Agendas and Minutes

City Council (View All)

Council Goal Setting

Monday, July 18, 2016

Siskiyou Room, 51 Winburn Way
July 18, 2016
Mayor Stromberg began the Goal Setting meeting at 5:35 p.m. in the Siskiyou Room.
Councilor Seffinger, Morris, Rosenthal, Voisin, and Marsh were present.  Councilor Lemhouse arrived at 6:00 p.m.
  1. Discuss proposed Meals Tax Ordinance changes.
City Administrator Dave Kanner explained the amendment to the Food and Beverage Tax would allocate any unused tax to the Street Fund for street maintenance and reconstruction.  It would also increase the Parks and Recreation Department’s allocation to 25% and provide funds for vehicle and equipment replacement.  Council had decided at the July 5, 2016 Council Goals meeting to postpone placing the advisory on the ballot until the May 2017 election.  Mr. Kanner recommended placing it on the ballot for the November 2016 election so work on streets could begin summer 2017 instead of summer 2018.  This would offset potential reconstruction of some streets in significant disrepair.  It would require a commitment from elected officials and non-staff people to get out and advocate for the amendment.
Council expressed concerns specifying funds for vehicle and equipment replacement through a tax that would eventually end and directed staff to make the following changes to the draft ordinance:
  • Remove the word “major” from C(1) to read, “Twenty-five percent (25%) shall be paid into a parks account for purposes of acquisition, planning, development and rehabilitation of City parks per the City of Ashland’s Capital Improvement Plan”
  • Strike C(1)(a) and (b)
  • Revise C(4) to read, “Beginning in fiscal year 2023, the council may pursuant to a plan adopted by the council in fiscal year 2022, appropriate funds for other purposes set forth in the plan but shall not appropriate less than twenty-five percent (25%) of all taxes collected for Park purposes as described in subsection 4.34.020.C.1 and shall not appropriate less than the funds required to pay debt service on any debt instruments issued for purposes consistent with subsection 4.34.020 (C)(4),” or similar verbiage
  1. Review Proposed Goals from Session 2
1.  AFN - consider recommendations of ad hoc committee
2.  City Hall – consider the options for rebuilding or replacing (Pioneer parking lot, Comm. Dev.) because of seismic problems.  Identify funding.  This project will most likely take place after election. 
3.  Water system/supply - redo Master Plan including climate change modeling and conservation - in process (AWAC2)
4.  Streets maintenance - find funding for sustainable plan - in process – cost estimate $1,000,000 plus
5.  Storm drain maintenance - same as streets – 2017 – cost estimate $100,000 - $1,000,000 
City Administrator Dave Kanner explained there were no costs at this time but thought it would eventually double the storm drain fund.  Currently it cost $300,000 a year to supplement the storm drain system.  This was an unfunded mandate from the state. 
6.  New City phone system - 2017 – cost estimate $50,000 - $100,000
7.  Seismic retrofit of existing residences [IBC for seismic retrofit?] - new staff project?
Councilor Marsh clarified this would be community wide outreach with possible incentives. 
Human Services
1.  Housing Summit - new staff/Mayor project in 2017? 
            Rental shortage
            Affordable housing
            Expand zoning provisions
            Cottage housing
2.  Providing assistance to local people in need [list] ACRC2  
Mayor Stromberg and Councilor Marsh met with two members of Options for Homeless Residents in Ashland (OHRA) regarding the Ashland Community Resource Center.  The Center was moving to a new location and implementing new operating models.  The Center acknowledged issues with the prior model, took the initiative, and made changes.
3.  Winter Shelter - evaluate needs, resources and basic ''service design" including collateral effects - in process, City Administrator project 
Mr. Kanner was meeting with representatives from Temple Emek Shalom and the Rogue Valley Universalist Unitarian Fellowship to discuss terms and conditions in the resolution. 
4.  Examine the needs of the increasingly aging population. Committee desire to engage seniors in other City planning efforts. - Council project
Mayor Stromberg suggested a Study Session with the Senior Advisory Committee. 
5.  Evaluate efficiency of City spending on housing [see items 1 and 6]  
6.  Provide an adequate, stable revenue source for the Housing Trust Fund – cost estimate $100,000 - $1,000,000 
Councilor Marsh suggested a Study Session to review the construction tax, next steps, and the role of the Housing and Human Services Commission.
7.  Evaluate effectiveness of [municipal govt funding of] human services efforts?  Study session with H&HSC to determine priorities (H&HSC strategic plan) - Council project
Council discussed having a designated mental health worker that the Police Department could contact as needed. 
8.  Facilitate county services in Ashland
Jackson County was having difficulty finding a facility.
1.  Embrace emerging industries; improve retention, growth, business development - on-going  staff and Mayor, 2017?
Update economic development strategy
2.  Downtown vitality
            Urban design, circulation, parking – cost estimate - $100,000 - $1,000,000
[Restructure ad hoc committee?  Council to decide next steps?] 
3.  Chamber/City collaboration: - ongoing staff/Mayor
            Economic Development
            Focus on supporting locally owned businesses (e.g. BR&E)
            Development of disaggregated data for the Ashland economy
            Internet tools (e.g. the Business Portal, videos of business owners)
            Management Development training opportunities
            Diversifying the Visitor Economy
[Evaluate the effectiveness of economic development efforts]
4. Strengthen connection with SOU
Mayor Stromberg will contact the new university president.
Public Safety
1.  Wildfire preparation and prevention: - ongoing staff &Council/Mayor; money secured
            AFR/AFAR fuels reduction and maintenance
            AFR Institute/R&D
            Wildfire Mitigation Ordinance - Tree, Planning, WM committees’ collaboration
            Illegal camping in the watershed - ongoing Council project
Council discussed sanitation issues with people setting up and abandoning encampments in the watershed, the difficulty with cleanup and the potential for fires.
2.  Managing behavior problems/community expectations, especially downtown - combine with 7
Council discussed toxins used by marijuana growers and the harmful effect it was having on local plants, animals, and water.  Council went on to discuss improvements in the downtown.  The Legal Department would provide statistics on citations and arrests.  Council wanted objective measurements and possible monitoring at various times during the day and evening.  Staff would also survey businesses.
3.  Increased staffing for police and fire - different problems for police vs fire – combine with 5 – cost estimate $1,000,000 plus
Council suggested a strategic plan for public safety over the next 10 years or less that included identifying staffing levels, equipment and facility needs, funding options, and a plan to achieve those goals.
4.  14-day City preparedness - possibly 2016-17 – cost estimate $50,000 - $100,000
            City employees
            Employees (at work)
            Fuel contracts
            Water plant pumps
5.  Explore establishment of ELEA in Exit 14 area - Council project 2017
6.  Prompt paramedic response
7.  Evaluate the impact of new ordinances that affect downtown - ongoing staff & Council project
[Unintended consequences?]
[How has it impacted APD?]
[Impact on Railroad Park]
  1. Increase capacity of Legal Dept and Human Resource Division [coordinate change with re-organization]
Rewrite AMC 2.28 - new staff project 2017-19 budget - cost estimate $100,000 - $1,000,000
2.  Re-organization of management structure - new staff project 2017-19 budget -- cost estimate $100,000 - $1,000,000
3.  Fire Dept consolidation - ongoing staff and Council project
4.  Improve effectiveness of communication and engagement - staff project 2017
5.   Make commissions and committees more effective - Recorder project
Commission/committee handbook:  Training on role of commissions
            Evaluate how we do master plans - new Council project
            Set firm deadlines for completion.  Disband planning effort if not completed on deadline
6.  Overhaul City's procurement and contracting policies/procedures - new staff project 2016
7.  Convert City Recorder position to appointed - ongoing Council project – continuing the discussion of defining City Recorder duties. 
Energy & Environment
1.  CEAP - support, track, and participate in on-going process – possibly 2017 budget - cost estimate $100,000 - $1,000,000
Including implementation requirement ordinance 
2.  Update Comprehensive Plan - 2017 biennium - cost estimate $100,000 - $1,000,000
Create a plan for update or assign to a commission
3.  Revise Urban Tree Policy - public - new staff project
4.  Review Electric Utility business model in the light of climate change - new Council project
5.  Include investigate possible in-stream electric generation from the water system - included in AWAC2 (see Infrastructure)
1.  Behavior-Local Homeless-Transients [public safety; human services; economy] - ongoing Council project; if DST then 2016-17 current budget – cost estimate $60,000 - $70,000  
2.  Mid-biennium funding for unanticipated needs  
3.  Make City Council more effective
4.  Meals Tax collections and expenditures
5.  Use $100K of Room Tax money for Lithia Park maintenance - consider spring 2017
Council suggested holding this consideration for the newly elected Council to decide in 2017.
  1. Report on responses received from the Department Heads and Parks regarding three questions
Not discussed
  1. Funding the Cadet Program and jail beds rental    
Not discussed
Meeting adjourned at 8:09 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,                                                                                                          
Dana Smith
Assistant to the City Recorder

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