Agendas and Minutes

Forest Lands Committee (View All)

Regular Meeting

Tuesday, May 13, 2008



May 13, 2008 – 5:30 PM

Community Development, 51 Winburn Way



MEMBERS PRESENT:            Craig Gorson, Anthony Kerwin (Chair), Christopher Iverson, Ben Rice

Members Absent:                                 Dan Maymar

Staff Present:                                                   Pieter Smeenk, Nancy Slocum, Keith Woodley

Non-Voting Members Present: Marty Main

Guests:                                                                         Julie Smitherman, SOU Student


I.                CALL TO ORDER: Chair Anthony Kerwin called the meeting to order at 5:55 PM in the Siskiyou Room.


II.              APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Iverson /Rice m/s to approve the minutes of March 11, 2008 as submitted. Motion passed unanimously. Kerwin was voted in as the Chairperson for the year.


III.            PUBLIC FORUM: Julie Smitherman, SOU Environmental/Geology student, invited the Commission to her capstone presentation on the history of the watershed.


IV.            ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AGENDA: Commission Open House Update and AFR Update were added to the agenda.


V.              OLD BUSINESS

A.     Finalize Plans for Winburn Hike May 31st

Commission discussed points of interest for the public hike. Another hike would be scheduled for July or August.


B.     Commission Open House Update

Kerwin, Woodley and Gorson attended the open house.


C.     Winburn Parcel Management Plan

Kerwin will review draft and forward to Slocum for final editing.


D.  AFR Update

Woodley distributed staff notes for the April 25, 2008 meeting with Linda Duffy. The FEIS will be an edited version of the CWPP. That meeting also discussed differences in perceptions of the collaboration and agreements between the USFS and the City.


E.     Community Outreach Plan Update

Gorson and Iverson presented their ideas for the plan.


VI.            NEW BUSINESS

A.   Review Goals for Future Projects

Commission agreed to update the Ashland Forest Plan as their next project (after FEIS comments and Winburn Management Plan).


B.  Ashland Forest Plan Update

Kerwin noted the AFP was 16 years old and in need of updating. Woodley suggested hiring a consultant to assist the Commission with the community participation section of the plan. Commission agreed and asked staff to obtain a quote.




VIII.       ADJOURN: 7:30 PM


Anthony Kerwin, Chair


Respectfully Submitted, Nancy Slocum, Accounting Clerk

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