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Share How Smoke Impacts You

Jackson County and the City of Medford Emergency Managers want to hear about how wildfire and prescribed fire smoke impacts the Jackson County community. One way they are hoping to gather community input is through the Jackson County Community Smoke Survey. The survey is being offered in both English and Spanish and will be available September 2-30. Please take ten to fifteen minutes and complete the survey here:

Jackson County and the City of Medford are in the process of creating the first Jackson County Smoke Management Community Response Plan. Community Response Plans seek to reduce the impacts of wildfire and prescribed fire smoke on the community. The purpose of the survey is to understand how wildfire and prescribed fire smoke impacts residents and visitors of Jackson County, how community members respond to periods of smoke, and how Jackson County and the City of Medford can help to reduce the impacts of smoke.The Community Response Plan is being created in partnership with the University of Oregon Partnership for Disaster Resilience with funding provided by the State of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. The plan is scheduled to be completed by spring of 2023.

Encuesta sobre el humo en el condado de Jackson 
A los residentes del condado de Jackson:
Por favor toménse  de 10 a 15 minutos para completar nuestra encuesta sobre cómo le afecta el humo de los incendios forestales y  prescritos:
Como agradecimiento, lo inscribiremos en un sorteo para ganar una de las dos tarjetas de regalo de 25 dólares. 
La Oregon Partnership for Disaster Resilience (Asociación de Oregón para la Resiliencia ante Catástrofes) se está asociando con el condado de Jackson, la ciudad de Medford y el Departamento de Calidad Ambiental de Oregón para crear un Plan de Respuesta Comunitaria de Gestión del Humo. El plan tratará de reducir los impactos nocivos del humo de los incendios forestales y prescritos en la comunidad del condado de Jackson.
Su opinión será anónima y se utilizará para ayudar a identificar las prioridades de la comunidad para el plan.

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