Agendas and Minutes

Conservation and Climate Outreach Committee (View All)

Conservation Commission Monthly Meeting 09/22/2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

6 p.m. – September 22, 2010
CommunityDevelopment Center

Chairperson McGinnis called the meeting to order at 6:03.

Stuart Corns, Sheri Cellini, Steve DiFabion, Ross Finney, Shelley Lotz, Jim McGinnis and David Runkel were present.
Risa Buck and Jim Hartman were not present.

City Council Liaison: Carol Voison,
Staff Representative: Larry Giardina, Mary McClary

Chairperson McGinnis asked for approval of the minutes for August 25, 2010.

Commissioner Finney announced he was not present at the last meeting.
There were spelling errors that were corrected.
Draft goal number 7: changed to read, Input from the Commission as a member of the Water Master Plan Team.
Commissioner Finney made a motion to approve the minutes as amended, Commission Corns seconded the motion.
Voice Vote: All Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
No speakers.
Next Meeting- October 27, 2010.

Commissioner Lotz announced the Rogue Valley Green and Solar Tour in Medford will be held on October 2, 2010.
She is working on a green team for one of those projects

Steve DiFabion announced Plastic Round-Up will be held on October 8th and 9th at the expo, and Ashland armory, both locations on both days.

A. Walnut Street, Water Issues
Commission Cellini brought up a frustration viewpoint from a citizen’s perspective, and as a Commission their might be something we could do to help reduce the water waste.
Councilor Voison and Mike Faught, the Public Works Director went to view the situation, and Mr. Faught was able to communicate with the citizens about controlling the water or there could be some fines according to a City ordinance.
B. Pre-Paid Leaf Bag Subsidy
Steve DiFabion presented the history of the subsidy when the Commission contributed in the past. He also explained the program and the actual costs associated with providing the discounted bags. Public Works has donated $500.00 in the past, and he is asking this Commission to contribute $300.00.
Since last year, the bags ran out within a few days out of the one week they were sold, and he assumes there will be an increase this year also. He is prepared to offer an additional $500.00 to the project so no one is unable to participate. Recology will pick up the bags curbside, and then they are transported to Dry Creek. In addition Recology is offering an additional free leaf Sunday, which brings the total to 3 at the recycle center.

Commissioner Cellini made a motion to allocate $300.00 for the prepaid leaf bag subsidy. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lotz.
Voice Vote: All Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
C. Rate Based Recycling
Set aside for next month Risa

Draft Goals
The members discussed which Commissioner would do which goal and their action items plus their time line.
1.  Sustainable Planning
         a. Specific recommendations for how to develop a sustainable plan engaging the
             City Commissions.
         b. Reporting to the City Council in January in time for their Goal Setting
               Interested Commissioners: Jim McGinnis, Shelley Lotz, Stuart Corns
                         Time Line:
                                Oct- prelim report, Nov/Dec for recommendation, Jan to Council

2. Green Building
        a. Research now what is happening in the City and State
        b. Promote educational outreach to citizens
        c. Draft ordinances for City
                 Interested Commissioners: David Runkel, Shelley Lotz, Sheri Cellini
                         Time Line:
                              April/May for Educational outreach proposal
3. Conservation Department
     a. Specific recommendations for energy conservation programs implementation and
     b. Promote restaurant hospitality initiative program
                    Interested Commissioners: Ross Finney, David Runkel, Larry Giardina,
                                     Time Line: a) January initial report
                                                       b) Nov/Dec rpt hospitality
4. Water Conservation
     a. Support the Curb to Creek program
     b. Research use of grey water and water catchment
     c. Support in bags for leaf cleanup
               Interested Commissioners: Risa Buck, Stuart Corns, David Runkel
                     Time Line: a)-completed by end of year; early 2011
                                      b)-to be determined
                                      c) - in progress

5. Climate Change
    a. Write a letter of support to have free education to the Commissions
    b. City updates of Climate changes and outreach
    c. Public median and letters to the editor
           Interested Commissioners: Jim McGinnis, Jim Hartman, Stuart Corns, Carol Voison
                     Time Line: a)-March
                                      c)- Begin in April
6. Public Outreach
    a. Event recognizing Conservation Heroes
    b. RVTV once a month
    c. Web page
    d. City Source.
            Interested Commissioners: David Runkel, Shelly Lotz, Sheri Cellini
                Time Line: a)-Proposal in October
                                 d)-send month in advance
7. Water Master Plan
     a. Input from the Commission as a member of the Water Master Plan Team.
                   Interested Commissioners: Jim McGinnis
                        Time Line:  
                            a)-To be determined

Chairperson McGinnis would like to create a Matrix for the Goals and Time Line.

QUARTERLY LIAISON REPORTS (SOU, Ashland School District, Conservation Department & Recology)
Commissioner Corns reported for Southern Oregon University.
In the Sierra Club magazine, SOU was ranked 99 out of 162 for the greenest school. SOU will form sustainability subcommittees to concentrate on improving all the different areas. The Stars Program is a way to measure how well they are doing, and then they can try to improve their ranking.

Custodial services will be switching over to more green products, and also they want to create better recycling programs.
SOU is talking to Bonneville Power about offsetting their power usage. They would like to offset electricity and gas power used.
SOU has recently contacted Robbin Pearce to be evaluated for Green Business program.

Ashland School District will report next month.

Chairperson McGinnis asked to place discussion for the Recycling Center Plaque on the October agenda.

Commissioner Runkel remarked about the educational brochure for the restaurants promoting appliance
incentives for selecting higher efficiency standards and replace existing appliances.
In addition Conservation had an intern work on the promotion and actual applications.
In November Larry Giardina and Commissioner Runkel would like to approach the Chamber of Commerce.
The incentive payments that were developed by Bonneville and Avista has a similar brochure for gas appliances.

Larry Giardina talked about the proposal to the Council to change the solar incentive program and also
change the net metering policy. The state has put a restriction on tax credits, so we are discussing
changing to a production contract where we pay more for the energy.

Chairperson McGinnis would like to put on the agenda items when the subcommittees have reports instead of listing each subcommittee on every agenda.

The Oregon Sustainability Board meeting will be held at Harry and David tomorrow morning beginning at 9am. They will be working on a new eco system services effort, the Governor’s sustainability award, sustainable Oregon pool initiative and agricultural culture and rural subcommittees.

Chairperson Mcginnis adjourned the meeting.
7:45 pm.


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