libby’s City credit card.
8. Plan for Pollinator Tour 
review calendar: Carolyn’s assistance, plan for booklet, sales, publicity, etc.
Libby authorizes the use of the same content about NMP gardens, as was used last year.  
 Carolyn and Kristina will develop a blurb about pesticides for the pollinator tour booklet.
They will reference Bee Informed Partnership and the Xerces society.
Albert mentioned that Our Family Farms will be hosting Johnathan Lundgren next Tuesday the 20th at the Medford Library 6:00pm. This (ex) USDA scientist will be presenting the issues with Neonicitinoids.  He will be presenting how to do successful large scale agriculture using beneficial insects.
Joel suggests that we offer next year’s tour in early June so that we can see the gardens in other peak bloom.
 Kristina will send Libby the list of gardens.
 Libby will work with Lea Richards to make the garden map for the booklet.   
9. Tabling:  Growers Market, Community Seed Swap and Scion Exchange on 3/31 on 3/31 -
Will anyone else will help table?   
Kristina will bring the tabling materials, and her lap top running a slide show from her pesticide presentation.  
NMP has clear vertical paper holders for tabling, if the subcommittee would like to borrow them.
 Albert suggested that team members begin tabling monthly at the Growers Market and we agreed, beginning on April 3.
For Pollinator Week, June 17th, Nancy suggests celebrating by doing a weeding party at the Grove in June.
Joel’s article: As Parks Commissioner he is submitting a letter to the paper educating people about pesticides.
Bob Johnson from Non-toxic-Irvine will be speaking at the Talent study session about the use of Pesticides on city property.  Michael Black and Jeff McFarland will be Participating and sharing their insights into pesticide-free parks.  Bob Johnson will meet with Michael Black 3/10 at 2:00pm at the Grove. 
June will be our next quarterly meeting, June 6th 3:00-4:30 pm.
 Nancy will type a letter to all the Bee City USA gardeners to see if they have any deer-resistant plants to share for use at the Grove.  
 It was suggested that we should position a dish of rocks at the Grove garden so that it could be filled with water when the irrigation comes on.
 Libby will send the next City Source invite to the group to encourage them to write an article about the grove pollinator garden.
 Kristina will ask Phyllis for a modifiable digital copy of the Bee City USA rack card.
 Joel will discuss with the Sign Committee the possibility of placing a Bee City USA sign in Lithia Park. 
 The subcommittee proposes placing the triple sign in the median on Siskiyou Blvd between Avery and Whightman. Libby will send this proposed location to Scott Fleury and ask him whose jurisdiction this location falls under.  
  Nancy will send the BCUA pollinator garden annual re-certification letter out to team.
  Shari will draft a ¼ page instruction sheet about how to report a swarm. 
 Libby will find the hyperlink for the City Source swarm article and post to Facebook.
 Carolyn and Kristina will develop a blurb about pesticides for the pollinator tour booklet.
 Kristina will send Libby the list of gardens for the Pollinator Garden Tour
 Libby will work with Lea Richards to make the garden map for the booklet.   
 Team members will begin tabling monthly at the Growers  Market Tabling, beginning on April 3.
 The subcommittee will plan a weeding party at the Grove pollinator garden in celebration of Pollinator Week, June 17th
Our next quarterly meeting is scheduled for June 6th 3:00-4:30 pm.

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