What not to flush down your toilet

Every property owner connected to the City sewer system can be a potential contributor to sewer problems, including sewer back ups in your own home and unintended sewer spills. In the same vein, every property owner can be part of the solution, too.

Wet wipes are one of the worst problems in modern sanitary systems. They are responsible for causing half of the total blockages that lead to build-ups of fat, also known as "fatbergs." Cosmetic wipes do not dissolve in water and have a very negative impact on the sewage treatment process. Likewise, baby wipes are not decomposable, so they shouldn't be flushed, even if the product claims to be flushable.

Basically, there are only three things you should ever flush down a toilet—human waste (urine and feces) and toilet paper. Just remember the three Ps: pee, poo, and paper.

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