Agendas and Minutes

Transportation Advisory Committee (View All)

Transportation Commission Meeting

Thursday, September 27, 2012

September 27, 2012

Chair David Young called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 East Main Street.
Commissioners Present:  Mike Gardiner, Pam Hammond, Shawn Kampmann, Corinne Vièville and David Young
Absent Members:  Tom Burnham
Staff Present:  Mike Faught and Jodi Vizzini
Commissioners Gardiner/Hammond m/s to approve the August 23, 2012 minutes. Voice vote: all AYES. Motion passed 5 – 0.
No one came forward to speak.
Ethics & Commission Guidelines
City Recorder Barbara Christensen provided a presentation on public records law, definition of public meetings, public meeting requirements, rules and regulations, and ethics. (Copy of presentation is attached to minutes.) She explained that Council is asking for input from Commissioners on Ashland Municipal Code Section 2.10.025 Meetings and Attendance and asked Commissioners to send comments to staff as Council will be reviewing the code.
General Questions:
Can commissioners e-mail each other on transportation topics?
Answer: It is recommended that commissioners do not e-mail each other. The preferable method is to send an e-mail to staff for forwarding to the commission, or present questions at formal meetings; specifically do not deliberate by e-mail.

Who has the right to public records?
Answer:  Everyone has the right to public records.

If attending a meeting in another City and asked specific transportation related questions as it applies to the City of Ashland, can answers be given?
Answer: Yes, as long as decisions are not being made.

Are commissioners allowed to do onsite inspections together?
Answer: Yes, as long as commissioners do not deliberate.
Commission Policies
Mike Faught asked the commissioners for feedback on current membership, how the recent change in the definition of a quorum is working, and to define excused absences as prompted by an e-mail request from the City Administrator who will take suggestions to Council in November.
Ms. Christensen suggested commissioners discuss what works best for conducting business within the commission, and to revisit the attendance policy on an annual basis. She recommended commissioners send suggestions to staff who will forward to her office.
General Questions/Comments:
A request was made to notify commissioners when a member resigns.
Answer: Staff will inform members when resignations occur.

A question was asked about the possibility of using Skype, conference call or other untraditional formats to participate in meetings when not physically able to attend.
Answer: Staff suggested sending these types of requests to the City Administrator to take to Council.

A question was asked about the progress of filling vacancies on the commission.
Answer: The mayor has received interest and is working on making a decision.
N. Main/Hersey/Wimer Intersection Realignment Update
Mr. Faught gave an update on the N. Main/Hersey/Wimer intersection realignment.
Road Diet Striping Project
Mr. Faught gave an update on the progress of the road diet striping project. He discussed the timeline, budget and the bidding outcome.  Commissioners questioned the increase in the cost and voiced their concern with public perception.  Mr. Faught explained the criteria that will be used for measuring a successful road diet.
Hersey/Laurel Railroad Crossing Improvements Update
Mr. Faught gave an update on the progress of the railroad crossing improvements at Hersey/Laurel. He anticipated a project bid in early 2013 with construction beginning in the spring.
Main St., Winburn Way, Water St. Intersection Analysis
Mr. Faught explained a local traffic engineer was hired to analyze the intersection where a pedestrian fatality occurred. Commissioners agreed the visibility is poor at this intersection and discussed other intersections in the city they felt needed looked at as well. The intersections mentioned were Lithia Way/First St. and B St/Second St.  Mr. Faught stated he will have staff look at these intersections and report back to the Commission.
Traffic Crash Summary
Commissioners commented on several recent vehicle crashes that have occurred at the newly implemented median on Ashland St.
Action Summary
Commissioner Young asked for an update on the Plaza restriping that was approved by the Commission. Mr. Faught explained the improvements were postponed due to the Plaza redesign, but will be tied into the new project.   
TC Budget
Commissioners voiced their priorities on items to support with the budget, specifically the bicycle safety education program. 
Traffic Safety Connection September Newsletter
Informational item only.
Southern Oregon Active Transportation Summit
Mr. Faught encouraged Commissioners to sign-up for the summit.
A request was made to include bicycle registration as an agenda item at the next meeting and to invite Officer MacLennan to attend.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:37 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jodi Vizzini, Public Works Assistant


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