Rental Needs Analysis 2007

The Rental Needs Analysis was completed in May of 2007 by Ferrarini and Associates for the City of Ashland.

The main purposes of this analysis are to:

•  Assess the current rental market in the city;

    •  Forecast future rental housing needs;

    •  Recommend public policy solutions to the city's housing needs; and

    •  Establish a methodology for updating the needs analysis on a regular basis in the future,
       including data sources and methods.

The information in this report is intended to provide the City of Ashland with reliable statistical information on its rental market. This information will help the city develop policies and programs to ensure it is meetings its obligation under Oregon's Statewide Planning GOal 10, which requires local governments to "encourage the availability of adequate numbers of needed housing units at price ranges and rent levels which are commensurate with the financial capabilities of Oregon households."

Establishing effective and forward thinking policy for the rental market is important to the people of Ashland. Its renters represent approximately 50% of the city’s households, and have done so fairly constantly over the last 16 years.

Rental Needs Analysis 2007 Completed by Ferrarini and Associates in May 2007

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