Agendas and Minutes

Conservation and Climate Outreach Committee (View All)

Conservation Commission Mtg 03/22/06

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Conservation Commission
These Minutes were approved by Conservation Commission at the April 26, 2006 Conservation Commission Meeting.

March 22, 2006– 7:00 pm
Community Development Building
51 Winburn Way
Chairperson Amarotico called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Development Building.
Attendees: Russ Chapman, Ross Finney, Jim Hartman, and Paige Prewett. Charles Bennett, Carol Carlson, Stuart Corns, and Joanne Krippaehne were absent.
City Council Liaison: Alex Amarotico
Staff Liaison: Robbin Pearce

Chairperson Amarotico asked for an approval of the February 22, 2006 minutes.
Commissioner Chapman corrected balance of the grant to Ashland Sanitary was $679.00, not $685.00.
Commissioner Chapman made a motion to approve the minutes of February 22, 2006 with stated corrections and Commissioner Finney seconded the motion.
Voice vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.

The minutes of the Conservation Commission Meeting of February 22, 2006 were approved with stated corrections.

Chairperson Amarotico asked the Commission to introduce themselves to the guests present, Dave Wilkerson, Risa Buck, Katheryn Hauser and Huelz Gutcheon.
Huelz Gutcheon spoke to the Commission regarding his goals of teaching and ongoing zero net energy, solar home design class and to be sponsored by the Conservation. His hope is that there will be other people available to teach other related subjects. He also spoke of zero net energy, 100% self efficient, not just the earth advantage density bonus of 15%. He also spoke of portable air quality monitors that are now on the market for 3-5,000 dollars.
Risa Buck spoke to the Commission regarding the upcoming SOU event, May 17, 2006 in the SOU arena beginning at 7:30pm featuring Elizabeth Rote the author of Garbage Land on the Secret Trail of Trash. The members discussed the recent field trip to Dry Creek, Bio Mass and the transfer station.
Commissioner Finney made a motion to support the Garbage Land Event at SOU union, Friday May 19th with a donation of $250.00. Commission Hartman seconded the motion.
Voice vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
Ms. Buck reported to the Commission, Elizabeth Rote will be at 3 events during May:
May 18, reading at Bloomsbury Books
May 19, 9-10 am Jefferson daily at Jefferson Public Radio
May 19, 7:30pm at the SOU arena
Ms. Buck also offered the Conservation Commission a table at the event.
Ms. Buck asked about recycling computer, telephones/cell phones and other electronic equipment. The Commissioners listed , and American appliance Recyclers as resources for recycling this type of equipment.
Commissioner Chapman was going to report on the Bio Mass tour that was already discussed and offered to move ahead to the guest speaker, Dave Wilkerson.
Dave Wilkerson, an accredited Leadership and Energy Environmental Design (LEED) architect, spoke to the Commission about his goal to receive a recommendation from the Commission regarding City sponsored development meeting LEED standards. He gave the Commission background information about the LEED design becoming a universal tool/guideline for design beginning with LEED NC (LEED new construction). He explained one of the newest pilot programs was LEED for Homes, which has some comparisons to Earth Advantage. He believes it would be possible to do both single family as well as commercial productions.
The Commission discussed the different standards for different programs including the state and federal, and the practicality of implementation. They also discussed the different markets such as home builders and commercial projects and different cities who participate such as Portland and Seattle. Mr. Wilkerson also pointed out when considering a recommendation the different levels of LEED Certification, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. He explained Silver certification would add 5-15% to the cost of the project.
Density Bonus
      No report
Goal Setting
            The Commission discussed the wording the last goal for supporting the Climate Protection Initiative.
1.      Historic Conservation
           No report.
2.      Education/Events
            No report.
3.      Green Business
            No report.
Commissioner Prewett addressed the Commission to review the Subcommittees report section of the meeting, since there have not been any reports for months.
Commissioner Finney made a motion to adopt the draft goals for the Conservation Commission with the change of wording for the first goal to read:
  • , Research and recommend ways for the City to expand the Citys commitment to purchasing or encouraging green resources as a part of the Citys power mix.
Commissioner Prewett seconded the motion.
Voice vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
Commissioner Prewett asked the Commission to support the purchase of a new banner for the Renewable Pioneers.
Commissioner Finney moved to spend $150.00 to make the banner for the Renewable Pioneer, seconded by Commission Hartman.
Voice vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
Commission Prewett abstained from voting.
The Commissioners discussed their need to arrange scheduling for attending Earth Day through email.
Four Commissioners plan not to renew their term at the end of April, 2006: Charles Bennett, Carol Carlson, Paige Prewett and Joanne Krippaehne.
Next meeting scheduled for April 26, 2006 at the Community Development Building.
Meeting adjourned at 9:05 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary McClary, Assistant to
Electric Department

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