Agendas and Minutes

Conservation and Climate Outreach Committee (View All)

Conservation Commission Monthly Meeting 06/25/2008

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

7 p.m. – June 25, 2008
Community Development Center
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Chapman at 7:10 pm.
Risa Buck, Stuart Corns, Ross Finney, Tracy Harding, and Jim McGinnis. , Russ Chapman , Jim Hartman and Kerry KenCairn were not present.
City Council member and Chair: Dave Chapman
Staff representative: Larry
Chairperson Chapman called for the approval of the minutes for May 28, 2008.
Commissioner Buck remarked about the incorrect usage of the word Gag, should be Bag and innovative written as innovated.
Commissioner Finney made a motion to approve the minutes with the stated corrections and Commissioner Buck seconded the motion.
Voice Vote: All Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
No Comments.
Commissioner Buck updated the Commission for the month of June.
Electronic Recycling
This month the Transfer Station will recycle electronic waste for a fee. The law will change in January 2009 which will require landfills to accept computers/monitors and TVs only for free. Ashland Sanitary is working with ECS Regenisis out of Santa Clara, California to recycle the electronics. She clarified the station would accept now anything electrical with a circuit board for recycling, but the new law for fee free will be only connected with computers/monitors and TVs.
Educational Radio Public Announcement – They are working on a a public announcement focusing on storm drains, open burning and burn piles, idling, pharmaceutical and hazardous waste.
Ink Cartridge/Toner Recycle-Starting to once again get reimbursed for recycling these products including PDAs/IPODs/DVDs/digital cameras and cell phones.
Children’s “Green” Workbook— Passed around a children’s green workbook from the Association of Oregon
Recycle Conference about resource conservation.
Construction Debris—Robbin has finished the update.
Compost Class- The class on June 14 had 13 people in attendance.
Perma Culture Coupon---received a new coupon.
Clearstream Collection- Described a new form of collection container that would help reduce the inappropriate mixing of recycling products that could possibly be used in the downtown area of Ashland.
Larry Giardina remarked Home Depoe announced they would recycle CFLs free of charge in every store in America. There was some discussion as to where the products would end up eventually in the United States or out of the country.
Commission Seat
Kerry KenCairn submitted an email to the Commission members regretting her absence this summer from the meetings due to an overloaded schedule. The members discussed policy and replacement options.
Sub-Committee Reports
            Green Business Committee
             Larry Giardina reported the committee had been visiting three (3) businesses a 
             month. Commissioner McGinnis asked to participate when they visited the Park
             Department to observe and gather information because he is working on
             a sustainability plan for them. He mentioned the Green Building Certification
             program in Congress and Larry Giardina discussed some of the new
             changes/developments in The Oregon Energy Star Program.
        4th of July
            Commissioner McGinnis reported on the progress of the parade admission, much
            needed volunteers, sporks, decorations and the final prep meeting. The
            Commission discussed the educational aspect of participating in this event and
             finalized plans.
       Plastic Bag/Non-Petroleum Dinnerware Committee
            Commissioner Harding reported that the committee met at the recycling
            conference in Seaside. They are gathering information from different areas
            regarding bans on plastic bags and solutions that worked and didn’t work. They
            are hoping to combine efforts and ideas to create a unified solution.    
      Education Committee
           Commissioner Harding reviewed the targets for this Committee. Earth Day, Salmon
            Festival, Car Free Day, Compost Classes are all events she is involved with.
           Commissioner Buck remarked she might need a new member on this committee
           since Kerry KenCairn might not be attending the meetings. Commission Finney
           remarked this goal might be too general of a topic and too encompassing.
    Cities for Climate Protection Committee
         Commissioner McGinnis attended a Writing Sustainability Plan class through the
          University of Oregon which puts on 9 sustainability classes a year. Hoping the
         subcommittee can meet with Larry Giardina in August.
ICLEI Conference
Larry Giardina reported to the Commission about the ICLEI conference. He emphasized ICLEI is an International community for local environmental initiatives. Their main focus was climate protection, but also they are involved in a lot more sustainability issues. He gave The Commission background information as to what has been accomplish so far with the software program and the greenhouse gas emissions study. Most companies utilized interns that would later become full time positions to facilitate their programs.
All the communities that attended shared ideas and plans that they were utilizing, stressing it had to have support from the City to make them successful. The Commission discussed at length different ideas that could become actions items for the City of Ashland, public policy verses internal policy. He also announced The City of Ashland received an award for the Solar Pioneer II Project.
The Commissioners discussed taking more responsibility and involvement in ICLEI.
Compost Classes for Non Residents
Commissioner Buck wondered if is ok for people from out of town to participate and receive the free compost bins they are passed out at the event. The Commission decided if it becomes a problem, where we are running out of bins, then they would revisit the issue. Also, there is a need for some volunteer help for the classes.
Commissioner Harding will help at the July 12th class, Larry Giardina will help August 23, and possible Commissioner Chapman will do September 27.
Educational PSA’
Commissioner Buck remarked that state wide in Oregon all diesel is 5% bio-diesel now.
No items presented   
 The Commission discussed the situation with the worm bins and how to subsidize
 them. Commissioner Finney suggested the Commission reimburse Ashland Sanitary when they go to Ashland Sanitary to purchase the worm bin.
Commissioner Finney made a motion to authorize Ashland Sanitary to offer a $10.00 discount off of the $40.00 worm bins while the existing supply lasts to any customer that comes in and wants to buy a bin at their office or at North Mountain Park Nature Center. Motion seconded by Commissioner Harding.

            Voice Vote: All Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Chairperson Chapman asked the Commission if anyone was interested in updating the Conservation Commission web site, with more information/graphics/classes/animations and other points of interest? The Commission was in favor of proceeding in that direction.

The Commission discussed Kerry KenCairn’s email. Mary McClary read the section of the ordinance regarding the Commissioners attendance as follows:
            “Any Commissioner that has 4 or more unexcused absentness in a one year period shall be considered no long active and position vacant and a new person shall be appointed to fill the vacancies.”

The Commission wanted to clarify an excused absent.

Chairperson Chapman offered to talk with Kerry regarding her ability to stay on the Commission and asked the Commission to review the different applications.

Next Meeting is scheduled for July 23, 2008.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone number is 1-800-735-2900). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title1).

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