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Rising Temperatures - Find Respite in a Park

Over the next week, the temperatures are expected to exceed 100 degrees Fahrenheit in Swim Reservoir in Lithia Park Southern Oregon. The City of Ashland and Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission (APRC) would like to remind the community of the 18 developed city parks and over 600 acres of open space in Ashland. All of the parks and park land offer shady areas and respite from the extreme heat. View the 18 city parks at
In Lithia Park, the Swim Reservoir and the wading area near the children’s playground are both open now. In addition, the Splash Pad at Garfield Park is open seven (7) days a week from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
“It’s important at this time to not congregate, especially indoors, due to COVID-19; therefore, cooling shelters or tents will not be offered this summer. Rather, we want to remind the citizens of Ashland that they can find comfort in a shady park, whether it be a developed area with a lawn and picnic table, or a shady trail alongside a creek,” stated APRC Director, Michael A. Black.
Most developed parks have functional water fountains, with the exception of Briscoe and Scenic Park. In addition, during a heat wave the Ashland Police Department will endeavor to have bottled water for any member of the community that needs some. Feel free to approach an Ashland Officer and ask for a bottle of water if you feel the need.
Please keep in mind the public health guidelines mandated by the Oregon Health Authority. The City of Ashland and APRC urges everyone to adhere to these guidelines to keep citizens and staff safe. View the complete guidelines for outdoor recreation at Remember the three (3) Ws:
  • Wear a facial covering – As of July 15, 2020, face coverings are required outdoors when you are unable to maintain a physical distance of six (6) feet or more
  • Watch your distance from others – Maintain at least six (6) feet
  • Wash, wash, wash your hands – Wash hands before heading out and upon return (Hygiene stations, available 24 hours per day, are located throughout Ashland… View the hygiene station map at
Also, keep in mind that groups of people are limited to no more than 10 for outdoor recreation. Avoid congregating, as crowds lead to closures.
Please pay close attention to the signage in parks. The signs will offer guidance on what is open and what is closed and provide information on public health guidelines. For information on the City of Ashland and APRC visit Follow on social media @CityofAshland, @AshlandParksandRec and use the hashtags, #CityofAshlandOregon #CityofAshland #AshlandParksandRec #APRC #AshlandWhatToDo #FunItsInOurNature.

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