Agendas and Minutes

Conservation and Climate Outreach Committee (View All)

Conservation Commission Monthly Meeting 04/09/12

Monday, April 09, 2012



6:00pm-8:00pm –April 22, 2012
Electric Building, 90 North Mountain Ave
--- To be approved at the April 25, 2012 Commission Meeting.
Chairperson Hartman called the meeting to order at 6:05pm.
 Risa Buck, Sheri Cellini, Stuart Corns, Cat Gould, Jim Hartman, Jim McGinnis, David Runkel Thomas Beam, and Mark Weir were present.  New member: Roxane Beigel-Coryell
City Council Liaison: Carol Voisin, not present
Staff Representative: Adam Hanks, and Mary McClary
SOU Representative: Shaun Franks (SOU Stainability Student Director), not present
Chairperson Hartman asked for approval of the minutes for February 22, 2012.
Commissioner Gould remarked she was present at the last meeting.
Commissioner Buck corrected the beginning time from 5:35pm to 6:05pm.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Commissioner Buck moved to accept the minutes of February 25, 2012 with the stated changed.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner McGinnis.
Voice Vote: All Ayes.  The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
Commissioner Corn announced and introduced the next representative for SOU: Roxane Beigel-Coryell.
He expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Commissioners for the work they have performed together and hopes to work with the Commissioners in the future.
The Commissioners thanked him for his dedicated service and wished him luck in all his future endeavors.
Commissioner McGinnis led the group in (3) Hip Hip Hoorays for Commissioner Corns.
The next Commission meeting is scheduled for April 25, 2012.
  Compost Classes, Final Dates and Commissioner Assignments
The classes are scheduled from 10am to 12noon.
June 9-- Commissioner Beam
July 14--Commissioner Gould
August 11—Commissioner Cellini
September 8—Commissioner Weir
Commissioner Buck explained the purpose of having a Commissioner attend the classes.  She also expressed the hope that she and Chairperson Hartman would be finished with the “remodel” by the time the classes began.
Chairperson Hartman inquired about advertisement for the classes, and Commissioner Buck explained there were notices in a variety of places: Recology web site, Sneak Preview, City Source, the City web site and Earth Day.
Commissioner Beam remarked attendance for last year was approximately 1/3 less than prior years.
The discussion turned to what the members would have at their Earth Day Booth.  Chairperson Hartman would bring some composting for the kids to explore, and they would also have a flyer advertising the composting classes.
Commissioner Beam announced there was a new start up business on A Street that advertised off the grid home lighting systems: Neopower.  Adam Hanks had a postcard from the company and passed it around for each Commissioner to review.
Commissioner Cellini asked for 15-20 minutes on the next agenda to discuss improving relations with the City Council and city staff.  Commissioner Weir felt the Commission has spent a lot of time in the past discussing this topic and it might be more productive to form a sub-committee that would work on the issue, instead of using the Commission meeting time.  Chairperson Hartman approved he agenda item, and stated the Commission would discuss at the next meeting to determine if they wanted to from a sub-committee.
No one present
  1. Status of Commission letter to Council regarding North Main Road Diet Recommendations
Commissioner Runkel reported the Mayor had called him about this topic and explained the Commission could suggest to the City to conduct a study for the Road Diet
Commissioner Beam asked how much spending the city had allocated on the Road Diet Project.  He felt it would have been beneficial to conduct a study and consider conservation before undertaking this project.  The members discussed the conversation with Mike Faught, the Public Works Director, when he attended their meeting to answer any questions about the project. Commissioner Cellini summarized last year’s meeting, recapping the design, intent, information gathering, cost of studies, and multi-transportation.
The Commissioners decided not to form a sub-committee to do further research and make recommendations, feeling they had already made suggestions towards conservation efforts on the project. 
The members wondered if conservation was taken into consideration with all plans for the city.  Commission Buck remarked if the city had adopted a sustainability plan that was integrated into a comprehensive plan solving most problems.
  1. Status of Commission Submittal to Council for February 11, 2012 Goal Setting
Commissioner McGinnis expressed frustration based on the past year and half in making very little progress in terms of having any City Council members review and make things happen in terms of sustainability framework.  In January, 2011, the Council adopted a sustainability goal, and there has not been any progress with that goal.  The Council will be talking about the letter submitted by the Commission at the next study session (April 16th) and he felt all the Commission members should contact all the councilors to help them better understand what the Commission was trying to accomplish.  The members discussed how they would pair and which counselors to meet.  Commissioner McGinnis explained there are two ways of approaching, one strategic and the other one is the framework. 
Commissioner Beam left at 6:50pm.
  1. Commissioner Expenditure Requests for FY 2011-12 (thru June 30, 2012)
Commissioner Cellini asked if we needed to allocate monies for a guest speaker on Natural Step. 
The members discussed holding a public meeting/event for the guest speaker and invite the City Council members to attend.  Commissioner Runkel brought up the point that some other government entities use the ICELI process. He felt we shouldn’t be associated with any one particular process. 
Commissioner McGinnis felt the City Council needed to understand that the next step in this process would be to put into a resolution that sustainable framework be adopted.  Commissioner Cellini felt we can only make recommendations to the Council. Commissioner McGinnis felt the elected officials work for the members and Commissioner Cellini clarified the Commission works for the Council and the Council represent the citizens.
Commissioner McGinnis felt the Council would need to understand sustainability and the Natural Step in how it applies to the city.  Commissioner Buck felt it is a great idea, but would like to discuss further how to facilitate communication to the Council in a way that would create productive results.
Commissioner Weir made a motion to move forward with a public event before the end of June and at the next meeting Commission members can present ideas of what would be included in the event.  Commissioner Runkel seconded the motion.
Commissioner Gould wanted to wait and see if they accept the recommendation first before they moved forward. The members discussed how to proceed with the events.  Commissioner McGinnis pointed out that the first bullet point on their letter to the Council was they would bring a sustainability framework expert to the City Council for a presentation.  Commissioner Runkel believed we cannot create a schedule for the Council.  Commissioner Buck believed opening a meeting to the public was a better use of funds supporting citizen education. Adam explained how study session meetings are facilitated.
Voice Vote: All Ayes.  The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
  1. FY 2012-13 Commission Budget Appropriation Requests
Set aside until next meeting.
  1. Energy Efficiency Program Discussion (CEWO approach)
Commissioner Weir asked that a letter be put forward to the Council making a set of energy performance requirements for three main avenues: the sale of property, obtaining building and remodel permits and multi-family rental properties.  He would like to put together a letter with outlines of these policies and submit to the Commission at the next meeting for approval to go forward to the City Council.
There was discussion among the members about different aspects, and whether that type of report or letter would go to staff or council. The members expressed interest in Commissioner Weir putting together a proposed letter.
  1. Staff report, Commissioner Draft Idling policies and actions
Adam passed out a memo to the Commission and they decided to delay this to the next meeting due to time constraints.
  1. Staff Report – Update on City Facilities Energy and Water Resource memo of December 7, 2011.
Adam gave an update about working with the facilities department and researching software that would integrate with the city’s existing software to generate reports that would help track fuel efficiency.  He explained they would input 2 years of prior data to establish a baseline and then move forward from there.  He plans to discuss the option with Mike Morrison who is the Public Works Superintendant.  Commissioner Weir’s expectation was to have a resolution in place sooner, since the original memo was in December of 2011. Adam explained the structure of the Public Works department and all their responsibilities.
  1. Fourth of July
Commissioner Buck reported to the Commission about the Chamber of Commerce meetings where they have discussed the Chamber taking the lead with holding “Green” events.  She explained the Fourth of July event was the biggest garbage maker of the year.  The members passed around different ideas for supporting the event, and Commissioner Buck asked the members to consider joining in helping facilitate some control with the generation and handling of the garbage this year.
  1. Commission Member Assignments/Project Updates & Next Steps
Set aside
  1. Earth Day Planning –Content and Assignments
Chairperson Hartman and Commissioner Weir will set up and work 10 -12 noon.
Commissioner McGinnis and Commissioner Cellini will take the next shift until 2pm and 4pm.
Commissioner Runkel would help with the break-down.
Chairperson Hartman will bring some composting for children to experience and Commissioner Buck will have a flyer for the dates for the composting classes.
  1. Conservation Awards—Discussion/Recommendation of Award Content
Commissioner Runkel read the award recipients and asked for the Commission approval.
Commissioner Runkel moved to approve the giving of the Conservation Awards to Misty Munoz, Parker Massie, Albertsons and Maureen Page.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner McGinnis.
Voice Vote: All Ayes.  The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
Commissioner Cellini introduced the idea of purchasing a tree for the recipients with a name
 plaque in their honor.  She also suggested a bench, or something for a community garden, or
 some other way of honoring the recipient instead of a monetary gift.
The members discussed different aspects of awards.
Commissioner Runkel made a motion to give the three students a monetary dollar award in the
 amount of $100.00.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner McGinnis.
Voice Vote: All Ayes with the exception of Commission Buck.  The motion passed with a
 majority vote.
Commissioner Runkel made a motion to add an additional $100.00 to the project for photography costs.
 The motion was seconded by Commissioner Weir.
Voice Vote: All Ayes.  The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
            The members discussed having a Councilperson pair up with one of the Commissioners to present the
            awards to the recipients.
            Commissioner ‘Gould made a motion to approve the award letters, seconded by Commissioner Weir.
Voice Vote: All Ayes.  The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
            Commissioner Buck would like to put on the next agenda on the Water Conservation Analysis position and
            storm drain marking.
D.  Green Drinks – Discussion on potential Commission involvement
Set aside
            A.  Southern Oregon University
            B.  Ashland School District—not ready to give postponed to next meeting
            C.  Recology Ashland Sanitary
Set Aside
Future agenda item requests
Respectfully submitted by:
Mary McClary
Administrative Assistant for Electric, Telecommunication
and the Conservation Department.

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