Agendas and Minutes

Conservation and Climate Outreach Committee (View All)

Conservation Commission Mtg 01/24/2007

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Conservation Commission
These Minutes were approved by Conservation Commission at the February28, 2007 Conservation Commission Meeting.

January 24, 2007
7:00 pm
Community Development Building
51 Winburn Way
Vice-Chairperson Chapman called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. in the Siskiyou Room at the Community Development Building.
Attendees: Risa Buck, Russ Chapman, Ross Finney, Lindsay Gerken, Jim Hartman, Melissa Schweisguth (arrived 7:30), and Stuart Corns were present. Kathryn Houser was not present.
City Council Liaison: None present
Staff Liaison: Larry Giardina
Vice-Chairperson Chapman asked for an approval of the December 06, 2006 minutes.
Commissioner Finney corrected page 4, top of page that read: 500,000 Federal Bond, suggested
It read $500.000 Federal Bond.
Commission Chapman corrected under Ashland Sanitary 60,000 pounds of leaves, not 60,000 leaves.

Commissioner Hartman made a motion to approve the minutes of December 06, 2006 with the noted changes and Commissioner Finney the motion.
Voice vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.

The minutes of the Conservation Commission Meeting of December 06, 2006 were approved.

No one present at this time to speak.
Commissioner Chapman reported about the huge success recycling the nursery plastics last fall, and they plan to schedule another event this spring for two weeks, May 13-June 1, 2007.
Commissioner Buck reported the update of the Ashland Sanitary Web site and how it will give additional information useful to the public and also posts all upcoming events.
Both Commissioners reported to the Commission about the upcoming Earth Day event, themed ” Be the Change” located at Science Works, April 21st. The event will include a wide spectrum of waste management issues including a landfill model to an onsite composing of much in between. The hope is to create greater awareness and educating people about how they can be part of the solution by generating less garbage, reducing consumption and recycling more.
The Commission will host a table at Earth Day. The Commission members will organize, figure out the schedule, and display content on the next agenda.
ICLEI membership update (Bike & Ped)
Larry Giardina reported the Bike and Ped Commission has agreed to pay $200.00, along with the Conservation Commission paying $200.00, and the Conservation Department paying $200.00 to complete the costs for membership. He reported there would be software training on February 8th, 2007 and besides himself, someone else could participate. Jim McGinnis was suggested. Also, he reported to the commission that a student at SOU, Cally Hawk, was interested in an internship and he thought about involving her in the ICLEI program. He also has an Earth Advantage directory project he could involve her in too.
Commissioner Buck expressed concerns that the Commission support and take action based on the principles of ICLEI, not just contribute to their membership. Larry explained there was a lot of information that could also be shared between members.
Commissioner Hartman announced that the Global Warming Task Force meetings would be held at Commissioner Hartman’s classroom monthly. The meetings are open to other members of the community and held from 7-9pm. The next meeting will be on February 14, 2007.
Commissioner Schweisguth remarked there would be a Climate Day of Action meeting scheduled April 14th, 2007.
Sustainability Plan feedback
Larry Giardina reported the plan needed some refinement and Commissioner Schweisguth stated the goal was to present a resolution to Council and ask Council to pass a resolution to have experts draft a sustainability plan. Commissioner Chapman remarked about other groups putting together similar plans and the idea of combining or submitting to Council a more cohesive sustainability plan.
The members discussed the Comprehensive Plan and the Sustainability Plan, the Council and staff’s capability to be involved.
Storm Drain/Rainwater Catchment
Commissioner Buck questioned the fees charged for storm drains for homes with rainwater catchment, or homes that didn’t use the service. This could apply to current or new construction. Public Works is in the process of developing a storm water management plan for Ashland and these ideas can certainly be considered.
The Commission discussed the proposed draft goals from the prior Commission for 2006-07.
They discussed changing the word “green resources” to new renewables, or non carbon admitting.  
Commissioner Finney explained some of the reasoning behind the draft goals and the Commissioners continued to discuss how the goals should be constructed.
  • Contribute to developing and implementing a plan to meet the goals of the Cities for Climate Protection initiative and the Mayor’s Climate Protection Agreement.
  • Research and recommend ways for the City to expand the purchase or encourage clean renewable energy choices by the City and its residential and business community. Research and recommend ways for the City to effectively market:
Climate change
Energy conservation
Energy efficiency appliances
Expand the City’s conservation programs
City’s water conservation programs, including rain water catchment.
Water conservation and water quality
Commissioner Hartman volunteered Commissioner Finney to rewrite these goals and revisit them at the next Conservation meeting. The members discussed the high level categories and what type of specific goals the want to pursue.
1.   Education/Events
        No report
2. Green Business
      No report.
Larry Giardina reported on alternative sources to hold events, he mentioned Shakespeare, and the old armory.

Next meeting date, February 28, 200, 5pm
March 12th, City will host an open house featuring all Commissions.
Winter Fine Arts Festival, January 31 at the High School.
Meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary McClary, Administrative Assistant to
Electric/IT/Telecommunications Department

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