Agendas and Minutes

Public Arts Advisory Committee (View All)

Regular Monthly Meeting January 21, 2004

Wednesday, January 21, 2004







Public Art Commission

January 21,2004

Regular Meeting Minutes

Siskiyou Room, 51 Winburn Way 8:00 a.m.



Commissioners Bayard, Benson, Todd, Dvora, Wilkerson, Demele, Jackson (Council liaison), Seltzer (Staff liaison) were present.




Teresa Persson

Call to Order

Bayard called the meeting to order at 8:10 a.m. Benson motioned to approve of November meeting minutes, seconded by Wilkerson. Motion passed. Dvora motioned to approve minutes of December 17 minutes seconded by Wilkerson. Motion passed.

Old Business

Demele requested that the meeting time begin at 8:15 rather than 8:00 to allow time to get children to school and conlcude at 9:45. Dvora motioned to change the meeting time Benson seconded. Motion passed. To avoid conflict with previously scheduled meetings, future PAC meetings will occur in the small conference room.

Bayard mentioned that this was his last meeting as chair and that vice-chair Sharon Dvora will take over as chair beginning with the February meeting. Bayard motioned to install Dvora as chair and Benson as vice-chair. Todd seconded. Motion passed. Dvora, Bayard, Jackson and Dvora will meet to discuss the transition.

Committee Reports

Calle Guanajuato

Dvora reported that the commitee has identified three components of the project. 1) the overlook on Granite Street, 2) rotating sculpture garden, 3) stair railing from the Calle up to Granite Street.

The group discussed how often the sculpture pieces will rotate. Because of the expense and administration requirements of the installation of a piece, the group agreed that a piece will remain in place at least two years with an option to extend beyond two years.

Questions arose as to whether the artist needs to carry liability insurance. Seltzer will check with the legal department. Bayard suggested that a "call for artist" document be drafted and that it needs to clearly state that the installation is temporary. Wilkerson has experience writing "call for artist" and Dvora asked if he would be willing to serve on the subcommittee. Wilkerson agreed to meet with the group.

Dvora explained that the budget for the Calle project is approximately $30,000 plus 15% ($4,500) for maintenance and installation for a total of $34,500 for all three components.

2) Budget Proposal

Jackson reported that the funding subcommittee met to review the overall budget for the gateway project. The group believes that there is much local support for public art and that successful fund raising is realistic. The committee identified possible sources of income for both the Calle and Gateway porject without attaching a dollar figure or percentages.

Demele pointed out that the City must allocate some funding before foundations will contribute.

Benson made a motion that the PAC partner with the Lithia Artisan Guild and submit an application for a Cultural/Economic Development Grant for $15,000 from the City of Ashland. Dvora seconded and the motion passed. Benson to speak with Jim XX from Lithia Artisan Guild. Applications are available from the finance department in mid-February.

Jackson believes that the Council needs more information/education about public art and suggested PAC made a presentation at a Council study session on April 14. Benson mentioned that he has been in contact with the digital photo club who has agreed to take photos of existing "art of Ashland". The photos will be used in the presentation to Council.

Jackson explained that the City Council did not adopt the PAC goals as submitted nor did they adopt any of the goals submitted by other commissions.

Next Meetings

February 18, 2004


Meeting was adjourned at 9:40 a.m.

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