Agendas and Minutes

Conservation and Climate Outreach Committee (View All)

Conservation Commission Meeting

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Ashland Conservation Commission 
Meeting Minutes
April 23, 2014
Community Development Building, Siskiyou Room
51 Winburn Way
  1. Call to Order
Meeting called to order by Chair Koopman.  In attendance were Commissioners Buck, Koopman, McGinnis, Weir, Beigel-Coryell and Silverberg.  Staff Hanks was also present.
  1. Consent Agenda / Reports
The minutes of the March 26, 2014 Commission meeting and the sustainability sub-committee from April 16, 2014 were motioned for approval by Weir, with a second from Buck and approved unanimously
  1. Announcements
Chair Koopman noted that the next regular Commission meeting is scheduled for May 28, 2014.  Commissioner Weir noted that the BYOB (plastic bag ban) ordinance is scheduled for second reading on May 6, 2014
Upcoming Sub-committee meetings for May were noted, Sustainability – May 7th/ 21st .  Others to be determined later in the meeting
  1. Public Forum
Barry Smith from Extreme Energy Solutions presented an inline fuel line fuel efficiency product to the Commission and provided a packet of product information.
Vincent Smith, a professor from SOU who is leading the Green House Center for Sustainability provided the Commission with an overview of the Center and its progress towards its opening.  Some of the goals and objectives of the Center are:
  • Business incubation
  • Food production with local student distribution
  • Community gathering space
  • Sustainability education and training
  1. Reports / Presentations/Updates
Council Update
Rosenthal not in attendance
City Operations 
Hanks noted that he recently did a media interview about the sud safe car wash kit
Quarterly Report
Recycling Center Ad-Hoc
Commissioner Beigel-Coryell updated the Commission on the work of the ad-hoc recycle center committee noting that on site data collection of the users of the center had taken place over the past few weeks and the committee is awaiting the final compilation of the data to assist in developing a draft recommendation document.  The recommendation would be provided to the Commission for comment prior to it going to City Council, which is currently scheduled for June 17, 2014
Sustainability Sub-Committee
Commissioner McGinnis described the efforts of the sub-committee over the past several meetings updating the Commission on the work towards approaching the Council to adopt the STAR framework for sustainability.  McGinnis described the matrix work being done to provide Council with a working example of existing projects, activities and objectives that already fit within the matrix. 
McGinnis also outlined the potential process and phasing being discussed, which is to have Council use the framework for goal setting, devote dedicated staffing within two years and integrate the framework across departments and throughout the community.
Commissioner Koopman added that through her work with the City of Fort Collins, she saw the impact of STAR that included the City changing the structure of their organization to better fit the STAR framework.  Commissioner Beigel-Coryell noted that the framework is not all community or all city, but a combination of the two.
Commissioner Buck suggested that the Commission could use the STAR framework in their own goal setting.  Commissioner Weir noted that Fort Collins appeared to be the smallest city using STAR and it is 6-7 times larger than Ashland and wondered if the scale and capacity of STAR works with a city Ashland’s size.
McGinnis made a motion that the Commission agrees to move forward to present the STAR framework to City Council for their consideration and approval.  Commissioner Silverberg provided the second.  Weir noted for discussion that he feels there needs to be a clear plan of how the request comes to Council and what exactly is being asked.  The motion was approved unanimously.
Fourth of July Sub-Committee
Commissioner Buck updated the Commission on the plans for the Fourth of July entry in the parade, which includes walking with the Rogue Valley Peace Choir signing.  Recology has agreed to pull a 40 yard box behind one of their trucks that will have a sign stating “2013 4th of July trash filled this truck, You can make it smaller”
Buck motioned for approval of the parade concept, second from Silverberg and approved unanimously.
Conservation Awards Committee
Koopman noted that submissions will be due May 9th and the two judging panels will convene the following week.  Koopman mentioned several of the judges and asked the Commission for other names should they be needed.  The Commission agreed that the panel had a good variety of representation of the public.
Car Wash Education
Buck noted that she was interested in ensuring that the sud safe kit was available for use since the car wash season is coming.  Hanks noted again that he had just completed a TV media interview and that the scheduling and checking out of the kit was working well through the PW Dept staff and that he would make sure that the website information was current.
Rogue Valley Earth Day – Debrief
The Commission had a general discussion about their individual experiences at this year’s Earth Day and agreed to have the issue of the Commission’s future participation be an agenda item for the January or February 2015 meeting.
  1. Old Business
BYOB(Plastic Bag Ban)
Commissioner Weir updated the Commission on the results of the Council’s first reading of the ordinance on April 15th.  The only significant discussion was the proposed fee of 25 cents for the use of single use paper bags.  The Council approved by 4-3 vote that the fee be reduced to 10 cents.  Weir suggested that Commissioners speak to individual Councilors before the second reading to see if the 25 cent fee could be restored. 
The Commission discussed having Weir develop a memo with data/chart to help the Council understand the impacts of a 10 cent fee, a 15 cent fee and a 25 cent fee. Buck motioned for the Commission to approve Weir developing and distributing the memo.  McGinnis seconded and offered that the memo also include a story perspective.  The motion was unanimously approved.
7.   New Business
Chair Koopman suggested that the Commission allow two additional topics to new business in addition to the goal setting discussion; Commission vacancy and compost class assignments.  Commission agreed.
Compost Class Assignments
Scheduled McGinnis for the 9/6/14 class, Koopman for the 7/5/14 class, Silverberg for the 8/2/14 class.  The June class is still open.
Commission Goal Setting
The Commission discussed the preferred format and time, determining that rather than a weekend date or using an existing Commission meeting night that an additional evening meeting be scheduled dedicated solely to goal setting and agreed that a 5:00-8:00 schedule would work best. 
The Commission also agreed to have Koopman investigate the availability of Ken Kroker to facilitate and incorporate the STAR framework into the agenda process.  Koopman will work with Beigel-Coryell for meeting space at SOU and will email the Commissioners a tentative proposed date for the meeting in late June.
Commission Vacancy
The Commission discussed the idea of individual Commissioners being more active in searching out specific potential citizens they feel would be good candidates for the Commission.  Weir noted the importance he places on their credentials and background and McGinnis noted the benefits of personality fit.  The Commission agreed to individually work on creating more applications for the position.
8.   Wrap Up
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 by Chair Koopman

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