Agendas and Minutes

Conservation and Climate Outreach Committee (View All)

Regular Monthly Meeting

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Conservation Commission





These Minutes are preliminary pending approval by Conservation Commission at the April 27, 2005 Conservation Commission Meeting.


March 30, 2005– 7:00 p.m.
Community Development Building

51 Winburn Way


Vice-Chairperson, Russ Chapman, called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. in the Community Development Building.


Attendees: Charles Bennett, Ross Finney, Joanne Krippaehne, Carol Carlson, Russ Chapman, Paige Prewett and Jim Hartman.   Kate DeWayne was absent.


City Council Liaison: Alex Amarotico, not present

Staff Liaison: Dick Wanderscheid

Student Liaison: none present





Mr. Bennett stated he was not present at the last meeting, Roll Call included his name.

Vice Chairperson, Russ Chapman, asked for an approval of the February 23, 2005 minutes.


Commissioner Krippaehne moved to approve the minutes as stated and Commissioner Finney seconded the motion.


Voice vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.


The minutes of the Conservation Commission Meeting of February 23, 2005 were approved.




Nikki Clifton and Aldinia Grace/349 E. Main St. Ste 3, the production coordinator for Beach Avenue Productions that puts on the  World Wellness Weekend in June, 2005.  This event this year will focus on the environment with key not speakers, Robert Kennedy Junior and Martin Luther King, the 3rd.  She wondered if the City of Ashland would like to be represented by the Conservation Commission and take part as an exhibitor and/or sponsor.  For information she offered their web site and 541 552-1782.


The Commission members discussed the event schedule, classes and lectures, featured speakers, costs, advertising, attendees and different sponsors.  The Commission members and Conservation Department decided to research this project and discuss sponsorship at their next meeting, on April 27, 2005.


Dapper Delves/Wells Springs, Talent spoke to the Commission about a Solar Learning Center project he is interested in developing for homeless people.  His idea included a 100% solar building that would include hot water collectors and allow secured space for the Homeless charging a minimal fee. He believed developers and the City Council should be educated and review how simple this idea really is. 


Commission member Carlson left at 7:30pm.


Julie Heinz/North Mountain Park is both employed by SOU and North Mountain Park and came to the meeting tonight to inquire about becoming a Green Business.  The Commission members discussed opportunities for North Mountain Park to become a green business or a green government business.





Commissioner Chapman reported Ashland Sanitary is advertising the compost classes along with their advertising in the Daily Tidings, Sneak Preview and on its web site.  He passed around the ads he would be using and stated he hoped for a high turn out this year.


Commission member Hartman complimented Ashland Sanitary on their hazardous waste event mailing.






Mr. Wanderscheid reported to the Commission about the Parks Department possessing an inventory map containing drains and stencil.  He also reported back about using Youth Offenders for Community Service.

He explained part of the program was to educate each home owner and therefore Parks is unable to utilize the Youth.


Mr. Chapman read a letter to the commission from a local organic gardener who utilizes composting and believes in educating people for recycling yard waste.  She teaches workshops, composting and included a brochure in her letter.  She thanked the Commission for their continued work with composting.




Commissioner Krippaehne collected names for volunteering at the annual Earth Day event.  She also talked to the Commission about renting an canopy verses buying a canopy.


Commissioner Finney mad a motion to purchase a rental canopy for $39.00, Commissioner Chapman seconded the motion.


Voice vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.


The members discussed what type of display they would have at Earth Day.




The budget total was $2,903.00 and the Commission members discussed the Wellness sponsorship and helping the PPV system at North Mountain Park.  Commissioner Prewett brought up for discussion purchasing green tags to help sponsor the event.




1.      Historic Conservation

Commissioner Krippaehne and Commissioner Finney reported some ideas including about a presentation brief, called Conserving Energy and Historic Building, to be placed in the lobby of the Community Development building. Also, The Ten Top Tips for improvements that give the best return for energy performance.  Another ideas included  were to have a table with information about utilizing parts of an older home for improvements and energy savings, and traveling display boards.


2.      Education/Events

Earth Day Event-- April 23, 2005.

Ashland Green and Solar TourOctober 8, 2005.


3.      Green Business

Commissioner Finney reported for Larry Giardina has some grant money for the Ashland Green and Solar Tour for use of buses.





Commissioner Bennett reported on the web site,, mercury tests could be ordered for $35.00.


Commissioner Prewett reported that she has 250 fliers from BEF foundation and felt the Commission needed more.  Mr. Wanderscheid expressed an interest in purchasing more.  Commissioner Prewett will inquire about cost.


Commissioner Prewett displayed an envelope Pacific Power utilizes for promoting renewable energy.  She suggested the Conservation help the City of Ashland fund the purchase of that style of envelope that could be used in promoting green tags and renewable options.  Also she mentioned that Pacific Power uses their news letter for promotions/advertisement and they have approximately 18,000 people signed up.  The Commission members discussed the possibilities and will research the cost of new envelopes (11,000) for a one-time possible promotion.


Mr. Wanderscheid reminded the Commission about the Association of Oregon Recycler Conference and Commissioner Chapman and Prewett were interested in attending.


Commissioner Finney made a motion to reimburse Russ Chapman and Paige Prewett for tuition and mileage to attend the AOR Conference. The motion was seconded by Joanne Krippaehne.


Voice vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.



Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.






Respectfully submitted,
Mary McClary, Assistant to

Electric Department


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