Agendas and Minutes

Conservation and Climate Outreach Committee (View All)

Regular Monthly Conservation Commission Mtg 01/28/2009

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


7 p.m. – January 28, 2009

Community Development Center


Chairperson Jackson welcomed everyone, Welcome everyone

Pleasure to be with the group


The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jackson.

Risa Buck, Russ Chapman, Stuart Corns, Ross Finney, Jim Hartman, Shelley Lotz, Jim McGinnis were present.
Tracy Harding and was not present and excused.
City Council member and Chair: Kate Jackson
Staff representative: Dick Wanderscheid


Commissioner Jackson moved to approve the minutes for December 10, 2008.

 Corrections to the minutes: 
Commissioner Hartman remarked plastic bag and shrink wrap collection should be changed to Bottle Bill Expansion.

 Commissioner Buck moved to approve the minutes of December 10, 2008 with the corrected heading change and Commissioner Finney seconded the motion.

.Voice Vote: All Ayes.  The motion passed with a unanimous vote.


No one present to speak.


 Commissioner Buck updated the Commission for the month.

The recycling center days of operation will change and be open Tuesday through Saturday and now closed  Sunday and Monday.
The electronics recycling has been impressive, with Ashland Sanitary             providing recycling free for all electronics.  Beginning January 1, 2009, the state mandates recycling of computers, monitors, TV’s and Ashland Sanitary is still offering free recycling of electronics up to seven times a day

From July 08 – Dec 08 there was 36.9 tons of material collected.  For the same time period 325 pounds of ink jets, cartridges, itoners and cell phones were also collected.
2 tons of material was collected in three months for shrink wrap and plastic bags.
In 2007 the number of hits on the Ashland Web site was 16,920 and in 2008 the number of hits reached 36,264.

The Boy Scout Christmas tree pick up happened on January 10, and collected more than 1,400 trees.

We have 4 worm bins left.

Hazardous Waste Collection day will be May 1 & 2 in White City, check web site for updated information.

Latex Paint collection day will be at the Valley View Transfer Station on April 17 & 18 for residential.

Bottle Mania will be Thursday, April 2 at SOU.

Mater Recyclers 2nd training will begin in March and they are currently accepting applications.  For more information you may contact Rianna Signs at 776-7371.

Commissioner Buck announced she would be out of town for the next meeting on February 25.

 ClearMax Discussion
Commissioner Buck updated the Commission regarding the ClearMax project.  She ordered 2 containers, one is for Standing Stone Brewery and the second for the Parks Department.  The Boy Scouts will be the first organization collecting the materials and each container will be worth  approximately $8-$9.

Commissioner Buck asked the Commission if they would like to monetarily support this project by helping with the cost of the insert signage and thereby their name would be listed on the signs.

The Commission discussed supporting this project and creating a physical presence in the community.  Commissioner chapman would bring a mock up design to the next meeting and this item would be placed under old business.

Resolution for changes to Conservation Commission
Mr. Wanderscheid reported to the Commission there was a sub-committee to the City Council that was looking into all the Committees and Commissions and recommending changes.

Included in the report were recommendations summarized below:
1)     The council liaison participate In Commission discussions, but not permitted to vote because Commissions exist to advise Council and recommendations from Commissions to counsil must be approved by a full counsil therefore allowing a voting counsil liaison to vote twice.

Council Liaison should not chair the meetings because they guide the discussion and direction for the Commission and are primary liaison for staff and counsel. This duel position would be in conflict.

The Commissions should elect a chair and vice-chair each January.

Minutes will be taken by staff.

Staff will include a budget report at each meeting.

Mr. Wanderscheid asked the Commission members if they wanted to change the ordinance so the Commission is 9 appointed people and the Counsil Liaison just serves as a Liaison. 

The members discussed different aspects of this issue including the Councilor’s role at the meetings, their commitment to the Commission, leadership, and constant presence at all meetings.  The three options for change would be:


1)     Follow the Council’s sub-committee recommendation and add a voting person.

2)     Keep councilor as a member, but they can not serve chair.

3)     Keep councilor as member, they may serve as chair, with a new vote each January

for a new chair.


Council Liaison Jackson explained the sub-committee reasoning

behind their recommendations:

They wanted the Commissions to operate independently to not be

overly influenced. The Council is using them as an advisory body and

one councilor should not be a big part of that advisory body.


The members discussed the council’s representation within the



Commissioner Hartman moved that the Council Liaison not automatically become the Chair of this Commission, but they would be a voting member of the Commission and could be elected to the Chair like all the other members.  Commissioner Chapman seconded the motion.


No further discussion.


Individual Poll vote:


Russ Chapman-Yes

Ross Finney-Yes

Risa Buck-Yes

Jim Hartman-Yes

Stuart Corns-Yes

Shelley Lotz- Yes

Kate Jackson-No

Jim McGinnis-No


Motion Passed.




Name Change for Commission

Commissioner McGinnis wanted to clarify, this area was not necessary about changing the Commission’s name, but revisiting the Charter.


The members reviewed the Charter as written and Commissioner McGinnis would like to spend some time reviewing the Charter and make sure it is in alignment with the Commission.


Commissioner Finney suggested a retreat instead of taking time from the monthly meetings to revisit our charter and decide on annual goals.

1)     Review Charter

2)     How Commission applies to the Charter

3)     Commission goals for 2009

 Commission decided to meet for retreat on Saturday March 7, 2009 fro 10-4pm.


Commission Display

The Commissioners wanted to update the display for presentation at Earth Day and discussed

different topics for the display.  Also the Commissioners talked about updating the brochures.

Sub-Committee Reports
Green Business Committe
This sub-committee met today prior to Conservation Commission meeting.  The team has recpgmozed 7 green businesses and in the process with 8 additional for total of 15 businesses that will be recognized for 2008.

Beginning March the Team will begin with 6 new businesses.  Reported about the Natural Step process. Commissioner Lotz would like to join this sub-committee.

July 4th Committee/2008 Event-

The event was successful last year and there seems to be enough interest to plan for another event.

Plastic Bag/Non-Petroleum Dinnerware Committee-
Commissioner Chapman read the following advertisement he would like to put into print:
The City of Ashland’s conservation commission would like to thank the Ashland businesses who, without a legal mandate, stepped up and developed an approach to limit or eliminated the use of carry out bags.  A grateful community appreciates your efforts.

 The Commission decided to bring it back for the next agenda with art work and/or a proof.

Education Committee-
Already reported

Cities for Climate Protection Committee-

Commissioner McGinnis reported the sub-committee is going to look at greenhouse baseline information.


Budget Review-
Already reported.

Compost Classes/Incentives for bins.

Commissioner Buck wanted to discuss the situation arising with the cost of compost bins, suggesting citizens compensating for part of the purchases.  This item will be put on the next agenda under old business. 


Commissioner McGinnis
and Councilor Jackson attended a meeting for International Cities for Climate Change and Commissioner McGinnis asked to be reimbursed for the gas and entry fee.

Commissioner Finney made a motion to compensate Commissioner McGinnis for his conference fee and gas costs to attend the conference.  Also he stated we allow 10 minutes under the subcommittee for a report associated with the conference.

The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hartman.

Voice Vote: All Ayes.  The motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Commissioner Corns reported to the Commission about the SOU sustainability initiative.  Serious effects are being made within the University structure to assess the amount of energy and water they consume and how they can reduce the consumption.


SOU is hoping to gear some new projects toward energy management with some of the appropriated Legislature money.  As a project manager he helps to recycle and sustain as much of the materials replaced as possible within our community.


Commissioner Buck remarked about Standing Stone Brewery has an educational display about reduce, reuse, recycle, renew.



Next Meeting- February 25, 2009



9:06 pm.




Text Box: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone number is 1-800-735-2900).  Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title1).



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