Agendas and Minutes

Historic Preservation Advisory Committee (View All)

Historic Commission Regular Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


Meeting Minutes

July 2, 2008


Community Development/Engineering Services Building – 51 Winburn Way – Siskiyou Room




At 7:02 pm, Chairman Dale Shostrom called the Historic Commission meeting to order.


Historic Commissioners Present: Dale Shostrom, Terry Skibby, James Watkins, Allison Renwick, Keith Swink, Alex Krach, Sam Whitford

Absent  Commission Members:  Henry Baker, Tom Giordano (came in at 7:45 but recused himself)

Council Liaison: Eric Navickas, absent

High School Liaison: None Appointed
SOU Liaison: None Appointed
Staff Present: Planner: Angela Barry; Clerk: Billie Boswell




Mr. Skibby moved to approve the minutes of the June 4, 2008 meeting.  Mr. Whitford seconded the motion and they were approved unanimously. 


PUBLIC FORUM:   Cathy DeForest, 460 Sunshine Cr. talked to the Commissioners about her concerns regarding the gun club lease and what effect the activities were having on Native American relics and the historic Lithia Water remnants.  Her concerns also included the lead toxicity and associated clean up costs.  There was also a concern that potential clean up could impact historical structures and piping for the Lithia Waters.  She asked if the Historic Commission would be willing to contact the City Council and request the signing of the lease be delayed until an Environmental Impact study is done.


There being no one else wishing to speak, Chairman Shostrom closed the Public Forum.




Chairman Shostrom conferred with the other Commissioners and they decided to re-order the Public Hearing agenda to hear the 165 W. Fork Street project last.



PLANNING ACTION:  2008-00910

SUBJECT PROPERTY: 303 & 323 Oak Street

APPLICANT:  Barry Peckham

DESCRIPTION: Minor land partition to divide the property at 303 Oak Street into two lots with one lot being a flag lot. The flag lot would share a driveway with the property at 323 Oak Street. The application includes a Variance request to reduce the required setback from 20 feet to 13 feet, a Variance request to reduce the required parking from 5 spaces to 3 spaces, and a Variance request to not pave the flag driveway. The applicant includes a request for a Physical and Environmental Constraints Permit for one parking space to encroach into the area designated as Flood Plain Corridor by the Land Use Ordinance. The application also includes a Tree Removal Permit for the removal of 3 trees, a 15-inch diameter-at-breast-height walnut tree, a 6-inch diameter-at-breast-height cherry tree, and a 6-inch diameter-at-breast-height mimosa tree.


Chairman Shostrom read the description.  Mr. Skibby asked about the location of the creek in relationship to the project.  The applicant, Barry Peckham, stated that it was at least 100 feet.  He also explained that gravel or another pervious material would be used on the parking space in order to protect the tree and avoid having parking in the front.


There were no further questions and no one in the audience that wished to speak so the public hearing was closed. 


Chairman Shostrom felt the historic streetscape would be protected.  Mr. Swink agreed.


Mr. Skibby made a motion to recommend approval.  Mr. Swink seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.


Mr. Krach asked if the subject of flag lots could be added to a future meeting agenda.


PLANNING ACTION:  2008-00907


APPLICANT:  Polly Hodges

DESCRIPTION: A request for a Conditional Use Permit intensification of use of an existing non-conforming garage located at 33 Morse. The proposal is to convert the garage into an addition to the existing home.


Ms. Barry explained that the applicants were converting the garage to living space and adding a 44 square foot addition to connect the new living space to the existing house.  Chairman Shostrom asked about he decorative garage doors.  The applicant, Polly Hodges, said the doors will stay on the outside and a 3-4 foot storage unit would be directly behind them.  Mr. Skibby asked about the two different widths of siding and asked which would be used on the addition.  Ms. Hodges said she would match one of them.


There being no further questions and no one in the audience wanting to speak, the public hearing was closed.


Ms. Renwick stated she preferred the wider siding to match the house.  She also wanted the garage doors to remain due to their artistic appeal to the neighborhood. 


Mr. Whitford made a motion to recommend approval with the condition that the siding on the garage be changed to match the wider siding on the house.  Mr. Watkins seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.


PLANNING ACTION:  2008-00925


APPLICANT:  Dan Heller and Mary Beth Burton

DESCRIPTION:  Site Review approval for a 390 square foot addition to the second story of an existing residence that is part of a multi-family development located at 872 B Street.


Chairman Shostrom read the description of the project.  Mr. Baker asked if the total square footage was within the MPFA.  Ms. Barry said it was.  Mr. Whitford felt since it could not be seen from any public right of way it was OK.  Alex confirmed that the house was only 8-10 years old and built as a faux craftsman.


There were no applicants present and no one in the audience wished to speak so the public hearing was closed.


Mr. Swink made a motion to recommend approval.  Mr. Whitford seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.





APPLICANT:  Ashley Jensen

DESCRIPTION:  Physical and Environmental Constraints Review Permit for the development of hillside lands including severe constraints land. The proposal is to construct a new single-family residential home, the associated excavation for utility installations and driveway construction. The application also includes an Administrative Variance for the height of the retaining wall along the north property line to exceed the allowed five-foot height limit.   


Chairman Shostrom confirmed there were no conflicts of interest.  Chairman Shostrom and Mr. Skibby made a visit to the property where they talked to the applicant.  Mr. Skibby also commented that the project had been reviewed at the Historic Review Board. There was no other ex parte contact.


Ms. Barry explained the project was subject to historic design standards.  She also read the comments from the Historic Review Board.


Owner, Ashley Jensen and architect, Michael McKee, described the changes they had made to address some of the Historic Commissioner’s concerns.  Mr. Skibby asked how much of the main house would be seen from the road.  Mr. McKee said only the pergola and a little of the roof.  Chairman Shostrom asked if it would be possible to move the house 5-9 feet up the hill to give more street presence and a more traditional look.  (It was noted that the Commissioners did not have the most current site plan in their packets).


There being no further questions and no one in the audience wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed.


Mr. Skibby thought there were sufficient improvements to approve the project with some additional conditions.  Mr. Watkins felt the house was non-conforming to the existing neighborhood and felt the commission should recommend calling the project up to a public hearing.  Discussion followed.


Chairman Shostrom made a motion to recommend approval with the following conditions:

§            That the home be moved closer to the street to mitigate elevation changes between the front door, the driveway, and the street.

§            That the extra retaining wall in the rear of the house on the downhill side be eliminated and made part of the foundation.

§            That the applicant return to the full Historic Commission with conceptual plans prior to building permit submittal. Plans for Historic Commission review should include accurate floor plans, sections of the house all the way to the road, south and north elevations showing the adjacent house, and elevations depicting the proposed house in relation to the grade.


Mr. Swink seconded the motion and it passed with a majority vote.  Mr. Watkins abstained from the vote.





A.      Review Board Schedule


July 3rd

Terry, Keith, Tom

July 10th

Terry, Allison, Dale

July 17th

Terry, Alex, Sam

July 24th

Terry, Tom, Allison

July 31st

Terry, Henry, Tom

August 6th

Terry, Keith, Jim


B.     Project Assignments For Planning Actions


PA #2004-138

234 Vista St (Sid & Karen DeBoer) Upper Poolhouse {Permit Expired)



820 “C” Street (Randy & Helen Ellison) (Temp C of O issued)



11 First St (Ron Yamaoka) (under construction)}



145 EMain/150 Lithia Wy (Urban Dev Serv/SERA Arch) {No Struc final}



125 Sherman Street (Russ Dale) {Under construction}



160 Helman (Batzer-Comm Bldgs) {New Bldg App recd-in review}



25 N Main Street (Sandler – Masonic 3rd Sty Addn) {No Bldg Permit}



237 Almond Street (Don Sever – ARU) {Under Construction}



80 Wimer Street (Thomas Petersen – Kitchen Addition) {Complete}



485 A St (Hoxmeier –Mixed Use) {No structural final)



542 A St (Gremmels/Delgado – Rebuild Shed  {issued 6-27-08}



165 Lithia Way & 123 N First St.  – Growers Market  (approved)



872 B St. – 2nd story Addition



165 W Fork – New SFR on hillside



C.                 Parks Archive Project – No report


D.                 Lithia Springs National Register Nomination – Gun Club Lease – Chairman Shostrom discussed the background.  Ms. Cathy DeForest said she felt the Council was ready to approve the new lease.  Mr. Skibby said the Heritage Committee had prepared a letter for Council.  The Lease would be discussed at the July 15th council meeting at 7:00 pm.  Mr. Krach made several suggestions to Ms. DeForest on addressing the environmental concerns of the site.  He felt a study was needed and agreed to speak at the Council meeting.  Mr. Skibby, Mr. Swink and Chairman Shostrom stated they would also attend. 


E.                 Single Family Residential Design Standards – No report


F.                  Co-Sponsorship with Conservation Commission for Fall Workshop – No report





1.      There was consensus to renew the membership with National Alliance of Preservation Commissions.


2.      Special Assessment Program – Mr. Whitford explained that SHPO was now authorized to extend the Special Assessments for an additional 15 years.  However, each jurisdiction needed to pass an ordinance or resolution in order to extend the option to the residents. 


Mr. Whitford made a motion to encourage the Ashland City Council to approve the additional 15 year extension.  Ms. Renwick seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.





The next Historic Commission meeting will be on August 6, 2008 at 7:00 pm in the Siskiyou Room.

Special Historic Commission meeting will be on August 21, 2008 at 12:30 pm in the Siskiyou Room.



It was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 p.m.

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