Be Firewise!

Be Fire Adapted! 

Firewise Your Landscape

The Almeda Fire created the impression that such devastating fires are unstoppable. However, if we can all work together as a community we will make our town significantly safer against threatening wildfire.

This May, adapt your landscape to withstand embers and flames! We must all do this important work to protect our homes and community. 

Complete the checklist below to prepare your landscape,
or download the checklist here: Be Fire Adapted!


May Preparedness Campaign Flyer


Complete These 3 High Priority Actions First:
1. Remove all bark mulch within the first 5-feet of your home. Replace with noncombustible material like rock or leave as bare dirt. 
2. Remove all leaf and needle debris and any flammable vegetation from within the first 10-feet of your home and any other structures.
3. Cut down dry weeds and grasses to 4-inches or less by the beginning of fire season. Keep weeds and grasses cut short throughout fire season.

flammable mulch
Mulch is combustible and should not be placed within 5 feet
of the home or next to flammable materials like fences or decks
Complete These Tasks Next:
1. Clear out dead branches, twigs, and debris from all vegetation around your property, especially flammable plants. Start closest to the home and work your way outward. Remove any flammable shrubs from underneath flammable trees.
2. Prune up flammable tree limbs to a minimum of 8-feet above the ground, or 1/3 of the tree height for smaller trees, whichever is less.
3. Isolate flammable shrubs. Space between shrubs should be 2x the height of the shrub at maturity (2' tall shrub = 4' spacing). Increase spacing distance on slopes.
4. Move wood piles 30-feet from all structures, or as far away as possible. Keep wood piles clear of vegetation and debris. Cover with a fire-resistant tarp.

If You Have the Budget or Ability:
1. Prune limbs of flammable trees a minimum of 10-feet from rooflines, decks, and chimneys. Increase limb clearance on flammable trees downslope from homes.
2. Prune deciduous trees and shrubs so that no branches touch walls or rooflines.
3. Replace flammable vegetation with fire-resistant alternatives. View replacement recommendations at


► Are you a landscaper, nursery or arborist who can help residents do this work? Click here

► Looking for a landscaper, nursery or arborist who can help you do this work? Click here

©2024 - Fire Adapted Ashland - All Rights Reserved | Site Handcrafted in Ashland, Oregon by Project A




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