Agendas and Minutes

Conservation and Climate Outreach Committee (View All)

Regular Monthly Meeting

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

These Minutes are preliminary pending approval by Conservation Commission at the May 26, 2004 Conservation Commission Meeting.

MINUTES FOR Conservation Commission
April 28, 2004– 7:00 p.m.
Community Development Building
51 Winburn Way

Chairperson, Alex Amarotico, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Development Building.

Attendees: Charles Bennett, Carol Carlson, Russ
Chapman, Ross Finney, Jim Hartman, Joanne Krippaehne, Bruce Moats, and Paige Prewett. Lisa Black was also present.

City Council Liaison: Alex Amarotico
Staff Liaison: Cathy Cartmill
Student Liaison: Heidi Hubert


The chairperson, Alex Amarotico asked for an approval of the March 31, 2004 minutes.

Cathy Cartmill noted the correct spelling for her name, and also on page 3 under New Business, "recycle" should read "recycled".

Bruce Moats moved to approve the minutes of March 31 and Ross Finney seconded the motion.
Voice vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.

The minutes of the Conservation Commission Meeting of March 31, 2004 were approved.

Mr. Amarotico, chairperson, requested to address Item A under Old Business first due to the speakers present.

Charles Bennett introduced the faulty and students present from SOU that would be working on the Climate project. Mr. Dittmer reported there would be three capstone students working on this project and two were present to answer any questions regarding the funds requested for a software program in a memo written by Dick Wanderscheid to the Commission.

Different ways of tracking the data and comparing similar projects with other cities were discussed as the students presented the Commission with a manual of the software program for further use. Mr. Bennett remarked he would act as a liaison with the students and the Commission, and Mr. Dittmer explained the students would present reports about the project.

Joanne Krippaehne moved to allocate $600.00 as requested in attached Memo by Dick Wanderscheid to purchase software for the Climate Protection Cities Project. Mr. Bennett seconded the motion.

Voice vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.

The money to purchase software in the amount of $600.00 for the Cites for Climate Change Partnership was approved.


No speakers present


Lisa Black reported Talent School won the telephone book drive with 1,969 books collected and Walker School came in second with 1.026 books.

Ms. Black also reported 15 participants in the Chipper day and an increased amount collected for the Latex Paint drop off by 10 yards. Ashland Sanitary will also be selling their compost at the Valley View Transfer Station.


1. Green Business

    No report.

Carol Carlson wondered what steps were taken to inform contractors about energy efficient products and Ms. Cartmill and the members discussed different ways the information reaches the public. Also discussed were the city procedures when new building permits were issued.

2. Education/Events

    Ms. Carlson reported on May 15, the community garden would hold a public open house and the class on gardening would be open to the general public.


Cities for Climate Change Partnership was discussed at the beginning of the meeting.

Paige Prewett reported on the success of Earth Day with over 2500 participants. Ms. Prewett hopes next year will include more "Green" exhibits, and welcomed any suggestions for future events.

New Business


Ms. Cartmill requested $40.00 for the Adopt A Street Program.

Russ Chapman moved to give the Adopt A Street Program the $40.00, motion was seconded by Mr. Armarotico.

Voice vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.

The money for the Adopt A Street Program in the amount of $40.00 was approved.

Ms. Prewett reminded the Commission about discussions of the Commission helping to fund the Utility Bill insert, whereas BEF(Bonneville Environmental Foundation) would pay for 1/3, the Conservation Department would pay for 1/3 and this Commission would pay for 1/3, approximately 1,000 each. BEF was still researching marketing prospects and Ms. Prewett asked the Commission to consider paying 1,000 to BEF with a condition that the money be used towards residential outreach or to allocate funds from next year's budget.

Ms. Prewett reminded the Commission about doing thank-you ads for the Adopt A Street, Solar Pioneers and the Green Businesses and gave information for costs to print these ads. The members discussed different options for advertising.

Mrs. Carlson expressed an interest in purchasing something to recycle florescence bulbs and Mr. Chapman stated the transfer station would accept these bulbs for .30 a foot. The members discussed a brochure brought to their attention by Ms. Cartmill about retailers helping to dispose florescence bulbs. She offered to research other cities involved with this disposal. Mrs. Krippaehne suggested the Commission work towards solutions out of next year' budget. Mr. Hartman suggested offering funds to a business that would begin the program.

Mrs. Carlson suggested incorporating green tag purchases with the utility bills in same way that Pacific Power offers, explaining how easy it was to participate.

Mrs. Carlson also suggested funds in the Commission budget allocated towards a shade arbor for the Community garden. She felt total cost would be approximately 500 and was looking for matching donations. The members discussed what role conservation played in the community garden.

The members discussed goals for purchasing a canopy and Mr. Chapman offered the Commission use of his when they need one.

The members discussed items presented for budget funds.

Mr. Finney made a motion to allocate $200.00 for the shade arbor and wait for more accurate numbers on the ads, but reiterating the money would go to pay for these ads first that recognize solar pioneers, green business, adopt a street and renewable pioneers. Ms. Krippaehne seconded the motion.

Voice vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Commission Items not on the Agenda

Ms. Prewett invited the Commission members on behalf of Bonneville Environmental Foundation, to a Renewable Pioneers Reception, Wednesday May 26 from 5-6:30pm at the North Mountain Park Pavilion.

Ms. Prewett began discussion about participation in the Growers and Crafter's market and the members decided to participate the Tuesday before the Commission meeting from 9-1pm. Mr. Amarotico, Ms. Krippaehne, and Ms. Black will participate on May 25th.


Meeting adjourned at 8:47 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary McClary, Assistant
to Electric Department.

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