Agendas and Minutes

Conservation and Climate Outreach Committee (View All)

Regular Monthly Meeting

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

These Minutes are preliminary pending approval by Conservation Commission at the June 25, 2003 Conservation Commission Meeting.

MINUTES FOR Conservation Commission
May 28, 2003 – 7:00 p.m.
Civic Center Council Chambers
1175 E. Main Street

Chairperson, Russ Chapman, called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. in the Ashland Council Chambers.

Attendees: Carol Carlson, Darcy Cronin, Russ Chapman, Joanne Krippaehne, Paige Prewett, and Bruce Moats were present. Charles Bennett, and Jim Hartman were absent.

City Council Liaison: Alex Amarotico was not present.
Staff Liaison: Dick Wanderscheid, Larry Giardina


Chapman corrected sentence on page 4 to read local agricultural brochures are available in Ashland Sanitary Office.
Krippaehne moved to approve the minutes, Prewett seconded the motion.
Voice vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.

The minutes of the Conservation Commission Meeting of May 28, 2003 were approved with changes noted.


Nancy Richardson/93 California Street/ reported to the Commission that they would not be able to continue with the upcoming conference because there was a lack of buildings that could receive a satellite feed.

Larry Giardina encouraged her to check with the OSU extension service, which has a satellite feed and an auditorium. He offered to give her more information but she felt she would not be able to continue with the project this year, although this would provide an option for next year.
She thanks the Commission for their support.

Dick Wanderscheid introduced Larry Giardia, Conservation analyst, to members who did not have the opportunity to meet him at a prior meeting.

Ross Finney/225 Ohio Street/ updated the Commission about the Commercial Business Outreach Program and the progress he has made working this month with Krippaehne, Amarotico, and Giardina. Larry Giardina will be the Conservation staff person dedicated to the Commercial Business Outreach program.

He noted he has already visited a business and found several ways to help improve their conservation with lighting, water heater upgrades installations and other avenues. He presented several suggestions to move forward with the program:

    1) City Staff partner with Ashland Sanitary for the recycling of solid waste components of the program.
    2) Pollution Prevention
    3) Explanation of commitment- partnership agreement is still available from last year.
    4) Explain difference of original program's structure-difficult to apply to all types of businesses. Shift the focus of program to utilize conservation knowledge, to identify saving energy, water, and cost benefits and financial gain.
    5) Staff complete evaluations of businesses and suggest recommendations, then present to sub-committee.
    6) Recognition strategies for businesses already implementing conservation practices.

Krippaehne asked Finney to report on any limiting factors and suggest ways we are moving forward.

Finney explained the original program was based on self-assessment that helped businesses to understand areas where conservation would be effective because of the lack of resources to obtain outside consultants. Another limiting factor was the time needed for these businesses to evaluate and research these areas. By incorporating the people that have knowledge and work with this information all the time can be of great value in implementing this process for the businesses.

Krippaehne and Finney pointed out that a lot of businesses lease their space and would need to obtain landlord su

pport. Wanderscheid asked Finney for the status of the County Program. Finney reported the DEQ grant ended in April, he had worked with 4 businesses and they implemented significant conservation actions. He suggested a follow-up outreach program to help maintain initial goals.

Finney gave different examples of businesses that he has worked with who successfully implemented different conservation practices and also some examples of businesses that are waiting for conservation to become more economical.

Chapman wondered about ad insertion as a way of recognition and Wanderscheid explained it is too late for the OSF season but AFN now has the capabilities to run ads which is the perfect market for an Ashland business. These ads can be inserted on 8 channels. The OSF playbill will encourage green businesses, and seems to be more of a marketing tool for other businesses. Wanderscheid stated we are taking this program in house and asked for Giardina's ideas about where we can go with the program.

Giardina expressed his desire for the Commission to help identify when the business reaches green status, and what the requirements would be for them to recognized. He stated there was already savings identified from specific measures and we could gain experience from other implementers around the state. He reported that one day a week he would visit businesses to follow up with the program.

Chapman asked about the original criteria used to recommend that a business was deemed green. Finney explained there were two levels with each section having basic steps. The first level required energy conservation through business policy and the second level required 3 actions each, totally 12 actions taken, that could require additional investments. He also pointed out that sometimes there were not 3 actions available to take.

Chapman asked for a copy of the program and also the suggestions Finney has presented tonight. There was further discussion about businesses already practicing conservation and being recognized for those practices they already have in place. Also, there was discussion about certification standards/guidelines and forming a sub-committee.
The Commission agreed that one of their goals is to enhance the Green Business Program and set a beginning meeting time of May 29th at 3:30 at the Community Development Building.

Krippaehne noted special recognition for Ross Finney and all of his efforts on behalf of this program.


Russ Chapman reported Chipper Day will be October 4th at the Transfer Station. Free Leaf pick up will be November 4th and 18th at the depot. He explored the street-sweeping program that was done two years ago and spoke with Paula Brown. There has not been any concerns or complaints, so we will not be pursuing this program, but noted in 2002 Ashland Sanitary added an extra day for the leaf pick up.

Wanderscheid wondered what the public response was to all the changes within the recycling center and Chapman reported it was very good, the public loves the expanded opportunities.

The commission discussed the excitement surrounding the recycling center and the increase in recycling.

Chapman responded to an email inquire about recycling for contractors, builders and construction sites, reminding people that the opportunity for recycling exists at the job site.

Giardina read part of a letter of recognition to Ashland Sanitary from Qwest, about the recycling contest that they sponsored which resulted in over 15 tons of recycled books.


1. Marketing

Krippaehne reported their focus has been on the 4th of July hoping to ask a girl scout troop for help with a parade entry for the Conservation Commission. The application fee is $25.00 for the parade, or a booth space is $50.00. Discussion followed about staffing the booth and the success of a booth at Earth Day. It was determined to concentrate on the banner for the parade.

Bruce Moats motioned to approve the expenditure for the 4th of July participation not to exceed the balance in our treasury. Paige Prewett seconded the motion. Vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Cronin reported that the marketing of the Conservation Display is now their main concentration. She traveled to Eugene and saw their new library that displayed their conservation display on the second floor.


Sub-Committee to support goals

Chapman noted the Commission has formed a sub-committee to support the Green Business Program goal and the goal supporting the 4th of July. Listed again are the goals for the Conservation Commission:

1. Renew the Street Sweeping and Leaf Collection Program in Fall 2003
2. Expand the Commercial Green Waste Program
3. Expand the use of recycled products by the City of Ashland by at least 5%
4. Capitalize on the solar pioneer program participants to launch the City's new marketing affiliation with the Bonneville environmental foundation's Green Tag Program
5. Develop a Conservation Education series of at least quarterly classes or workshops
6. Explore development of Rainwater Harvesting Initiative
7. Have a Conservation Commission presence at the City's July 4th Celebration
8. Increase participation in the City's Adopt a Street and Storm Drain Stenciling Programs
9. Assist the 6 newest Green Business participants to advance to the next program level.


Carlson reported on the well received perm-a-culture tour and suggested coordinating support for different ones. Prewett offered to print in the quarterly Nature Center newsletter any sustainability classes the Commission supports.
Wanderscheid shared an email from John Fields about a tour set up for June 8th that people can participate in, the Commission would just need to promote and get the information out to the public. Carlson and Krippaehne will make further arrangements for tours if needed.


Commission Items not on Agenda

Prewett reported Cathy Cartmill sent an email requesting money for Adopt a Street sign costs.

Krippaehne made a motion out of the remaining budget for this year, funds to be allocated to Cathy Cartmill for whatever is left in the budget after funds are spent for 4th of July, for signage needs. Chapman seconded the motion. Vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Prewett had Several areas to report

1) Prewett reported together with Cathy Cartmill and Rich Hall, they will coordinate a new map of the storm drains for the Adopt A Street Program later this summer.

2) Prewett gave an update about her meeting with Kari Olsen. The state now has available 100% recycled office paper and Kari will email department heads about details.

3) Prewett spoke with Pam Field the marketing director for the Bonneville Environmental Foundation about strategies for publicizing Green Tags. Prewett passed out an attachment with more information and spoke with Ann Seltzer who has put this information in the City Source. She remarked there has already been 5 Ashland sign-ups. They are also working on a Powerpoint presentation for the City and different marketing techniques.

Wanderscheid mentioned the positive response from the utility program "Round-Up" and hoped for the same support for the Green Tag Program. Chapman reported he has used the gift certificate option. Wanderscheid also stated the Solar Pioneer Program would be finalized anytime now.


Next meeting scheduled for June 25th. Chapman wanted to acknowledge Ann Seltzer's work in connection with this Commission and felt she was a great resource for the City.

Wanderscheid addressed Cronin's resignation since he will be out of town for her last meeting next month, stating she has added a lot since she has served on this Commission and she will missed. Cronin remarked how great it has been for her to serve on the Commission and she plans to keep in contact. Wanderscheid thanked her for her contribution to the Green Tags and the Display.

Meeting adjourned at 8:55pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary McClary, Assistant
to Electric Department

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