Agendas and Minutes

Conservation and Climate Outreach Committee (View All)

Conservation and Climate Outreach Commission

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

These minutes have yet to be approved by the Commission.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Siskiyou Room, 51 Winburn Way
1. Call to Order
Vice Chair Marion Moore called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. Commissioners Risa Buck, Larry Cooper, Drew Gilliland, and Bryan Sohl were present. Commissioners James McGinnis and David Sommer were absent. Commissioners Marni Koopman and Jamie Rosenthal arrived later. Staff Liaison Stu Green was also present. Staff Liaison Adam Hanks and Council Liaison Julie Akins were absent.
Gilliland updated the Commission that Southern Oregon University (SOU) hired Rebecca Walker as the new Sustainability Coordinator who will eventually be the SOU representative of the Commission. The rest of the Commission introduced themselves to Gilliland. 
Rosenthal arrived 6:05 p.m.
2. Consent Agenda
2.1. August 28, 2019 Meeting Minutes
Moore clarified that under section 5.2 the motion made was for staff to compile a letter not comply as was written. Moore also stated that “to” was missing from the sentence “Because of conflicts with the Leaves and Composting article, it was decided have a feature article in the Sneak Preview for Rogue to Go in November instead of utilizing the Conservation Corner” in section 6.1.1.
Koopman arrived 6:10 p.m.
Buck/Rosenthal moved to approve the article with the changes discussed. Further discussion: none. All Ayes. Motion passed unanimously.
3. Announcements
3.1. Next Regular Meeting: October 23, 2019
Reschedule December 18 Meeting
Sohl will be absent and Cooper could possibly be absent for the December 18 meeting, but the meeting is staying as scheduled. Rosenthal reminded everyone she would be late to October’s meeting.
3.2. Upcoming Sub-committee meetings
The Outreach Sub-committee currently has meetings on October 3 and 17, but the October 3 meeting might be cancelled. The Waste Prevention Sub-committee will have a meeting on September 30 at GEOs starting at 2 p.m.
3.3. Other Announcements from Commissioners
Cooper expressed interest in having a liaison even if informal between the Climate Policy Commission (CPAC) and the Conservation and Climate Outreach Commission. Buck added that the liaison could be rotating and asked to have a spot on each Commission agenda for the other Commission to present. Green stated that as he is a staff liaison for both he is happy to share ideas and encouraged all Commissioners to read the minutes of CPAC. Moore requested that the Commission continue this discussion to next meeting.
Rosenthal announced that the Master Recycler course occurred the night before. The course is held by Jackson County at Rogue Disposal in Medford and saw upwards of 30 people in attendance; the largest group so far. Rosenthal also informed the Commission that Recology is working with the City about reviewing the multifamily recycling code to be more robust. She would like to bring a draft of the Ordinance to the Commission for review before it goes to Council when it is ready. 
4. Public Forum
Huelz Gutcheon – stated that the climate issues are too large for the administration to keep up with. He will continue to speak about the Climate and Energy Action Plan (CEAP) to the Planning Commission and Community Development Department.
Angelina Cook – works with Emerging Futures and Ashland Drawdown group. Emerging Futures is working with a Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) grant to coordinate restaurants and households with food waste reduction. The group is also working with the Outreach Sub-committee.
5. Reports/Presentations
5.1 Carbon Sequestration
Due to a scheduling miscommunication, this item will be moved to the October meeting.
5.2 Council and Administration Update
Green announced that the Forth electric vehicle (EV) event will be held next Friday, October 4. The group has been in Ashland before and this event will allow participants to test drive and ask experts about the available EVs. The event will last from 12 p.m. until 6 p.m. and will include the local Electric Vehicles for Ashland (EVA) group. Green also tabled for the Commission with Moore and McGinnis at the September 20 Climate Strike. The Council approved a resolution stating their goals which included addressing climate change as one of their higher priority value services.
6. Old Business
6.1. Commission Monthly Column in Sneak Preview
Approve Article
Moore asked for comments on the Leaves and Composting Options article written by Rosenthal for the November issue of Sneak Preview. Koopman/Cooper moved to approve the article as written. Further Discussion: clarification on two drop off days versus needing to purchase bags. All Ayes. Motion passed unanimously.
Buck requested that a Conservation Corner article for Rogue to Go run in December. The Commissioners agreed to add Rogue to Go to December and move the CPAC joint commission article to January.
6.2. Sub-committee updates
6.2.1 Water
6.2.2 Waste Prevention
Rosenthal mentioned last meeting that she would be writing a piece for the City Source about Senate Bill 90. She hopes to have the Commission review the article before its publication and would like help from the Commission on getting the word out. Ideas included Commissioners speaking to businesses and residents directly, posting on their personal social media pages, and writing an article for the Ashland Tidings. Discussion will continue at the next Waste Prevention Sub-committee. 
Buck gave an update on Rogue to Go. The City Council approved the purchase of the containers using the DEQ grant. Purchasing of the containers will be happening soon, but the logo for the tokens is finished. 
6.2.3 Air Quality
Moore announced two issues assigned to the Sub-committee: electric landscaping equipment and idling. There was an event at ACE Hardware for landscaping equipment, but Buck stated that the focus was not on electric ones. Ideas for expanding the electric landscape outreach included: 
Providing incentives (City and/or ACE) for switching to electric (concerns of money not staying in Ashland);
Outreach to commercial landscapers;
City ordinance allowing time for commercial landscapers to switch from gas powered equipment (concerns to legality of such ordinance);
Implementing a tool library potentially with grant money;
Encouraging repairing equipment and buying new only when needed; and
Having ACE provide rentals.
Koopman and Cooper will meet about the possibility of creating a tool library through grant money. 
6.2.4 Marketing and Outreach
Cooper updated the Commission on the video project featuring Buck and her sustainable home. Moore mentioned the neighborhood outreach items that will be further discussed under New Business. Additional ideas for outreach included having an external website, speaking in Public forum at Council meetings, and sending emails to the City Council.
7. New Business
7.1. Annual Report to Council
The Commission agreed upon including the following in their annual report to Council scheduled for October 15:
Continuation of Straws on Demand pilot program, bottles and cans recycling bins downtown, graywater and laundry to landscape workshops, Conservation Corner in Sneak Preview and Commissioners participation in EVA (for EV outreach and incentives for the community) and Jim Hartman’s class on Climate change;
Creation of Rogue to Go pilot program, video series for mitigating climate impacts, electric landscaping tools implemented at Ashland School District (ASD), advocating for electric landscaping equipment, outreach activities through neighborhood groups, tabling, and tools for information sharing; 
Change in charge of Commission (McGinnis); and
Reflection to Council on future of CEAP while sharing insights to similar communities (Koopman and Cooper).
Discussion also included on presenters and attendees. Cooper offered to help present while Koopman, Rosenthal, Gilliland, Moore, and possibly Sohl offered to attend.
7.2. Approval of Actions to Mitigate/Adapt to Climate Change Handout
Edits to the handout included:
Add “like a LOT less” to “Buy Less” point;
Change “Eat seasonally” to “Eat food in season”;
Change “use less hot water” to “use cold water” under the Laundry point;
Change all buys to another synonym and add “when necessary" if “buy” is still used; and
Remove all “if possible” phrasing.
This item will be brought back to the October meeting for approval with the changes suggested. 
7.3. Neighborhood Presentations
Due to lack of time this item was moved to the October meeting. Moore asked if she can proceed with the current slides for a presentation in the meantime. The Commissioners agreed and Koopman stated that she would share her feedback at the next Outreach Sub-committee.
8. Wrap Up
8.1. Review of Action Items
Moore reviewed progress on previous action items. Pending items include: electric landscaping equipment, displaying outreach on City TVs, and preparing the webpage update. Completed items include: Rogue to Go Tidings article.
Items from this meeting include: Koopman and Cooper meeting about the tool library grant possibilities, Outreach Sub-Committee will review the slideshow before the October meeting. Green stated that it would be valuable to have all outreach aligned with CEAP goals and actions. He will send out a spreadsheet for tracking. Green also suggested compiling a written annual report to submit to Council in addition to the presentation.
8.2. Items to be added to next agenda
Debrief on State Laws (after legal review)
Public Meeting, Records, and Ethics Presentation
Vice Chair Moore adjourned 8:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, 

Elizabeth Taylor

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