Videos & Images

To see pictures of the AFR project, watch a video with an overview of the project, and view a clip of the helicopter operations, see below. Additional educational videos and links are also provided below.

The Ashland Forest Resiliency Stewardship Project is selectively thinning trees in the Ashland Watershed to reduce fire danger and promote forest health. Watch as one operator extracts the logs (being careful not to scrape any standing trees) while the other de-limbs, cuts, and piles them. Large fire-adapted trees are left standing with more nutrients, water and resources to grow even larger. This crucial part of forest restoration builds healthier communities by reducing the risk of uncharacteristically large wildfires and builds sustainable economies.

A decade of utilizing prescribed fire: AFR Proactive Fire Planning

Controlled burning in the Ashland Watershed:  Carrying the Torch
Before & After Pictures
The pictures below give a snap shot of some units before and after ground based commercial thinning was completed. Small trees were selectively thinned from around large old trees, shown in the pictures below with white arrows. Reducing fuels and increasing resources available for these large old trees improves forest health and makes these "legacy trees" more likely to survive a future wildfire. 
Additional Before and After Pictures

The photos below provide a more complete picture of how smaller trees, brush, and debris were ecologically thinned around large, old trees. This "legacy tree release" reduces competition for light and reduces, creating more space in the canopy, and making more light available to the understory.  







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