Agendas and Minutes

City Council (View All)

Study Session

Wednesday, April 04, 2001

April 4, 2001 - 12:00 pm
Council Chambers, 1175 East Main Street

Mayor DeBoer called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m.

Councilors Laws, Reid, Fine, and Hanson were present
Staff present: City Administrator Greg Scoles, Public Works Director Paula Brown

Public Works Director Paula Brown briefly explained that, for the past 18 months, staff had been developing a system to evaluate the condition of all City streets. The City adopted the Army Corps of Engineers' standards for pavement management and has applied it through Cartegraph, a software program.

Steve Burkhalter and John Peterson, the project team from the Public Works Street Department, presented the Pavement Management Analysis, which was a collection of information on the entire network of City roads. The network was divided into two sections, and then into individual segments according to type of asphalt and length of a street. Collected data (history, geometrics, surface distress) provided information on common roadway distresses, structural, design, and environmental failures, number of segments in the network with cracking, transverse and linear cracking, and alligatoring. The progression of deterioration and types of repair for these distresses were outlined and explained. Preventive maintenance, rehabilitation and reconstruction methods were explained, including options for correcting streets identified in the analysis. The analysis is the final step in the process of determining the Pavement Condition Rating (PCI) and recommending cost and method of repairs. Graphs indicating pavement classifications, current age of network, pavement condition ranges, number of segments needing repair, maintenance vs. repair, and feasible repair types were presented.

Brown explained the cost deterioration curve, which is the typical condition of a segment of pavement, will drop 40% within the first 75% of its life. This explains why it is a better investment to allocate funds to maintain a segment before it reaches the threshold in which costs dramatically increase. Brown clarified that the analysis for the projected budget was $235,000, and outlined the amount of work that could be completed. The money comes from the State through gas tax funds and Street fees. Another $100,000 would be received from State Transportation Program funds, which would be used for the reconstruction of streets. Graphs were presented illustrating recommended repairs. Continued funding would be required to maintain the street network. The current condition of the network average has an Over all Condition Rating (OCI) of 79, but at the expected budget level, the network rating is expected to fall to 75 after five years and to 70 after ten years. The target range would be to maintain the current rating, and never drop below 75. To keep the rating at 79, it would require $500,000 per year for the next five years, and then the fund could be reduced. The street budget is typically $800,000 to $1 million, of which $240,000 is used for maintenance. Other than overlays and large street projects, City staff does most street repairs. Brown did not feel that $235,000 a year was enough to maintain the streets. Once a street is allowed to fall below an OCI of 70, it will take even more money to bring it back up to where it belongs. After streets that are in the worst condition are repaired, their OCI will be 80 or more, which then raises the overall City rating. Brown agreed to continue refining the costs and bring the council a 5-7 year maintenance and capital plan.

Mayor DeBoer explained that he received a letter from the City of Medford, who passed a resolution urging the State not to enact deregulation. Reid shared some background on restructuring (deregulation), which is different from the deregulation that took place in California. There has been a movement, lead in part by the Mayor of Salem, to stop restructuring. Fine felt there was no reason to enter into the fray. Hartzell felt that more information was needed before any decision could be made. Laws felt that it was better to offer support to the League of Oregon Cities and the position they take.

Scoles noted that a fuel cell technology presentation had been scheduled for May 2.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Christensen, City Recorder/Treasurer

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