Agendas and Minutes

Climate Policy Committee (View All)

Climate Policy Commission Meeting

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Meeting Audio

November 14, 2019 4 to 6 p.m.
Siskiyou Room, 51 Winburn Way
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chair Tonya Graham at 4:02 p.m. Commissioners Rick Barth, Julian Bell, Zander Huston, Ray Mallette, Gary Shaff, Talia Shea, and Les Stone in addition to Staff Liaisons Stu Green and Adam Hanks were present. Commissioner Christopher Brown was absent.
2. Consent Agenda
2.1. October 10, 2019 Minutes
Bell/Barth moved to approve the minutes as written. Further discussion: none. All Ayes. Motion passed unanimously.
3. Announcements
3.1. Next Meeting: December 12, 2019
Graham announced the next regular scheduled meeting on December 12, 2019.
3.2. Other Announcements from Commissioners
Bell informed the Commission that the International Energy Agency (IEA) released a report a few days ago.
4. Public Forum
Huelz Gutcheon, Ashland, OR – would like to see a climate emergency declared, no new natural gas connections, an electric shuttle within Ashland, a broadcast of electric and gas usage to residents so they can see what is being used in real time. He would also like to see infrared cameras available for the Council to monitor their own houses.
James McGinnis, Ashland, OR – is the chair of the Conservation and Climate Outreach Commission (CCOC). He announced that the CCOC passed a motion last night at their meeting to ask the Council to look into declaring a climate emergency for Ashland. 
Marion Moore, Ashland, OR – is the co-chair of the CCOC and has been working on outreach to the community about the Climate and Energy Action Plan (CEAP). She handed out Climate Action cards (see attached) that have been approved by CCOC. Moore also spoke to declaring a climate emergency, which would mean that climate action would be a priority and budget spending and cuts would reflect that. 
Mallette announced that the electric vehicle (EV) charge is up and running at Mount Ashland. 

5. Reports/Presentations
Green announced that the Electric Department had previously purchased trucks with all electric bucket components. This will prevent the truck idling while parked and the bucket is operating. 

6. Old Business
6.1. Election of Vice Chair
Mallette nominated Barth to serve as Vice Chair as he has a background with CEAP and is a fellow engineer. Barth accepted the nomination. Mallette/Stone moved/seconded to have Barth as Vice Chair. Further discussion: none. All Ayes. Motion passed unanimously.
6.2. Schedule and Access Points of City Master Plans
Commissioners viewed the document outlining the master plans and their schedule for updating. Discussion surrounded: 
• The need for the Electric Department to have a master plan, which would include policy items;
• Four master plans are coming for review in the 2019/2021 biennium (Stormwater, Transportation System, Wastewater Collection System, and Talent, Ashland, Phoenix Intertie (TAP));
• Housing element of the Comprehensive Plan being recently updated and its CEAP incorporation;
• Possible input on plans (Wastewater Plant Facilities Assessment and Water Master Plan) which are completed, but awaiting Council approval;
• Update on the solar allowance for the Water Treatment Plant being brought to Council on November 19; and 
• Emergency preparedness for the City’s utilities.
Barth requested any drafts that staff is working on for the upcoming plans. Hanks stated that they might be able to create a more detailed schedule, but the current plans will be the place to start with the review. 
6.3. Review of Priority List
• Completing Prioritization of Work Tasks for next 12 months
Graham presented a prioritization spreadsheet created by Hanks (see attached). She would like to see the Commission pick out what items could go to Council in January without a lot of research needed by the Commission. Items all Commissioners were in support of moving to Council included: 
• Direct staff to start a Comprehensive Plan for the Municipal Electric Utility (this could come back to the Commission for review once a draft is completed, but the Commission needs to further discuss with staff its involvement with the Electric Utility Comprehensive Plan);
• Incorporate CEAP into all plan updates at the City; 
• Require Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions measurements and considerations in all City Capital Improvement Projects (CIP); 
• Encourage/require evaluation of climate impacts in all relevant Council/Commission/Ad Hoc committee work and decisions; and
• Implement efficiency recommendations from the City facilities water audit and implement energy efficiency efforts throughout City facilities and vehicle fleet.
Discussion also surrounded starting the development of a plan to eliminate natural gas use in Ashland in five years by asking Council to place a moratorium on new natural gas hook ups. After discussion about possible research and outreach to stakeholders needed the Commission decided to wait and work on it internally first.
6.4. Commission Organization: How shall we organize ourselves in order to complete the prioritized actions?
Three groups were formed:
1. Utilities (including energy switching programs and incentives)
Members: Barth (as organizer), Mallette, Shea, and Stone
2. Built Environment (including transportation and energy switching programs and incentives)
Members: Bell (as organizer), Brown (nominated by Green), Graham, Shaff
3. Administrative
Members: Barth, Graham (as organizer), Huston, and Mallette​
Organizers are in charge of coordinating meeting times and places.
7. New Business
7.1. Email Contact Form
An update about how the public can contact the Commission via a form on the website was given.
8. Wrap Up
8.1. Items to be added to next agenda
Green gave a quick update that the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) is holding a vote on Energy Code changes. The City has some members of the International Code Council (ICC) who will be voting. These votes help the ICC give a recommendation to the State of Oregon who can decide to adopt those codes.
Graham would like to see all the working groups meet at least once between now and the December meeting. She would also like to see the groups have a prioritized list for the December meeting. 
Chair Graham adjourned the meeting at 6:04 p.m. 
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Taylor, Executive Assistant

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