Agendas and Minutes

City Council (View All)

Regular Meeting

Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Council Chambers, 1175 E. Main Street
Call to Order
Mayor Stromberg called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM in the Civic Center Council Chambers.
Roll Call
Councilor Slattery, Morris, Seffinger, Darrow, and Lemhouse were present. Councilor Rosenthal was absent.
Mayor’s Announcements
Mayor Stromberg announced the current commission vacancies. 
City Attorney Lohman introduced the new Assistant City Attorney Katrina Brown and gave information about her background. He offered thanks for the work that Doug McGeary did while working in the City Attorney’s office as a part-time Assistant City Attorney.
Approval of Minutes
1.    Business Meeting of September 5, 2017
2.    Business Meeting of September 19, 2017
Councilor Slattery commented regarding having Ad-Hoc Committee minutes submitted for Council review.   He requested Staff to have Ad-Hoc Committee and Regular Commission liaisons submit their minutes to Council.
Councilor Slattery/Lemhouse m/s to approve the minutes as presented. Discussion: None. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion Passed.
Special Presentations and Awards
Public Forum
Sue Wilson requested that City award Chris Dodson an outstanding service recognition award. (See attached written testimony).
Consent Agenda
1.    Procurement of three dump trucks each exceeding $100,000
2.    Request for approval of a contract addendum for internet service
3.    Authorization to transfer ownership of a retired police vehicle to Talent PD
4.    Appointment of Jackie Bachman to the Housing and Human Services Commission
Councilor Slattery removed item #3 for discussion. He asked why we were giving away a vehicle work $14,000. Chief O’Meara explained that the value of the vehicle
Councilor Slattery/Seffinger m/s to approve the consent agenda. Discussion: None. Voice Vote. All Ayes. Motion Passed.
Public Hearings
Unfinished Business
New and Miscellaneous Business
1.         Recommendation from the ad hoc City Hall Advisory Committee
Management Analyst, Ann Seltzer gave an overview of the background of the Ad-Hoc Committee’s creation. Public Works Supervisor, Mike Morrison gave a presentation of the current city hall status (see attached). Due to 50 years of deferred maintenance, there is a host of issues costing the city a considerable amount of money and staff time.
Juli Di Chiro, Chair of the Ad-Hoc City Hall Committee, introduced the committee members and gave an overview of their discussions. Stated they were unable to come to a consensus on an option. They decided that rather than forward a single option, they would give Council options for consideration and the ability to seek more information to make an informed decision. She gave an overview of the choices the committee considered (shown in the agenda packet).
Ms. Di Chiro described how the committee created the criteria for deciding on what options to present to Council. She gave an overview of the choices forwarded to Council by the committee. The committee was frustrated by not having full cost estimates of the options for consideration. The committee feels Council should seek more firm cost estimates before making any final decision. They also recommend that Council go forward with putting phase II of the Police Station/ Emergency Operations Center on the May 2018 ballot. The group also offered their services in reviewing options after the City has gathered more complete cost estimates of the proposed options.
Councilor Lemhouse asked if the committee considers the façade of the current City Hall to be of significant historical value. Di Chiro stated that the group was split on this concern, some felt it was of historic value others were more concerned with the cost of any option, not just the financial cost but the cost in disruption to the plaza area and nearby businesses.
Parking space was discussed.
Councilor Seffinger asked if group considered solar and how the building fits with CEAP. Di Chiro stated they didn’t take this much into consideration, as that’s construction-planning concern, not specifically related to location and function of the building. Seffinger asked if the group considered issues related to being in the Hostler Dam inundation zone. Di Chiro stated that this wasn’t a high concern for the committee. It was to her, in addition to the ADA access issues with the current building.
Councilor Darrow asked about the deed restrictions. Lohman stated that this is not enough of a concern to not move forward with any of the options.
Councilor Darrow asked if group asked about relocation of current staff if the building was remodeled. Di Chiro stated that this was brought up, but was not a high enough concern to prevent that location rising to the top. They did consider relocating some staff to the EOC location, if that building is completed in time.
Councilor Darrow asked if Briscoe ranked where it did because of how late that option was presented. Di Chiro stated that it was already on the table as an option when the group started and therefore was given equal consideration.
Public Input:
Sharon Javna-219 Almond St., Ashland.  Stated that Briscoe has many advantages including location closed to downtown, plentiful on-street and off-street parking and preserving the building and the park. She spoke that there are still many questions that need to be answered.
Jim Young-265 North Main Suite B #4- Spoke regarding costs. The facilities committee of the school board came up with the idea that they would be willing to trade Briscoe for future permit fees and should be explored. He’s noticed that the current city hall is currently smaller by 1,000 square feet that the gym at Brisco. He spoke that the idea of having a 4 story structure at the current site seems inefficient (see attached).
Ms. DiChiro stated that when the business manager proposed the fee exchange it was just an option and currently has no agreement to such a proposal from the School Board.
Councilor Lemhouse ask if the group discussed moving Community Development to the Civic Center and moving City Hall functions to the Community Development building. Ms. Seltzer stated that the group discussed building location, not specific function.
Council discussed the next steps.
Councilor Slattery stated for the record that he is serving on the Ashland School Board Bond Committee.
Council discussed RFQ possibility, requirements and timeline. Council requested that Staff bring back further information about the Police remodel and EOC at the next business meeting.
Council discussed the possibility of locating everything in one place.
Councilor Slattery stated his frustration regarding the approval of the phase II of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) that was done in 2011, and now it’s become an issue requiring our timeline to be sped up. Chief O’Meara discussed the history of the Police Phase II/EOC.
Council discussed timelines and options.  
Councilor Lemhouse/Slattery m/s to have Staff bring back a proposal at the next possible regular meeting; a proposal of the Police Phase II/ EOC with a recommendation that the Bond be placed on the May 2018 ballot. Discussion:  Mayor Stromberg asked if Staff can do this before the next meeting.  Staff answered, yes.  Councilor Darrow spoke in opposition of the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Councilor Lemhouse, Morris, Slattery, Seffinger: Ayes; Darrow: Nay. Motion Passed 4-1.
Council discussed whether or not they want to consider including Briscoe School in the RFQ process and have a Study Session regarding the issue.
Ordinances, Resolutions and Contracts
Other Business from Council Members/ Reports from Council Liaisons
Councilor Slattery asked when a plan for a City Administrator search will be brought forward. Staff spoke that they could add this item to the next Council Meeting.
Councilor Seffinger announced that the Salmon Festival is Saturday.
Councilor Slattery announced that Indigenous People Day Celebration is October 8th and 9th.
Adjournment of Business Meeting
Meeting adjourned at 9:25 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Diana Shiplet
Administrative Analyst
Mayor Stromberg

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