Agendas and Minutes

Airport Committee (View All)

Airport Commission Regular Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, September 06, 2016


September 6, 2016

Members Present: Bill Skillman, Lincoln Zeve, Susan Moen, Sherm Lucas, George Schoen, Alan DeBoer, Mike Morris, and Alex Censor
Staff: Scott Fleury, Kaylea Kathol and Kyndra Irigoyen
Members Absent: David Wolske Bob Skinner, and William Butler
Guests: None.

3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes were approved by consent as presented.
A.FBO Lease: Fleury is working with Skinner on the parameters of the pollution insurance subsidy and drafting the final verbiage that will go into the lease. It is a benefit to Bob to operate the fuel truck and it is a benefit to us. Previously commission discussed the maximum $5,000 cap. Fleury said this has been confirmed with the insurance agent and aligns with what Sharlene Stephens (City of Ashland Risk Management Specialist) has said. Another operator that she was dealing with was paying $2,500 a year for the premium, in the ball park of $5,000 for $2 million makes sense. Once this is wrapped up, staff expects the Airport Commission to make a recommendation to the Council for approval of the lease.
B.Webcams: Burkhalter has been working on the webcams again. He has not had a chance to touch base with the FBO and use it on Skinner’s computer. The expectation is still to have the webcams on the City site as well as on the site. The website is up and running to some degree.
C.Action Item List:
  1. Riparian Restoration: No change. 
  1. Paving of dirt areas around the hangers: No change. 
  1. Hangar Enclosure Project: Staff in final edit stages of design build RFP.
  1. ODA inspection improvements and Tie Down Chain Repairs: Tie down chains have been repaired/installed thanks to Skillman. Staff found location to order new tie down chains and will order replacement chains shortly.  Striping still needs to occur on ramp at JLC hangar and the segmented circle needs painting.
  1. Security Camera System Improvements: No Updates.
  1. Fly Friendly Pamphlet: Staff has made edits to pamphlet and document will be sent to printer for processing now that the new website is up.
  1. Storage box: Wooden storage box at end of conventional hangars needs to be dealt with. Skinner and Wolske to work on the issue. 
  1. Crack seal and weed spraying project: IGA was approved by City Council. Kathol is working with Jackson County to schedule work.
  1. Tree topping project: Survey is complete and grid system has been laid out for the approach slope. Bid documents and a formal map are being finalized. The map will show the grid system with previously identified numbered trees and includes a cut list, overlaid with an aerial photo. Fleury said every year we try to survey and if there are trees in the line of sight for the approach slope we develop a project off of it. There can be 3-5 years of growth before we have to top the trees. Trees are typically cut 10-15ft below the approach.
  1. Webcams: Install outside (Skinner) and link to city’s site and Burkhalter to work on relinking to the City’s own site.
  1. Entry Road: Waiting on KenCairn Lansdcape Architects for landscaping plan. Consultant will come to future meeting to go over design options for recommendations.
  1. Runway safety area: We have a log for a couple of locations that need to be filled in and graded out.
D.Airport Website Development: The fonts are too light. Zeve said he did a Google search and it took him to the City of Ashland site. He thinks that all searches should be immediately directed to the Ashland Airport site. He asked what the view to the west will look like on the webcams. Some of the links on the website were not usable such as the Super AWOS link, when it goes to Potomac aviation there was not an active link. Kathol said she will look into these and fix. Zeve liked the hotel page. Fleury said this was populated off of AirNav. Kathol said moving forward she will continue fix problems that come about. The under construction dialog on the website will remain until the webcam links are available. Censor asked if AirNav provides a place where the airport’s website link can be provided. Kathol said she thinks Bob updates AirNav periodically and believes we could put our link on their page. Zeve asked if fuel prices and a link to ForeFlight could be added to the website.
E.City Council Presentation (9/20): Staff to forward DeBoer talking points for the presentation.
A.Airport Good Neighbor Items: Received complaint from Joyce Wood about an ‘annoying low flyer’. This letter was passed onto Bob. There was an inquiry about the fill spill from a reporter, but we have not responded yet because it may be a public records request. Staff to reply with appropriate information regarding the spill. Staff is also waiting for final DEQ documents on spill.
B.Airport Crack Seal Project: See action item list.
C.Sky Hanger First Right of Refusal: We approved a sublease to Brim for the Sky Research hanger. Initially Brur was talking about subleasing the hanger with the option to buy and the option to buy requires us to accept our first right of refusal or waive our first right of refusal for the hanger purchase. The sublease does not require this, it just requires us to approve a sublease to an alternate tenant. Burl is now subleasing the hanger. They would like us to discuss and either accept or waive our first right of refusal. They have a lease agreement for five years with the purchase price being $800,000 within the next three years and then goes up $80,000 in the following two years if it is not purchased. We need to make a recommendation to purchase the hanger or to waive our first right of refusal at the purchase price of $800,000 within three years, or $880,000 and $960,000 the following years. The recommendation would then go to Council.
Censor m/s Skillman the City waive its first right of refusal for the purchase of the hanger to Sky Research.
If the hanger is not purchased before the fifth year the first right is nulled at that point.
  1. Attached – Will be emailed to Commission. Include on next agenda to include review of the actuals.
  1. Maintenance Updates: Annual fire inspections are scheduled with Margueritte Hickman (City of Ashland Fire Marshall) for the third week in October with Kathol and Skinner. These will be 3-4 hour site visits. Public Works is working with GIS to develop an application that has the hanger number, occupant, and contact information for the occupant so Hickman can pull up the information on the spot as she goes along and attach their inspection to an email to send out their inspection in real time. This is to help simplify the process and provide more efficiency and accuracy.
JLC has water damage to the roof and wall. Kathol is looking for a contactor to repair it.
A.Brown Bag: No one attended last month’s meeting. Moen said she will attend the next one.
B.Transportation Commission: Downtown lane conversion from three to two lane has been put on hold. The commission is now looking at putting in super sharrows in the downtown.  
C.Medford Airport: None.
Airport Sign
Fleury said the new airport sign is up and is roughly the same size as the old sign. Looking to add placards below for other operators. The extra chain link fence will be cut down this week. Skinner said he did not want the old sign removed. Fleury suggested relocating it and cleaning it up. Moen suggested leaving it put for the time being. Censor asked for this item to be put on a future agenda.
Censor put it in his resignation pending the approval of a new commissioner to take his spot.
The commission accepted Censor’s resignation with the caveat that he remains on the commission until someone else is appointed to serve in his position and ask the mayor for direction. 
Hanger Use
Censor discussed the proper use of a hanger. Zeve said he thinks they could make their own definition for the proper use of a hanger. DeBoer said he does not know if they are looking for a problem that does not exist. If we see a hanger that is being misused we address it.
NEXT MEETING DATE:  October 4, 2016 beginning at 9:30 AM
ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 10:43 AM
Respectfully submitted,
Kyndra Irigoyen
Administrative Assistant
Public Works Department

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