Agendas and Minutes

City Council (View All)

Regular Meeting

Tuesday, December 06, 2016

December 6, 2016
Council Chambers
1175 E. Main Street

Mayor Stromberg called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Civic Center Council Chambers.
Councilor Voisin, Morris, Seffinger, Rosenthal, and Marsh were present. Councilor Lemhouse was absent.
City Attorney Dave Lohman recommended Council postpone indefinitely agenda item #1.  Second reading by title only of an ordinance titled, “An ordinance amending AMC 14.04.060 Water Connections Outside City the Limits” under Ordinances, Resolutions, and Contracts due the complexity of how water was used.  He suggested Council discuss the varying aspects in a future Study Session then bring it back as a new first and second reading.
Councilor Voisin/Seffinger m/s to postpone indefinitely the Second reading by title only of an ordinance titled, “An ordinance amending AMC 14.04.060 Water Connections Outside City the Limits.”  DISCUSSION: Mr. Lohman clarified for Councilor Morris there was no conflict of interest for him on this item as previously stated.  Voice Vote: All AYES. Motion passed.
Public Works Director Mike Faught requested Council to move agenda item #1.  Public hearing and approval of three resolutions titled, “A resolution adopting new Transportation Systems Development Charges, pursuant to Section 4.20 of the Ashland Municipal Code, and repealing Resolution 1999-42”; “A resolution adopting new Wastewater Systems Development Charges, pursuant to Section 4.20 of the Ashland Municipal Code, and repealing Resolution 2006-27”; and “A resolution adopting new Water Systems Development Charges, pursuant to Section 4.20 of the Ashland Municipal Code, and repealing Resolution 2006-27,” under Public Hearings to the December 20, 2016 Council meeting.  The consultant on the item was unable to attend this meeting.
Councilor Marsh/Voisin m/s to move the Public Hearing regarding SDCs of various kinds to the meeting of December 20, 2016.  Voice Vote: All AYES. Motion passed.
Mayor Stromberg announced vacancies on the Airport, Housing & Human Services, and Tree Commissions.
Councilor Seffinger announced Firefighter/Paramedic Ashley Manning was the first female in the history of the Ashland Fire and Rescue Department to successfully test and make the Captain’s list.
The minutes of the Study Session of November 14, 2016, Business Meeting of November 15, 2016, Executive Session of November 21, 2016 and Special Meeting of November 21, 2016 were approved as presented.
1.   Annual presentation by the Planning Commission
Planning Commission Chair Melanie Mindlin noted several projects the Planning Commission worked on over the past year.  The Commission was working the Fire Department on expanding the designated wildfire lands to incorporate the entire city.  The Commission also met with the Housing and Human Services Commission on housing needs.  The Planning Commission would update the Housing element in the Comprehensive Plan next year.  The Commission was working on infill strategies, smaller affordable homes, and a cottage-housing ordinance that would come to Council spring 2017. 
One project was the Transit Triangle Infill Strategies Project.  The Commission was looking at a new method regarding cottage housing and density in the Transit Triangle Project called the form-based approach.  Rather than having a specific residential density per acre, it employed a combination of building height and site planning requirements for parking, landscaping, and lot coverage to control the size of the building or buildings.  Using total density numbers was preventing the construction of more affordable units because developers were building the largest homes they could within the allowed numbers.  The form-based approach allowed developers to meet their bottom lines through a greater number of smaller more affordable units.
2.   Approval of a resolution titled, “A resolution declaring the canvass of the vote of the election held in and for the City of Ashland, Oregon on November 8, 2016” and Mayoral proclamation
City Recorder Barbara Christensen explained the resolution declared the canvass of the vote from the November election along with the proclamation.  Mayor Stromberg read the proclamation aloud.
Councilor Rosenthal/Seffinger m/s to approve Resolution #2016-30.  DISCUSSION:  Councilor Rosenthal thanked everyone who participated in the election.  Councilor Seffinger acknowledged Councilor Voisin’s ideas and thought they were well received by many of the voters and was sure Council would incorporate some of them in future meetings.  She thanked everyone and congratulated Mayor Stromberg on his reelection.  Roll Call Vote: Councilor Voisin, Rosenthal, Morris, Seffinger, and Marsh, YES.  Motion passed.
Huelz Gutcheon/2253 Hwy 99/Noted approximately 650 institutions and facilities divested from form fossil fuel and oil companies worldwide removing 3.5 trillion dollars from those industries.  During the C40 Mayors Summit, several larger cities proposed a total diesel fuel ban by 2025.  New offshore windmills were producing 11 megawatts.  LEED buildings were not as carbon reducing as planned due to the lack of solar panels on rooftops.  He explained the Planning Commission stated Ashland could not have solar roofs on new buildings and houses because it detracted from the “Ashland look” and thought that should change.
Allie Rosenbluth/40 North Mountain/Explained the new City Administrator’s priorities should include low-income, communities of color, disabled individuals, the homeless, and ensure actions taken by the City were uplifting and did not burden these groups.  Additionally, the new City Administrator should focus on low-income housing.  This position also needed to support a science based climate change and administer the Climate Action Plan.  The community also wanted to be involved in the hiring of the new City Administrator. 
James Pizor/251 Otis Street/Addressed the resignation of the former City Administrator Dave Kanner and expressed concern there was not enough notice regarding the meeting for public input.  He took issue with the process, the cost to the taxpayers, and the risk to the city and challenged eliminating the contract when Council had said only good things about Mr. Kanner.
1.   Minutes of boards, commissions, and committees
2.   Confirmation of Mayoral appointment of Fire Chief John Karns as interim City Administrator
3.   Approval of a resolution titled, “A resolution of the City Council of the City of Ashland, Oregon declaring its intention to reimburse expenditures from proceeds of tax-exempt obligations”
4.   Intergovernmental agreement with the Oregon Department of Revenue for marijuana tax collection
5.   Approval of a public contract with OS Engineering exceeding $75,000 for engineering services (municipal electric utility)
6.   Annual review of Investment Policy for the City of Ashland
7.   Acceptance of FY 2015-2016 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
8.   Approval of a resolution titled, “A resolution extending the term of the reward fund for David Michael Grubbs for and additional five years and repealing Resolution 2012-02”        
Councilor Rosenthal and Voisin pulled Consent Agenda items #2, #5, and #8 for discussion.
Councilor Rosenthal addressed item #2 and thanked Fire Chief John Karns for his willingness to serve as Acting City Administrator.  Councilor Seffinger added Chief Karns had done a good job building leadership in the Fire Department and it would function well until a new City Administrator was hired.
IT/Electric Director Mark Holden clarified agenda item #5 and explained the total was $75,000 per year, as needed.  It was an adhoc contract where staff reserved the rights to use up to that amount with that contract service.  OS Engineering had a thorough understanding of the City’s hydro system.  If they did not have the expertise for specific issues, they found and contracted other companies to handle the work.  One of the engineers the City worked with had seven years of renewable energy experience.  He went on to explain the consensus portion of the evaluation.
City Attorney Dave Lohman addressed item #8 and verified the Reward Fund for the David Grubbs case was $21,000.  Mr. Grubbs’ murder remained a concern in the community and was an ongoing investigation. 
Councilor Morris/Rosenthal m/s to approve Consent Agenda items. Voice Vote: all AYES.  Motion passed.
  1. Public hearing and approval of three resolutions titled, “A resolution adopting new Transportation Systems Development Charges, pursuant to Section 4.20 of the Ashland Municipal Code, and repealing Resolution 1999-42”; “A resolution adopting new Wastewater Systems Development Charges, pursuant to Section 4.20 of the Ashland Municipal Code, and repealing Resolution 2006-27”; and “A resolution adopting new Water Systems Development Charges, pursuant to Section 4.20 of the Ashland Municipal Code, and repealing Resolution 2006-27”
Item moved to the December 20, 2016 Council meeting.
1.   Annual appointments to the Citizen Budget Committee and Municipal Audit Commission, and appointment of a Council Liaison to the Municipal Audit Commission
City Recorder Barbara Christensen explained the advertising process.  There were two current Budget Committee members seeking reappointment, and three applications submitted to her office for Council consideration.  She received one application after the deadline.  Additionally, there was an inquiry but no application submitted.  Council could decide to postpone the item.  Mayor Stromberg wanted more time so Council could meet with the three new applicants.  Council majority agreed. 
Councilor Seffinger/Morris m/s the appointment of the Budget Committee members be held in the first meeting of January.  DISCUSSION:  Councilor Seffinger thought it was important that everyone had a chance to talk with the applicants.  It was also important to have the new Councilor be part of the decision making process.  Councilor Morris did not think he could meet with the applicants by December 20, 2016.  Councilor Marsh was not comfortable moving the item to January and preferred moving it to December 20, 2016.  Having new councilors participate in the selection process was not standard practice.  Councilor Rosenthal questioned whether two weeks provided enough time and thought January was more realistic.  Councilor Voisin would not support the motion and thought delaying because Council would not have enough time to meet the applicants was presumptuous.  It was important to keep the precedent and not make exceptions.  Roll Call Vote:  Councilor Morris, Seffinger, and Rosenthal, YES; Councilor Marsh and Voisin, NO.  Motion passed 3-2.
Council majority did not want additional advertising and would meet with the current five applicants.
Councilor Rosenthal/Marsh m/s to approve reappointment of Roberta Stebbins to the Municipal Audit Commission with a term ending December 31, 2021.  Voice Vote: all AYES.  Motion passed.
Councilor Marsh/Morris m/s to appoint Dennis Slattery as the liaison to the Audit Committee. Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed.
  1. Second reading by title only of an ordinance titled, “An ordinance amending AMC 14.04.060 Water Connections Outside City The Limits”

Item postponed indefinitely.
1.   Look Ahead review
Acting City Administrator Chief John Karns reviewed items on the Look Ahead.
Councilor Rosenthal announced the Climate and Energy Action Plan ad Hoc Committee would host the third and final Open House regarding the Climate Energy Action Plan December 7, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. at the Southern Oregon University Stevenson Union in the Rogue River Room.  The draft plan was posted on the City website.
Councilor Marsh announced Saturday, December 10, 2016 was the Ashland Food Project’s December Food Drive.
Chief Karns thanked the Mayor and Council for giving him the opportunity to serve as Acting City Administrator.  He was impressed with City staff and looked forward to working with Council.
Meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m.
___________________________________              ______________________________
Barbara Christensen, City Recorder                             John Stromberg, Mayor

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