Electrical Safety

Electricity is a safe form of energy when it is used correctly.

Caution should always be used around electrical devices, since even a small amount of electricity may be fatal. Safe use of electrical equipment requires awareness of surroundings.  When working on a roof, be aware of where the ladder is in relation to the service drop and overhead power lines.

Electricity has a property of always trying to find the easiest path to the ground. It travels through conductors, preferring water, metals and wire, and even people.  Electricity causes a fatality when a human body provides a path for electricity to travel to the ground.      

When using an electrical appliances near water, such as in the kitchen or bathroom, use a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFI), which can interrupt current flow before it becomes fatal.  Make sure children stay away from electrical outlets, and learn not to climb trees or fly kites near power lines.  Faulty electrical wiring in a household is a major contributor to fire-related deaths.  If you suspect faulty wiring in your household, Have it inspected by a qualified electrician.

When moving metal irrigation pipes always look up, contact with an overhead electric line can kill you.  Before you dig a hole or ditch, call for locates (811) to avoid hitting a buried electric line.

View the 2022 City of Ashland Wildfire Mitigation Plan .

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