Agendas and Minutes

Tree Management Advisory Committee (View All)

Tree Commission Meeting

Thursday, September 05, 2019

September 5, 2019
Audio File
Tree Commissioners: Parks Liaison:
Chris John Peter Baughman -  ABS
Asa Cates  
Russell Neff Council Liaison:
Eric Simpson Steven Jensen
  Staff Liaison:
Not In Attendance: Aaron Anderson
Cat Gould  
Peter Baughman  
Chair John called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. in the Siskiyou Room of the Community Development and Engineering Services Building located at 51 Winburn Way.
Commissioners Neff / Cates m/s to approve the minutes of August 8, 2019 regular meeting minutes.   Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed
Open to guests. – Bruce from wildfire mitigation commissioner.
  • Council Liaison Steven Jensen
    • Ashland Canal piping project briefing
  • Parks & Recreation Liaison (Absent)
  • Community Development Liaison Aaron Anderson
    • Administrative Policy Change on minutes.
    • Cemetery Tree removal - 2 separate emergency tree removals at Mt. View Cemetery
PLANNING ACTION:        PA-T2-2019-00011                            
SUBJECT PROPERTY:     657 Oak Street (Tree Removal – 677 Oak Street)
APPLICANT:                       Rogue Planning & Development
OWNER:                               Salty Rogue Real Estate LLC
DESCRIPTION: A request for Site Design Review for a 4-unit Cottage Housing development and a Performance Standards Subdivision Outline and Final Plan for a 5-lot subdivision located at 657 Oak St. The application includes a Physical and Environmental Constraints Permit to utilize a portion of the floodplain as open space and construct a patio in the floodplain. The application includes an Exception to Site Development and Design standards to locate the open space at the rear of the development. The application also includes a request for a Tree Removal Permit to remove four trees - a 40-inch diameter at breast height (d.b.h.) Black Walnut tree in poor condition on the shared property line between 657 and 677 Oak, and three additional trees on the subject property - a 22-inch Deodar cedar, a 14-inch Ash and a 16-inch Box Elder.
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Single-Family Residential ZONING: R-1-5; ASSESSOR’S MAP & TAX LOTS: 39 1E 04CA 1900 & 2000.
Kerry KenCairn representing the applicant presented an overview of the project and an explanation of the trees to be removed and why.
There was extensive discussion about the need to remove the Deodar Cedar, considering it is in good health.  The applicant indicated that it is the wrong tree for the location and has concerns about damage being done to the foundation of the house, and fire safety. Neff asked why it couldn’t be pruned.
Commissioners Cates/John m/s to approve the application as submitted.Voice Vote: Simpson, John, Cates in favor, Neff Opposed.Vote is 3-1.
PLANNING ACTION:        PA-T2-2019-00013                
SUBJECT PROPERTY:     Otis Street (39 1E Map 05AD Tax Lot #200)           
APPLICANT:                       Rogue Planning & Development Services, LLC                  
OWNER:                               Taylored Elements/CMK Development LLC             
DESCRIPTION:                   A request for Outline Plan subdivision approval under the Performance Standards Options Chapter to develop a 27-lot subdivision for the vacant 5.92-acre parcel (Tax Lot #200) at the current western terminuses of Otis and Randy Streets, west of Elizabeth Avenue.  The proposed subdivision would include 23 single family residential lots, two common open space parcels and two larger lots intended for future Cottage Housing developments totaling 19 cottages.  
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Single-Family Residential; ZONING: R-1-5-P; ASSESSOR’S MAP & TAX LOTS: 39 1E 05AD Tax Lot #200.
Kerry KenCairn representing the applicant presented an overview of the project and an explanation of the proposed landscaping.
At the conclusion of the applicant’s presentation the commission deliberated. Cates suggested that he wanted to see more native plants, conversation followed.
Commissioners Neff/Simpson m/s to approve the application as submitted
Cates makes an amendment to the motion to add emphasis of native species and shrubs John second.Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed

PLANNING ACTION:        PA 2019-00073

SUBJECT PROPERTY:     215 Tolman Creek Road

OWNER:                               Tolman Creek Park LLC

APPLICANT:                       Scott and Linda Durango

DESCRIPTION:                   Request for a tree removal permit to remove an approximately 12 inch DBH conifer tree located to the rear of unit #33.

COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION:  Suburban Residential ZONING: R-1-3.5; ASSESSOR’S MAP #: 391E 11CA; TAX LOT: 2900 & 3100

PLANNER: Aaron                                        TREE: Yes                             HISTORIC: No
(Criteria: Tree that is not a hazard)
Anderson presented the applicant’s case, the TC deliberated. There was no arborist report with the application but there was general agreement that the tree was in poor health.
Commissioners Cates/Simpson m/s to approve the application as submitted with the following conditions mitigate with a medium stature non-conifer tree.Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed

PLANNING ACTION:        PA 2019-00072

SUBJECT PROPERTY:     720 Grandview (adjacent to)

OWNER/APPLICANT:      City of Ashland Right of Way / Streets

DESCRIPTION:                   Request for a street tree removal permit to remove a dead, approximately 29 inch DBH, 80-foot tall pine tree located in the public right of way

COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION:  Single Family Residential ZONING: R-1-10; ASSESSOR’S MAP #: 391E 05CD; TAX LOT: 500 (adjacent to)

Commissioners John/Cates m/s to approve the application as submitted with the following conditions: that lower portion of the trunk be retained for habitat at the discretions of the project arborist if possible. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed
PLANNING ACTION:        PA-TREE-2019-00074          
OWNER/APPLICANT:      Amy and Robin Haptonstall
DESCRIPTION:                   A request for a Street Tree removal of a dead 14” DBH Mapel.
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Multi Family Residential; ZONING: R-2; MAP: 39 1E 09DD; TAX LOT: 1700
Commissioners John/Simpson m/s to approve the application as submitted.Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed
PLANNING ACTION:        PA-TREE-2019-00075          
OWNER:                               Canopy LLC
APPLICANT:                       Mendel Allison Et. Al.
DESCRIPTION:                   A request for a Street Tree removal of a 8” DBH Maple in poor health. The applicant is Canopy LLC and they have submitted an arborist report.
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Single Family Residential; ZONING: R-1-7.5; MAP: 39 1E 09DC; TAX LOT: 500
Commissioners Simpson/Neff m/s to approve/ the application as submitted with the following conditions.Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed 3-0 (John recused)
Commissioners Cates/Simpson m/s to adjourn 7:16
Next Meeting:  October 5, 2019
Respectfully submitted by Liz Hamilton

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