Agendas and Minutes

Planning Commission (View All)

Planning Commission Mtg

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

DECEMBER 13, 2016
Chair Melanie Mindlin called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 East Main Street.
Commissioners Present:   Staff Present:
Troy J. Brown, Jr.
Michael Dawkins
Debbie Miller
Melanie Mindlin
Haywood Norton
Roger Pearce
Lynn Thompson
  Bill Molnar, Community Development Director
Derek Severson, Associate Planner
April Lucas, Administrative Supervisor
Absent Members:   Council Liaison:
None   Greg Lemhouse, absent
Community Development Director Bill Molnar stated Commission Chair Mindlin presented the annual commission update to the City Council and did a great job; and noted Councilor Marsh commended the commission for all their hard work. Mr. Molnar announced the December study session has been cancelled, and noted the January regular meeting will have at least one public hearing.
  1. Approval of Minutes.
  1. October 25, 2016 Study Session.
  2. November 8, 2016 Regular Meeting.
  3. November 22, 2016 Study Session.
Commissioner Thompson requested “on B Street” be added to the motion listed on page 3 of the November 8 minutes.
Commissioners Miller/Pearce m/s to approve the Consent Agenda with the noted correction to the November 8, 2016 minutes. Voice Vote: all AYES. Commissioner Brown abstained from voting on the November 22, 2016 minutes.
No one came forward to speak.
  1. Adoption of Findings for PA-2016-01504, 1098 B Street.
No ex parte contact was reported.
Commissioners Brown/Dawkins m/s to approve the Findings for PA-2016-01504. Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed 7-0.
  1. Adoption of Findings for PA-2016-01896, 601-691 Fair Oaks Avenue.
No ex parte contact was reported.
Commissioners Thompson/Miller m/s to approve the Findings for PA-2016-01896. Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed 7-0.
  1. PLANNING ACTION:  PA-2016-02060
SUBJECT PROPERTY:  639 Tolman Creek Road
OWNER/APPLICANT:  Southern Oregon Goodwill
DESCRIPTION:  A request for Site Design Review approval for a renovation and addition to the existing Southern Oregon Goodwill store located at 639 Tolman Creek Road.  The application includes a proposed 7,461 square foot addition consisting of retail and warehouse space and the relocation and expansion of the covered drop-off area.  Also included is a request for a Tree Removal Permit to remove six trees that are greater than six-inches in diameter from the property. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Commercial; ZONING: C-1; ASSESSOR’S MAP: 39 1E 14BA; TAX LOT #: 1400. 
Commissioner Mindlin read aloud the public hearing procedures for land use hearings.
Ex Parte Contact
Commissioners Norton, Pearce, Dawkins, and Mindlin declared site visits. No ex parte contact was reported.
Staff Report
Associate Planner Derek Severson explained the applicants are requesting approval to add a 7,461 sq.ft. addition to the Southern Oregon Goodwill store located at 639 Tolman Creek Road. The addition consists of both retail and warehouse space as well as the relocation and expansion of the covered drop off area. Also included in the request is a tree removal permit to remove six trees that are greater than six inches in diameter. Mr. Severson presented several photos of the existing building, parking areas, and drop off area, as well as images of the new building and proposed circulation.
Mr. Severson reviewed the applicants shadow plan for the site. He explained for properties greater than ˝ acre the Site Design and Development Standards provide that the floor area ratio standard can be addressed with a shadow plan illustrating how development could be intensified over time to meet the minimum floor area ratio (FAR). In this case, the applicants have provided a shadow plan showing how an addition consisting of 11,124 sq.ft. of second and third story office and classroom space could be added to meet the minimum FAR at a later date. Mr. Severson clarified the shadow plan itself is not being approved and the applicants will have to come back for site review and approval. He commented on the parking component and clarified it is clear the applicants can meet the future parking space requirements. Lastly, he spoke regarding future fire apparatus access and clarified the applicants are working with the Fire Department on this issue. Mr. Severson clarified it would be possible to widen the driveway and remove some of the landscaped area on the side of the property to meet any future aerial truck requirement.
Mr. Severson concluded his presentation and stated staff is highly supportive of the proposal and recommend approval with the conditions as presented.
Questions of Staff
Mr. Severson commented further on future requirements from the fire department when the site gets built out and clarified he raised this issue to show that while some modifications may be needed, there is adequate space on the site to accomplish the requirements of the Fire Department. Comment was raised expressing concern with the potential future removal of the bio-swale.
Mr. Severson clarified the applicant is under no obligation to build the site out further as shown in the shadow plan. He also clarified the applicant could choose to modify their approved shadow plan.
Fire Marshall Margueritte Hickman was asked if the applicants need to meet the fire apparatus requirement at this point. Ms. Hickman clarified the requirements for the commission and stated only phase two of the project would require an expanded access requirement. She acknowledged that the proposed height for the entry of the building is taller but stated there is already 26 ft. clearance on Tolman Creek Rd. on the front side of the building where the tallest point is. The applicants would not need 26 ft. all the way around the building until the additional stories shown on the shadow plan are built.  
Applicant’s Presentation
Jeff Bender/2950 E. Barnett Rd, Medford/Stated they understand the access issues and are confident they can work with the Fire Department to address any fire access issues. Mr. Bender commented on the future parking requirements and stated they are currently working through a number of options available in the code to provide adequate parking when and if phase two ever moves forward. He stated he is happy to answer any questions the commission may have about the project and remarked that they are supportive of the conditions of approval presented in the staff report.
Questions of the Applicant
Commissioner Pearce requested the applicant clarify the trip generation figure listed in the letter from Sandow Engineering. Mr. Bender clarified 7.67 trips per 1,000 sq.ft. of building area is the correct number.
Commissioner Mindlin asked about the soil on the north side of the building and questioned if this could be removed and still meet storm water requirements. Mr. Bender clarified they do not see the necessity to move it from the current location and stated adjustments could be made without diminishing its capacity to meet requirements in the future. Mindlin commented on making sure the fire access and soil requirements be addressed in the shadow plan, but Mr. Severson clarified the shadow plan is not being approved tonight and if the applicants have to make changes those would be evaluated during the site review for phase two.
Public Testimony
No one came forward to speak.
Applicant’s Rebuttal
Jeff Bender/Stated he looks forward to moving forward with the project and is happy to answer any other questions the commission may have.
Commissioner Mindlin closed the record and the public hearing at 7:50 p.m.
Deliberations and Decision
Commissioners Pearce/Brown m/s to approve PA-2016-02060. DISCUSSION: Pearce commented that the current proposal is a good design and works well; and stated the applicants will need to meet the future site design requirements if they decide to pursue phase two. Roll Call Vote: Commissioners Dawkins, Pearce, Brown, Miller, Norton, Thompson, and Mindlin, YES. Motion passed 7-0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Submitted by,
April Lucas, Administrative Supervisor


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