Agendas and Minutes

Historic Preservation Advisory Committee (View All)

Historic Commission Regular Meeting

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Meeting Minutes

April 3, 2013

Community Development/Engineering Services Building – 51 Winburn Way – Siskiyou Room
Historic Commissioners Present:  Allison Renwick, Tom Giordano, Dale Shostrom, Ally Phelps, Keith Swink, Victoria Law, Sam Whitford, Kerry Kencairn
Commission Members Absent: Terry Skibby
Council Liaison: Greg Lemhouse
High School Liaison: None Appointed
SOU Liaison: None Appointed
Staff Present: Staff Liaison: Amy Gunter; Clerk:  Billie Boswell

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  The minutes of the March 6, 2013 Historic Commission meeting were reviewed  Mr. Whitford made a motion to approve the minutes as presented.  Ms. Phelps seconded the motion and the motion was approved unanimously.

COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT:  Greg Lemhouse reported that the City Council had approved its goals, including the one that the Historic Commission had put forward.  The Council also expressed support for Ashland becoming part of the Rogue Valley Heritage District Levy which would be on the 2014 ballot.  Mr. Lemhouse also spoke of the Plaza remodel and invited everyone to the dedication on Friday, April 5th at 5:00pm.  There was consensus that it greatly improved the look and function of the public space.
PLANNING ACTION:          2013-00308                                        
OWNERS:            Spartan Properties LLC.
APPLICANT:        Kistler, Small, White Architecture       
DESCRIPTION:   A request for a Commercial Site Review, Physical and Environmental Constraints Review and Water Resource Protection Zone Permit approval to construct a 5,000 square foot, two-story commercial structure and parking lot, located at 5 B Street. The property is subject to the Physical Constraints and Water Resource permits due to the location of the FEMA Floodway for Ashland Creek. The applicant has requested an Exception to Street Standards for the sidewalks along B and Water Streets. The existing approximately 1,000 square foot concrete block building on the site is proposed to be demolished to allow for the new construction. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Employment; ZONING: E-1; ASSESSOR’S MAP/TAX LOTS: 39 1E 09BB 15800.
Chairman Shostrom confirmed that there was no conflict of interest or exparte contact.  Ms. Gunter explained that the property was within the Water Resources Protection Zone, and the Detail Site and Historic Design Standards overlay which restricts development of portions of the site.  She also commented that this was originally the Chinese Laundry site and the applicants were willing to consider have a historical marker installed.  Ms. Gunter said staff feels it meets standards but are recommending the street be landscaped with a stop sign and street light.  There were no further questions of staff.
The applicants, Ray Kistler, architect, and Ed Bemis, contractor, described the building and its use as general office space.  They detailed the materials being used such as block on the base, aluminum store front windows, and steel channel between floors.  They also described a seat wall that would run from inside to outside.  The building would have a Zincalume standing seam roof.  Mr. Giordano asked about the removal of the Cedar tree.  Ms. Gunter said the Tree Commission and Staff recommended removing it.  Ms. Kencairn added that it was in a bad location that would interfere with the ADA access.  Ms. Law confirmed that no excavation would be done around the creek.
Chairman Shostrom felt the building was nice looking and a good design.  He asked if a steeper roof could be accommodated.  Mr. Bemis explained that little of the roof would be visible from the public areas.  Mr. Kistler said 3’ to 8’ could be an option.  Ms. Law asked if they could be careful about saving any historic artifacts that might turn up during digging and construction.  Mr. Bemis said he would speak to the owner about it.. 
There being no one in the audience wishing to comment, the public hearing was closed.
Ms. Gunter said she would write an option for the roof pitch in the findings.
Ms. Kencairn made a motion to recommend approving the plans. The motion was seconded by Mr. Swink and it passed unanimously.
PLANNING ACTION:          PA-2013-00366                                  
SUBJECT PROPERTY:     57 North Main Street
APPLICANT:                       Jamie North/Mix Sweet Shop
DESCRIPTION:                  A request for a Site Review approval to modify the entrance of Mix Sweet Shop at 57 North Main Street in order to add a recessed vestibule and relocate the existing door and transom so that the door will open outward, in the direction of egress.  The Site Review is triggered by the exterior modification to the building.
Chairman Shostrom confirmed that there was no conflict of interest or exparte contact.  Ms. Gunter said the building was registered on the Historic National Register and has been in continuous use since 1880.  Due to the remodel of the interior of building, exiting requirements from the Secretary of Interior dictate that the door must swing out.  In order to accomplish this, the applicant plans to recess the existing door and transom to allow room for the door to swing out.  This will expose the brick columns as they were originally.  The outside stairwell cannot be used because it is on City property.
Jamie North, the business owner, explained that they needed a larger production area for the bakery portion of the shop which would be located downstairs. The upstairs kitchen would be removed and additional seating installed. Mr. Comte, the building owner, stated he did not support the change to the front door.  He felt since the building had fire sprinklers they would be sufficient.  Several Commissioners explained they did not have the authority to overrule the Building Official and the Fire Marshal on this type of Life/Safety issue, but they did support the change and felt that it would not degrade the historical significance of the building.
There being no one in the audience wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed.
Ms. Phelps made a motion to recommend approval for the project.  Ms. Renwick seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Historic Markers Subcommittee Report:  Ms. Gunter said they planned on a Hub and Spokes design for the Historic Markers system where the Hub would explain the significance of the area and then direct folks to the specific markers placed on buildings and sites of interest.  The new building at 4th & A Street could be a potential Hub for the Railroad District and Evo’s as a Hub for the Siskiyou/Hargadine area.  Amy will be writing it up with maps for presentation to the Council.  Mr. Lemhouse shared that free WiFi will be available on the Plaza.  The design of the plaques is still being developed.
A.  Review Board Schedule
April 4th Terry, Keith, Ally
April 11th Terry, Kerry, Ally
April 18th Terry, Tom, Allison
April 25th Terry, Victoria, Sam
May 2nd Terry, Dale, Allison              
May 9th Terry, Keith,
B.  Project Assignments for Planning Actions
BD-2011-01029 400 Allison (Robin Biermann) New SFR  (under construction) Whitford/Renwick
BD-2011-01079 134 Terrace (Allman) New SFR (under construction) Whitford
BD-2011-00621 89 Oak St (Amorotico) New façade on building (under construction) Shostrom
BD-2012-01330 117 Eighth St (McKinney) New ARU  (under construction) Renwick
BD-2013-00256 175 Lithia Wy (First Place Partners)  3-story mixed use building (in review) Giordano
PA-2012-01737 111 Coolidge (Wallace) 4 Accessory Units Shostrom
BD-2013-00093 108 Second (Dudley Rood) CUP and Solar Waiver for 2nd story unit (in review) Shostrom
PA-2013-00081 245 Van Ness (Nate Witemburg & Brint Borgilt) Addition Kencairn
PA-2013-00003 207 Enders Alley (Dresher) conversion to motel unit Swink
PA-2013-00366 57 N Main St. (North) Mix Sweet Shop entry door Phelps
PA-2013-00308 5 B Street (Spartan Properties) New Comm Bldg Phelps
Historic Preservation Week – Ms. Boswell shared that the award letters were being prepared to mail out to the Winners.  Still need information about the activities for the brochure.
Ms. Kencairn asked about the Commission giving recognition to the Landscape Architects and the work they do to protect historic landscapes.  Questions were asked about the criteria and how the Commission would know about who worked on what projects.  The consensus of the Commission was to add an award to the Landscape Architects that worked on the current award winner’s properties for this year.  They agreed to discuss at a future meeting what the criteria would be for a nomination.  Greg Covey and Kerry Kencairn were added to honor at this year’s ceremony.
Chairman Shostrom and Ms. Boswell will meet with Deluxe Awning to make selections for a new banner to hang over Main St.  It will be more generic without dates or theme information.  This should greatly reduce the cost to have the banner redone each year.
Next meeting is scheduled for May 8, 2013.
It was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m.

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