Agendas and Minutes

Forest Lands Committee (View All)

Special Meeting

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

ASHLAND FOREST LANDS COMMISSION February 19, 2003 4:30 – 6:30 PM MINUTES of Special Meeting MEMBERS PRESENT: Frank Betlejewski, Elizabeth Crosson, Jo Anne Eggers, Stephen Jensen, Anthony Kerwin, Bill Robertson (Chair) Chris Hearn (Council Liaison) Members Absent: Richard Brock Staff Present: Nancy Slocum, Pieter Smeenk, Keith Woodley Marty Main (Consultant) I. CALL TO ORDER AT 4:35 PM II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 12, 2003 minutes approved with one minor correction. III. PUBLIC FORUM: No members of the public present. IV. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION: Discussion of City Forest Lands Restoration Project: Phase Two – Commission reviewed Draft #28. Crosson noted that some of the wording appeared “tree-centered” and did not reflect the commission’s goal of an “ecosystem” approach. Commission reviewed the quotes in the Background section and the minor revisions to the Goals section. Betlejewski will provide Slocum with citations for Goheen and Goheen as well as the fire related quote in the Background section. Commission approved the additions to the glossary. Brock had asked that the “Comparison of Objectives and Concerns by Unit chart from Main’s 1998 “Silvicultural Prescriptions for Additional Forest Management Areas – An Update” be included in the proposal’s appendix. Commission reviewed the chart and concluded that the wording was not consistent with the proposal and decided to remove it. Commission also removed the Slope Stability Concerns and the Management Concerns Maps and replaced them with a “Silvicultural Management Unit” map. Councilor Hearns thought that without sufficient background, the document was difficult to understand. He suggested a Council Communication Memo be attached for clarification. Woodley will compose it and perhaps direct the council to read the first two pages. Under “Implementation Monitoring,” Main thought it problematic to GPS (Global Positioning System) all large trees over 17” marked for removal. He suggested that “tracking” was a term that provided maximum options for the future. A majority of the commission agreed to the change. Kerwin motioned to present the draft as amended to the City Council for their review and comment. Betlejewski seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Commission requested a one-hour study session on Wednesday, February 26th to prepare for the study session. V. OTHER BUSINESS – None. VI. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 6:08 PM

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