Agendas and Minutes

Conservation and Climate Outreach Committee (View All)

Regular Monthly Meeting

Wednesday, January 25, 2006



Conservation Commission
These Minutes are preliminary pending approval by Conservation Commission at the February 22, 2006 Conservation Commission Meeting.

January 25, 2005– 7:00 pm
Community Development Building
51 Winburn Way
Chairperson Amarotico called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. in the Community Development Building.
Attendees: Russ Chapman, Stuart Corns, Joanne Krippaehne, Ross Finney and Jim Hartman. Charles Bennett, Carol Carlson, and Paige Prewett were absent.
City Council Liaison: Alex Amarotico
Staff Liaison: Dick Wanderscheid


Chairperson Amarotico asked for an approval of the December 17, 2005 minutes.
Commissioner Krippaehne corrected Lucy Edwards comments under public forum from self alliance to self reliance and under Old Business Lead Standards should be spelled LEED Standards. Mr. Wanderscheid corrected the initials of Clean Renewable Energy Bond, (CREBB) to (CREB).
Commissioner Chapman made a motion to approve the minutes of December 07, 2005 with stated corrections and Commissioner Krippaehne seconded the motion.
Voice vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.

The minutes of the Conservation Commission Meeting of December 07, 2005 were approved with stated corrections.

Risa Buck/798 Oak Street spoke to the Commission about the book The Secret Trail of Trash by Elizabeth Royte. Risa is working with the SOU Environmental group to bring Ms. Royte to speak in the Rogue Valley. The group would like to present garbage and recycling on a larger scale. Commissioner Finney and Hartman felt the Commission should help to create awareness within the Community and support this project.  
Huelz Gutcheon, commented on rebates for solar panels and amounts available.
Commissioner Chapman reported the special programs for Ashland Sanitary in 2006 were as follows:
Free Fluorescent Tube & Bulb Drop-off (until grant ends)
Household Latex Paint Disposal (April 14 & 15)
Chipper Day at the Transfer Station
(April 29 & October 14, 8am-12 noon)
Household Hazardous Waste Disposal (May 5 & 6)
Free Composting Class (June 3, July 1, & August 5)
Discount Day at the Transfer Station (June 10)
Free Leaf Recycling (November 7 & 21)
Commissioner Chapman reported the original $500.00 grant for the fluorescent tubes and bulb has been reduced by $235.00 as of December 1, 2005.
Commissioner Chapman offered to research a tour date for the Bio Mass Tour and communicate through email for dates, times, and transportation.
Renewable Pioneer
Commissioner Chapman reported for Commissioner Prewett that 1705 green tags were sold through 2005 and YTD was 1759. Pacific Domes and ZRK Enterprises were both at 100%. BEF had approved funding for a $1,400.00 project called the Fat Spaniel System which shows amounts of solar generated power and it will be accessible from the City of Ashland Web site.
Renewable Resource Options
Dick Wanderscheid reported on the Renewable Resource Discussion Council Communication to be presented to the City Council February 7, 2006.   He explained to the Commission that the City was served by Bonneville under a General Transfer Agreement which is an agreement between Bonneville and Pacific core to allow Federal power to come to Ashland. Any power that is purchased that is not Bonneville Federal Power is subject to market transmission rates.
The members discussed at length the renewable power options and discussed the three main questions addressed to the Council in the Council Communication.
Commissioner Finney moved to endorse the proposal to go for the $500,000 CREEB money from the Federal Government. Commissioner Hartman seconded the motion.
Voice vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
Commissioner Hartman made a motion to support the annual $100,000 purchase of environmentally preferred power (EPP) for a 3-year contract in keeping pace with the population. Commissioner Chapman seconded the motion.
Voice vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
Commissioner Finney made a motion to allocate $800.00 to support Earth Days annual event. Commissioner Chapman seconded the motion.
Voice vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
Commissioner Chapman made a motion to allocate $700.00 to fund the purchase of compost bins and compost classes taught by Claudia Law, $600.00 towards the bins and a $100.00 gift certificate for Claudia Law. Commissioner Finney seconded the motion.
Voice vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
Commissioner Krippaehne moved to allocate $100.00 of the budget for the purchase of worm bin coupons, seconded by Commissioner Chapman.
Voice vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
 1.      Historic Conservation
              No report.
2.      Education/Events
             No report.
3.      Green Business
            No report.
The Commission members agreed Goal Setting should be put on the next agenda and a discussion about the LEED program including an invitation for guest, Dave Wilkerson, added for the March Agenda.
February 22, 2006 at the Community Development Building.
 Meeting adjourned at 9:05 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary McClary, Assistant to
Electric Department

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