Agendas and Minutes

Airport Committee (View All)

Airport Commission Regular Meeting Minutes 2/1/2011

Tuesday, February 01, 2011



February 1st, 2010









Visitors:  Chris Adams, Jerry Fullstone


1.            CALL TO ORDER: 9:30 AM


2.            APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January 4th 2010, motion by Hendrickson for approval, second by Skillman, unanimous vote, minutes approved as written.  


Additional Items:  None


3.            Public Forum: No comments



A.       AIP Project Engineering Design/Connect III: Fleury informs Commission that it has given Knife River Materials a partial notice to proceed so they may begin ordering long lead time items with regards to the construction of the Runway Rehab. These long lead time items include the PAPI’s and other electrical equipment. A full notice to proceed will be given at a time that the City, Reid Middleton and Knife River feel is best to start the project with respect to trending weather conditions. Fleury will contact Knife River regarding a preliminary schedule for construction to distribute to Commission and Airport users. Commission questions if gross landing single wheel weight will change with runway rehabilitation? Fleury to contact consultant and find out if rating will change. Commission also asks about material removal from site and if the City would be able to use the asphalt to grind in order to place in dirt areas existing around old closed and open T-hangars? Fleury to discuss with Knife River and find out about keeping asphalt material to grind and place in specified locations.

B.         FBO Management –Skinner lease: The city and Skinner still need to meet and discuss lease items for clarification. Zeve asks if there is anything the Commission can do to help in the process or speed it along. Fleury states that an email or phone call to Faught can help move the process forward. Zeve to contact Faught and discuss the FBO lease clarification items.

C.       Commission Goals: Commission welcomes new Council liaison Dennis Slattery and reviews its City Council goal addition statement to update the Airport Zoning Code for Airport appropriate development. Slattery states that as part of his background he does have a pilots license and aviation related experience. The Commission will do its best to bring Councilor Slattery up to speed on the Airport goings on and members are always available to answer any questions that come up.


5.    NEW BUSINESS:   

A.    Good Neighbor Policy: Zeve asks if Brim Aviation has been trained on how to update the SuperAwos with a message regarding any helicopter training operations that will occur. Skinner states they have not been trained in its use, but it should only take 15 minutes to give them a once through on the operation of the SuperAwos. Skinner states the FBO has received a few complaints recently regarding helicopter noise. It appears that Brim Aviation was doing some FAA certifications and was repeatedly flying out towards Pompador causing some residents to call the FBO office. Skinner spoke with Brim Aviation and they changed their pattern to reduce impact to neighbors on Pompador.

B.      CAP Lease: Chris Adams and Jerry Fullstone are Ashland CAP member s in attendance to discuss lease renewal options with the City and Commission. Adams drafted a letter response to Commission and hands out copies for their review. Skinner asks Adams about a possible sublease of the hangar by another entity that would allow the CAP to generate some revenue towards needed hangar repairs and that would also allow the CAP to have access to the hangar for meetings and any required operations? Adams is in favor of the idea, but needs to investigate the option and legal issues regarding subleasing a governmental owned property. Wolske explains to Adams that the Commission believes that the CAP is a benefit to the community at large, but that their presence at the Airport seems to be minimal if any and the Commission would like to see more of a CAP presence on sight. Zeve asks if the CAP can justify its existence at the Airport with minimal membership? Bender believes that the Commission should error on the side of assisting the CAP with regards to the lease because the benefits of an onsite CAP outweigh the drawbacks. Adams states that yes current membership is down and the Commission is correct in expressing validity towards CAP and its ability to justify its presence at the Airport, but as with most things there is an ebb and flow with memberships. Adams has seen members come and go over the years and is always trying to recruit new members for the Ashland senior group. DeBoer states that as long as CAP has any volunteers they are a benefit to the city and community. DeBoer motions: Change the lease to move “in-kind service” up to the top of the lease requirements with specific money items secondary, CAP should report and inform Commission of its goings on quarterly, the CAP should sublease the hangar if appropriate and allowed and the CAP should transfer ownership of the hangar to the City if it is ever determined that an Ashland based CAP is no longer practical or viable. Motion 2nd by Hendrickson, Zeve opposes motion, but all other attending members approve. Motion passes.

C.    Rate Analysis: Fleury gives the Commission a heads up that the January 2010 CPI-U will be released February 17th and at that point Fleury can update existing lease rates. Fleury will also bring updated rate information to the next meeting so the Commission can make a rental rate increase recommendation to the Council for approval of July 1st, 2011 to June 30th 2012 rates.



A.                Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner informs Commission of water leak at FBO building that has been repaired by the City. There is a water credit that exceeds normal on the FBO monthly report due to the leak. Skinner also informs Commission that a security camera system has been purchased and delivered. The system is a Samsung stand along 22” monitor with 4 cameras. Skinner would like to discuss camera location for installation with Commission. Commission agrees that Skinner, Fleury and Peters from facilities maintenance can setup the system and place the cameras in the best locations. Skinner also states there are approximately 4-6 people who would like power in their hangars. The hangar section in question is the old set of closed hangars. Skinner states that the City previously installed a 10 pack meter set in the back of the old open T-hangars for users to tie into to gain access to power and wonders if the City plans the same installation for the old set of closed hangars? Fleury states it is the City’s intention to install another service pack at the back of the closed hangars that will allow all hangar renters to install power to their hangars if they so choose. Fleury informs Skinner that Dave Tygerson with the City of Ashland’s Electric Department will be the point of contact for electrical meter items.


B.                  Maintenance Updates – none


C.                Brown Bag: Zeve states that he has not received an email regarding future brown bag meetings in a while, but will contact Diana in the Administration Department to find out if they will continue.


D.                 Transportation Commission: Wolske states that he feels there is very little to no presence in the TSP update with regards to aviation. He feels they should place some importance on a connection from the Airport to the City as a number of tourists fly into Ashland during the season. Commission agrees with his sentiments. They state he should bring this issue up with the TSP commission. Wolske would like to backup information to validate his case. Fleury to forward the ODA impact study regarding Ashland Airport to Wolske. The impact study contains important financial information regarding the benefits of the Airport on the local and surrounding economies.


E.                  Medford Airport Update-Bender informs Commission that the Airport Master Plan update has begun and the kickoff meeting recently took place. He also states that Medford is continuously working with carriers to expand service at the airport. Bender to discuss in detail with Bern Case options for use by Ashland Airport users during the runway closure for construction. The Commission would be thankful if Medford could assist Ashland’s users with reduced or eliminated tie down fees during the full closure period for the runway rehabilitation.


7.    OTHER:

The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.


8.    NEXT MEETING DATE:  March 1st, 9:30 AM


ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:21

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