Agendas and Minutes

Ashland Parks & Recreation Commission (View All)

Bee City USA Minutes 10-4-16

Tuesday, October 04, 2016

October 4, 2016
North Mountain Park Nature Center
620 North Mountain Ave.
3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
In attendance – Shari Shattuck, Kristina Lefever, Libby VanWyhe, Albert Pepe, Karen Potts
Libby and Mike Gardener suggested that this meeting could be used as a brainstorming session to generate new ideas from new members Albert and Karen.  Suggested also that we plan another meeting to do official goal setting process.  Goal setting planned for early next month.
  Libby will send out a Doodle Poll to schedule this goal setting meeting first week in November.
    1. Approve Minutes from previous meeting
      Only suggested change:  Kristina and the committee members will now be the ones maintaining and updating the spreadsheet for the Approved Pollinator Garden spreadsheet.
      Shari moved that we approve the minutes.  Kristina seconded.  Unanimous vote to approve.
    2. Review Action Items
      Most action items are complete.  Except for the tasks surrounding the landscaping recommendations letter the subcommittee intends to send to Bruce.  In addition, we are still waiting to hear when the plants at the Grove are scheduled to be replaced.
    1. Open Forum
      No members of the public were present to speak.
    1. Present updated list of PC-friendly practices to submit to staff - Shari, Kristina (in process)
      The group discussed the format and addressee for the proposed letter.  Libby suggested that we address the letter to Bruce Dickens, and cc Michael Black.  The letter should be signed by the members of the subcommittee. 
      Suggested changes to the letter as written: Bring the section in which we appreciate the staff’s current pollinator friendly practices up front. Change the language in the “whereas” section to say “the following are points for consideration”. 
      Libby suggested that we move one of the “recommended” practices, up to the list of practices that we appreciate Parks already does:  Namely timing the application of pesticides and fertilizers in the early morning when there is less wind and less potential for drift.
      We plan on ending the letter with an invitation to further dialog about developing internal policies which could then be shared with the public.
      Kristina would like to see Parks and Rec adopt these suggestions and then release a statement to the public about all the pollinator friendly practices they use. 
      Shari moves to approve the letter with the changes we discussed, and send the letter to Bruce Dickens pending one final review via email. Kristina seconded.  Unanimous vote to approve.
        Kristina will re-draft the letter with the changes we just discussed then send it back out to the group for final approval.
    2. Update on pollinator gardens program - Kristina
      To date, the BCU-A Approved Pollinator Garden Program has approved 16 gardens and distributed 16 signs.  There are seven more applications pending approval. There are 23 gardens in the works for approval, and we only have 25 signs.  We will need to order some more signs.
      In January, we will get started creating a map of approved pollinator gardens, with the help of Judy Loveless from the Ashland Garden Club.
      We discussed offering a self-guided tour of pollinator gardens during Pollinator Week in June.  Kristina suggested that this could be run like a UUAW open house tour.  For example, during the hours of 9:00am to 4:00pm you can visit any of the gardens on this map and be shown around.  We could create a brochure or booklet with descriptions of each of the available gardens.
      We would also like to invite approved gardeners to a potluck in early December, so that they can meet and we can introduce the idea of planning the open house garden tour.


3. Update on the status of BCU-A budget - Libby
Beginning with $1,000 allocated to Bee City USA Ashland, we now have $506 remaining. 
We have also been receiving donations related to the Approved Pollinator Garden Program and this comes to $350 in the Ashland Parks Foundation on our behalf.
Kristina suggested using the Foundation fund to purchase the next batch of Approved Pollinator Garden Signs. Libby explained that we need an invoice for the signs, which she will put through with a check request to the Foundation.
Kristina suggested that we spend some of the budget on identifying t-shirts, name badges, or buttons. 
Libby showed the North Mountain Park name badges that come from Superior Stamp and Sign in Medford.  The committee discussed different designs for a BCU badge.
  Albert will contact Superior Stamp and Sign to see if they can make magnetic name tags in a round button format.  Also, he will get a cost estimate, and email the information to the group.
If the cost is too high, then a back-up option might be to make our own buttons.
  1. Review BCU calendar for 2016 and 2017 - Kristina (see attached)
    The calendar includes many activities that we’ve already completed for the year.
    We would like to know from Mike Gardiner whether he had already explained the Approved Pollinator Garden Program.
    Upcoming, we might want to plan a gathering of the Approved Pollinator Garden winners.  This meet and greet could be held at North Mountain Park in early December.  We could tell the gardeners that it is a finger-food potluck.
    Kristina moves that BCU-A invite our Pollinator Garden awardees, to an informal meet and greet gathering.  Albert seconds.  Unanimous approval.
      Kristina will get the subcommittee members together to plan the Approved Pollinator Garden awardees informal gathering.
      Libby will send Doodle poll to schedule a regular quarterly meeting December 5th-9th, and also a goal setting meeting in the first week of November 1st – 4th.
  2. Discuss and finalize BCU objectives, actions for this year- Libby (see attached)
    Libby explained her idea to categorize all our project ideas into two main goals with four subcategories each:
                    Constructing pollinator gardens ourselves
                    Adopting existing gardens and providing ongoing maintenance
                    Providing advice and collaboration other organizations building gardens                             Lobbying to change public policy
                    Direct educational programs
                    Conducting events or tabling at existing events
                    Developing interpretive signage
                    Publicity, marketing, creating articles and documents
       Kristina will provide Libby a list of resources which she would like to be hyperlinked on the BCU A website.
       Libby will take the ideas from our task list and locate each idea in one of the eight project subcategories.  Parsing out the ideas into categories will help facilitate our next meeting.
    The subcommittee discussed the plans for revegetating Rocky Top after the Beach Creek channel reconstruction.  Using Shari’s hand-drawn map, the group identified planting zones with establishment irrigation that could be used for pollinator plantings. On the riparian banks, the plants need to be 100% Rogue Basin native varieties.  Jeff McFarland is open to planting suggestions from the subcommittee, and would also appreciate it if the committee would acquire (or get grants for) the plants themselves.  The budget for the project is small, considering that it was an emergency repair.
    Shari has already been looking at the potential plants and has ideas for how to site different varieties.
    Libby suggested multiple ways in which the BCU-A subcommittee could be involved in the Rocky Top project including: Planting plan and landscape design, plant acquisition, installation and ongoing maintenance.
    If we decided to do ongoing maintenance, we would need to solicit for volunteers from our interested mailing list, as well as the Rocky Top Home Owners Association.  If we really adopted the area as our special project, then it could eventually be a showcase or interpretive location.
       Karen Potts will reach out to the HOA and see if there are any volunteers available to help with planting and maintenance.
    Rather than agreeing to take on the whole project in perpetuity, the group can agree to take on Phase 1.  We will discuss future phases as they come along.
    Shari moves that BCU-A develop the landscape design and planting list as Phase 1 of the Rocky Top project. Kristina seconded. 
       Shari will draw up a plan for Rocky Top and the rest of the committee is welcome to provide additional recommendations for each of the 5 areas.
       The committee will provide planting recommendations to Jeff McFarland by Thursday October 13th.
    Libby mentioned that Parks and Rec would like to see PPRV do some ongoing maintenance in the Ashland Creek Park Pollinator Rain Garden.
    Libby also requested that new members email the group with any additional task ideas to be thrown in for consideration during our goal setting meeting.

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