Agendas and Minutes

Downtown Beautification Improvement ad hoc Committee (View All)

Downtown Beautification Improvement ad hoc Committee

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Downtown Beautification Improvement ad hoc Committee
First Meeting March 11, 2014
Siskiyou Room, 51 Winburn Way 8:30 a.m.
Attendance Kencarin, Dawkins, Hammond, David, Jensen, Friend, Seffinger, Thompson, Beam, Lemhouse (Council liaison), Seltzer (staff liaison)
Absent: Neff
Guest Dave Kanner (City Administrator), Dave Lohman (City Attorney)
Councilor Lemhouse welcomed the committee members and thanked them for their willingness to serve.  He explained his role as the liaison is to communicate the work of the committee to the rest of the Council and provide information to the committee from the Council.  Lemhouse asked the committee to focus their work on the downtown area and later to consider other areas of town.
Committee members introduced themselves.
Review of ad hoc Committee charge
Dave Kanner reviewed the charge of the committee and explained the “downtown” area is generally thought of Helman Street to Fire Station No. 1 and Lithia Way and Main Street but could extend a block off both Lithia Way and Main Street if the committee had projects to consider in those areas.
He encouraged the committee to identify projects that could be completed by May prior to the height of the tourist season and bring those recommendations to the Council for approval.
Background and Overview
Kanner explained the funds for downtown beautification projects come from a percentage of the transient occupancy tax received (TOT) each year of approximately; approximately $64,000.  The actual amount may vary from year to year depending on the TOT revenues.  Available funds for the current biennium are approximately $124,000.  
Kanner clarified the Council has already made a decision to purchase hanging baskets for the Plaza and to re-roof the Plaza information booth.  Council has also approved the paint selection for the exterior of the Plaza information booth.
Kanner also mentioned the Gateway Island between the library and fire station has been identified as a location for public art and that selection process is underway.
Public Meeting
City Attorney Dave Lohman explained the requirements of public meetings, the $50 limit on gifts and conflict of interest.  Committee members are welcome to contact Mr. Lohman with questions or concerns.
Discussion of future meetings
The committee discussed how frequently it should meet and the day of the week and time of the day that worked best for the majority of committee members.
It was decided to meet on Thursday mornings from 7:30am to 9:00am for consecutive weeks so that focus can be on projects that can be completed prior to the height of the tourism season.  Seltzer will find meeting space and alert the committee.
Discussion of agenda format
The committee agreed to take public input at the beginning of the agenda but noted that action or comment on public input would not likely occur at the meeting.
Election of Chair and Vice Chair
Kerry KenCarin was elected chair and Brent Thompson was elected vice-chair.
Public Input
Pete Cislo owner of “Leave Your Mark” would like to present a proposal to change the pavers on the Plaza.  He also suggested more greenery on the Plaza and would like High School students to “tag” the Plaza as an art project as a way to involve the community.  He was asked of his proposal would include landscaping.  Cislo responded it would not; he just would do the pavers.  He was also asked if his proposal would include what he would pay the city for the current pavers.  He said it would.
Cici Brown does not like the way the Plaza looks and feels and she doesn’t like the current pavers.  She likes Ciclo’s idea of involving students and suggests using Mt. Shasts’s new Plaza as an example.
David Sherr doesn’t feel the Plaza design blends in with the rest of downtown.  It doesn’t lend itself to the historic feeling of the town.  He passed around a list of suggestions.  Chair KenCarin noted that his time was up and suggested he could continue at a future meeting.
Committee Discussion
Thompson suggested the Plaza to too large of a project that can be covered at this time.
Kanner distributed a list of beautification projects previously identified and explained it was a good starting point for the committee.  He also mentioned the planters behind the seat walls could use some improvement.
KenCarin stated the fault is not with the plants but a lack of a protection wall, even if it was just temporary fencing until the plants get established.  She commented that the list from Kanner could spur discussion at the next meeting.  She suggests the committee focus on changes that could occur this season at the next meeting.
The committee suggested that further Plaza discussion be postponed until at least April 3.
Thompson is interested in the fountain at the Black Swan and understands the committee wants to discuss the list of projects and the things that rise to the top.
Kanner noted that estimates have been included on a number of the identified projects but not all.  Staff will scramble to prepare estimates for the group on items they are interested in discussion.
At the next meeting, the group will discuss and identify their list of preferences.
Meeting adjourned at 9:45 am.

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