Agendas and Minutes

Airport Committee (View All)

Airport Commission Regular Meeting

Tuesday, April 02, 2019



Ashland Airport Commission


April 5th, 2019



Wolske calls meeting to order at 9:30 AM

Roll Call:


Members Present: David Wolske (Chair), George Schoen, William Skillman, Daniel Palomino, Bernard Spera, Susan Moen, Lincoln Zeve (arrived at 9:45am).

FBO Present: Bob Skinner

Members Absent: Dana Greaves, Andrew Vandenberg

Staff Present: Chance Metcalf, Kaylea Kathol, Shannon Burruss

Guests: Patt Hereklotz



Public Forum –





Skillman Moves, Spera seconds.

All Ayes. Minutes Approved



Request for Additional Items from Commission Members- None.



Old Business



Commission Policies and Operating Procedures- Wolske briefly discusses Commission operating procedures to meet legal requirements for conduct of Commissions. Metcalf goes over Motion procedure.



Airport Day Update- Commission discusses what has been done and what has not been done, as well as delegates remaining needs to others. Commission discusses what their vision for Airport Day might be.



Action Item List:



Landscaping/Irrigation (Driveway)- Metcalf discusses updates on project. Once irrigation piece is completed it will be solicited as a full project, probably in the Fall. Wolske suggests that the Commission decide what kind of landscaping would be appropriate. Schoen recalls that the plans had already been looked at in previous meetings. Skinner suggest that the discussion is brought back up. It is agreed that the plan should be revisited near July as the budget will have been completed and more information will be available with other projects.



Restroom Improvements-  Metcalf updates, the bathrooms are near completion but are waiting on a door for final painting. Will be 100% complete by end of month.



Airport Maintenance Plan- Kathol reiterates from last meeting that there will be a map that proposes a new area of herbicide application areas, this will be presented nearer to July. This will also show the areas Brim will be responsible for. The work group for Airport Maintenance is brought up, their purpose being to allow Commission to have more input and involvement in airport operations. The flow chart for communication between City and Airport is reviewed. Zeve inquiries into the feasibility of using ground up asphalt to fill some spots around the airport. Metcalf mentions that the age of the asphalt may make it difficult to utilize. Wolske mentions other hurtles were mentioned previously, such as the installation of drainage etc.. It is decided that the proposed work group could look into options as well as prioritize projects. Zeve brings up an email from Brim to Paula Brown, regarding the road that goes to his hangar, Brim had wanted the City to pay for the lignin on his upper road, stating it was utilized by others as well as himself. Wolske informs that this is an issue between Brim and the City, and no one present has data regarding this nor has it come before the Commission.



New Business



Airport Security Camera- Skinner reiterates previous conversations about a recent break in and the need for a better security camera. Metcalf states he met with the Ashland Police Department regarding adding the Airport to the Ashland security network, including high definition cameras which APD will have access too. Metcalf will hopefully have more information for the next meeting. Wolske asks if this should be added to action list. Metcalf agrees.



ADA Sidewalk Ramp- Metcalf explains pictures contained in Agenda, the sidewalk is a trip hazard, Metcalf would like to have the hazard ground down, and that the ramp needs to be updated to ADA standards. Metcalf suggests this issue be added to the maintenance work group’s list. Moen would like to have the trip hazard remedied soon.



Airport Good Neighbor Items- Skinner mentions that nothing much has happened aside from a low flying airplane over I5, that had had trouble over the pass. This involved the County Sheriff.



FBO Reports: Skinner states the Airport is busy, multiple inspections are going on at the FBO. Not many issues or complaints. There was a security system installed in the FBO and the maintenance hangar at Skinner expense secured through SOS Alarm.



Brown Bag Lunch- Wolske states it should be taken off the agenda as he hasn’t heard anything about it.




NEXT MEETING DATE:  May 7th, 2019




   ADJOURNMENT:           Meeting adjourned at 11:15am


Respectfully submitted,

Shannon Burruss

Public Works Administration  




  Text Box: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Administrator's office at (541) 488-6002 (TTY phone number 1-800-735-2900).  Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title I).


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