Agendas and Minutes

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Conservation Commission Meeting

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Ashland Conservation Commission
Meeting Minutes
6:00-8:00 pm – January 22, 2014
Community Development Building, Siskiyou Room
51 Winburn Way
  1. Call to Order
Chair Weir called the meeting to order at 6:00.  In attendance were Commissioners Buck, Weir, Beam, Hartman, Silverberg, Gould and Koopman, Staff Liaison Hanks.
  1. Consent Agenda / Reports
Minutes for the December  18th meeting were deferred to the February 26th meeting
  1. Announcements
Next Regular Commission Meeting is February 26, 2014. Upcoming Sub-committee meetings includes the Sustainability sub-committee on the first and third Wednesdays at 2:00 in the Siskiyou Room, the Conservation Competition/Awards subcommittee (time TBA) and the BYOB sub-committee on February 5 at 3:45 at Recology offices.
Other Announcements from Commissioners – Buck noted that the Master Recycler class registration is open for 2014.
  1. Public Forum
Louise Shawcat spoke about the storm drain report to the Commission from the December meeting noting that improved education to the public on not sweeping leaves and other materials into the street would be helpful.  She also noted that the schedule for street sweeping in residential areas could be increased and parked cars pose an obstacle.  Shawcat also noted that water conservation efforts such as not offering water at restaurants and signage for showers at the YMCA would be helpful.
  1. Reports / Presentations
Council Report- Councilor Rosenthal- Councilor Rosenthal was not in attendance and Chair Weir noted that the new Council liaison appointments had been made by Mayor Stromberg and Councilor Mike Morris is the new liaison for the Conservation Commission.  Gould motioned (Buck second) to send Rosenthal a card of appreciation for his time and efforts with the Commission.  The motion was passed unanimously and Weir noted that the Commission really appreciated Rosenthal’s time with the Commisison.
Road Diet Update Report
Public Works Director Mike Faught provided an overview of the Road Diet report utilizing the materials provided in the Commission’s meeting packet that was originally provided to the City Council as part of their discussion and ultimate approval of maintaining the land configuration at their meeting on December 3, 2013.
Faught reviewed the original criteria, the public input processes used to assist the Council in their decision making and noted that the project was funded with $15,000 of City funds and the remainder from a State grant. 
Among discussion with Commission members, Faught noted that a design criteria was that no permanent structures be installed to give the City maximum flexibility/temporary re-configuration of the use of the road for events, emergencies, etc and also noted that Council directed Staff to incorporate a few modification to the existing configuration to address some of the concerns from the public as part of the public process that Staff also agreed were improvements.
City Operations – Hanks
Deferred to February
Quarterly Report – ASD/Hartman
Deferred to February
Recycling Center Ad-Hoc – Beam and Beigel-Coryell
Hanks noted that the Committee is scheduled for their first meeting February 6 at 3:00
  1. Old Business
Conservationist of the Year Awards Committee – Koopman provided an update/overview of the sub-committee development of the awards competition for 2014 and provided the Commission with a draft flyer to approve for distribution.  Koopman noted that they have agreement with OSF to give the awards and have the winning entry present their event at the “Green” Green show in June along with an OSF selected short event relating to sustainability.
Koopman noted that she will work with Hartman to ensure distribution of flyer to the schools.  Koopman also outlined a proposed budget for the awards of
$500 to OSF for the Green Show
$200 for the ice cream party to the winning class
$150 for printing of materials
$50 for the plaque for the winners on the Conservationist of the Year Awards board.
Gould motioned for approval of the budget (Buck second).  Approved unanimously.  Gould motioned for approval of the flyer (Hartman second) with edits as discussed and submitted to staff by Koopman with the Green becomes mainstream or without, depending on final staff determination of its allowable use. Motion passed unanimously.
  1. New Business
Ashland Garden Club–Sponsorship Recommendation Request – Chair Weir suggested that the Commission review the Commission ideas for “next step” actions for the Garden Club to agree to complete in conjunction with a Commission recommendation for the even sponsorship being requested.   Hanks noted that he would pull the minutes from last year’s request and include them in the February meeting packet for the Commission’s review and final decision. 
Ashland Storm Drain Downtown Pilot – Commissioner Beam described the six week downtown storm drain inlet inventory and study.  The project consisted of three curbside storm drain inlets where fabric filters were installed to collect materials that would otherwise enter the storm drain system and ultimately into Ashland and Bear Creeks.
Beam noted that all materials were collected each week with the assistance of Public Works – Street Division staff and provided the Commission with photos of the weekly collections.  Beam concluded that the primary tool utilized to successfully minimize material infiltration of the storm drain system is the weekly street sweeping done by the City and lauded the City’s efforts in that regard.
Commissioner Gould motioned to have Beam present the study to Mayor Stromberg and to repeat the study in summer to identify any possible seasonal differences.  Buck second, all moved in favor.
Fourth of July Sub-Committee – Commissioner Buck asked the Commissioners to volunteer for the sub-committee to prepare for the Commission’s involvement in the annual parade and celebration.  Commissioners Buck, Biegel-Coryell, Weir and Silverberg volunteered to serve.  Buck announced the first meeting would take place January 27.
Buck also asked for the Commission to confirm their support for the 2014 compost class so she could coordinate with the Parks Dept for inclusion in their quarterly class guide.  After Commission discussion of different class types, Commissioner Koopman motioned to approve four compost classes and recommended funding to offset instructor costs of $150.  Beam provided the second and all voted in favor.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00

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