Agendas and Minutes

Conservation and Climate Outreach Committee (View All)

Conservation Commission Monthly Meeting 05/23/12

Wednesday, May 23, 2012



6:00pm-8:00pm –May 23, 2012
Electric Building, 90 North Mountain Ave
--- To be approved at the June 27, 2012 Commission Meeting.
Chairperson Hartman called the meeting to order at 6:03pm.
Thomas Beam, Risa Buck, Sheri Cellini, Cat Gould, Jim Hartman, Jim McGinnis, David Runkel and Mark Weir were present.  Roxane Beigel-Coryell was not present
City Council Liaison: Carol Voisin, not present arrived at 6:15
Staff Representative: Adam Hanks, and Mary McClary.
Chairperson Hartman asked for approval of the minutes for April 25, 2012.
Commissioner Buck moved to approve the minutes of April 25, 2012.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Runkel
Voice Vote: All Ayes.  The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
The next Conservation Commission meeting would be held June 27, 2012.
Commissioner Cellini stated she would be resigning from the Commission due to personal commitments.
The Commissioners thanked her for all her accomplishments and work on various projects during her time as a Commissioner.  They remarked she would greatly missed by everyone. 
The plastic Ashland/Central Point recycling event will be October 19th and 20th. Commissioner Buck reported on the success of the Firewise event.  Recology provided and took away 21, 20-yard containers of brush as part of Ashland first Firewise event to help create a safer community.
She also went over the composting classes and commissioners assigned:
June 9th, Tom Beam
July 14th, Cat Gould
August 11, Sheri Cellini
September 6th, Mark Weir
Chairperson Hartman announced under New Business the Commission would need to elect a new Chair and Vice-Chair.
Commissioner Gould reminded the Commission she would be out of the country in August and September.
Commissioner Buck will be gone for the July meeting.
Adam Hanks announced Maria Harris was not able to attend and would talk about the unified land use code project at the next meeting.  In addition, Mike Faught, the Public Works Director and Julie Smitherman the new Water Conservation Analyst would be present at the next Commission meeting.
Steve Ryan 657 Oak St spoke to the Commission regarding his desire for the two commissions, Transportation and Conservation Commission, to have more direct communication and work together.  Mr. Ryan had been the Chair for the Transportation Commission for the past 13 months and hoped to convince the new chair of the importance of the two commissions working together.  He spoke about the type 3 code amendments in terms of idling and emissions.  The members discussed different aspects of the different projects before the city in regards to parking and streamlining traffic.  Commissioner Cellini suggested the Commission send a representative to the next Transportation meeting to build a better working relationship.
Chairperson Hartman moved item B under New Business, Graywater permit process. 
  1. Graywater Permit Process and Public Outreach/Education
Commissioner Weir went over the plan for the Greywater event in Ashland on the June 23, from 10am to 12pm, looking for support/approval from the Commission.  He explained the event schedule and goals they hoped to accomplish. 
Staff Mike Grubbs and Rick Hackstock spoke to the Commission regarding the new Graywater Permit
Commissioner Wier made a formal proposal to recommend to the Department Head that the expenditures be approved for the Conservation Commission to hold a Greywater event on June 13 from 10-12:30 following the outline presented. Commissioner McGinnis seconded the motion.

 The Commissioners talked about the outline of the event including the key note speaker, question  and answer period, and break-out sessions.  The money requested was $600.00 for the keynote speaker, and $300.00 for refreshments and any remainders unforeseen expenses for the event.  Commissioner Cellini  commented on filming the event for future educational use.
Mr. Grubbs spoke to his support of the event and would be happy to attend and participate.  Commissioner Buck acknowledged Commissioner Weir’s work and detailed work so far in the preparations.  Commissioner Gould remarked the community and outlining areas should be invited to attend.  Councilor Voisin believed this was the right time to hold this event and was highly in support.
Chairperson Hartman called for the question.
Voice Vote: All Ayes.  The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
Mike Grubbs, the city’s building official and Richard Hackstock, the city’s building inspector, gave a brief presentation regarding the role of the building department in the application and installation of these systems.  He explained the process was evolving quickly and believed it would continue to change and get better in the future.  There were two permits, one for outdoor use and one for indoor use.  Outdoor use permits were issued by the DEQ, whereas indoor permits are only required by the city’s building department.
He left two copies of the planning’s program for the Commission to review.  He reintegrated they can’t design systems, only approve the systems.  He explained the purpose of the city’s fees would be to just cover the cost of the inspection/approval.  He stated if tenants occupied the resident, they would have to have a contractor perform the work, but homeowner sould perform the work themselves. 
Commissioner Beam asked about some Graywater usages from a restaurant perspective. Mike and Rick both stated they welcomed questions and would find out answers if they were not able to respond.
Commissioner Gould left at 6:45 pm.

 Commissioner Weir talked about the subcommittee’s focus would be on the “Laundry to Landscape
  System”.  He was hoping to generate dialogue in this area at the planned event.  Rick  suggested the
  Commission  email the top 5 questions they believe would be of concern at the event so they could
  1. Fourth of July Planning
  2. Commissioner Buck summarized the subcommittee minutes for the Commission. (Subcommittee members: Buck, Gould, Weir and Beigel-Coryell)  She explained the plan for their participation in the 4th of July parade.  They plan to collect garbage and recycling materials, mostly making a presence to remind citizens about disposing their waste.  They need 12 people and a driver to help create a rolling recycling presence. In addition they will have a collection station and different clear stream containers throughout the park. They plan to hold an additional sub-committee meeting June 14th beginning at 4pm. 
  3. Commission Expenditure Request 
  4.  Set aside
  5. Commission Expenditure Requests for FY2011-12
  7. FY 2012-2013 Commission Budget Appropriation Requests
  1. Unified Land Use Code Project
  2.           Set aside
  3. Election of New Chair
Commissioner Runkel nominated Tom Beam for the new Chair, seconded by Commissioner Buck.
Commissioner Beam preferred to stay as a vice-chair and recognized there might be other Commissioners that would better represent the Commission.
Motion withdrew.
Commissioner Cellini nominated Mark Wier for chair, seconded by Commissioner Runkel.
Motion withdrew.
The members discussed their ability to participate as Chair and Vice-chair.
Commissioner McGinnis made a motion for Tom Beam to become Chair and Mark Weir Vice-chair. Commissioner Cellini seconded the motion.
Voice Vote: All Ayes.  The motion passed with a unanimous vote. 
  1. Storm Drain Marking Program Update
Adam Hanks clarified what information the Commission was looking to update, and will report at the next meeting. 
  1. Energy Efficiency Program 
  2.            Set aside
  3. Council Goals Amendment, Sustainability Planning
Adam reported to the Commission about the council communication and amendment goal that was presented n the Council’s study session in April. They added text to the goal to read:
Develop a concise sustainability plan for the community and city operations beginning with development of a plan framework, suggested plan format, timeline and resource requirements for city operations that can be used as a model for a community plan to follow.
City Council approved this amendment on May 14th, 2012.
Commissioner McGinnis discussed with the Commission a timeline from June through February, 2013 to work on the framework for the sustainability plan.  He felt there was a need to have a sub-committee to work on the time frames and how proceed to bring the recommendation back to the City Councilors.  Commissioners McGinnis, Beam and Beigel-Coryell would be on the sub-committee.  They decided to meet the 2nd and 4th Thursdays if a city room is available.
Commissioner Cellini asked about the expert the Commissioner would bring in regarding the framework and Commissioner McGinnis explained as a Commission they needed to decide what type of framework they would recommend.  The venue would be similar to the Graywater event including a key note speaker, Q & A and possibly a round table.
Commissioner McGinnis researched some cities and discovered they have resolutions prior to developing a plan.  Adam spoke to the Commission about the Council goal and supporting that with this plan. 
Commissioner McGinnis believed there were two ways to approach:
  1. Create a framework where any decision the city makes, utilizes that framework, an ongoing action within the plan
  2. Specific tasks that are assigned to city personnel, example retrofitting building to be more energy efficient. 
    Commissioner Buck suggested we work toward zero waste and that be included within the framework.
    Commissioner McGinnis asked the Commission for approval to move forward with the City of Ashland staff.
    Adam reminded the Commission that the sub-committee would be doing work, then reporting back to the full Commission.  The Commission as a whole, can recommend to the Council.
    Commissioner Cellini reminded the Commission this project can take longer expected since dealing with so many different aspects. Commissioner McGinnis was hoping by November to have recommendations to be brought before the City Council, although the sub-committee can work on that aspect.
    Commissioner Wier would send a flyer to staff for approval and reminded everyone to support and communicate the Graywater event.
  4. Sub-Committee Reports 
  5.             Set aside.
  6. Staff Update on LEED
  7.           Set aside.
  8. Staff Update on Fuel Efficiency
  9.           Set aside.
  10. Green Drinks
  11.            Set aside.
                A.  Southern Oregon University
                B.  Ashland School District—not ready to give postponed to next meeting
                C.  Recology Ashland Sanitary
                Set aside.
    Set Aside
    Future agenda item requests, set aside
    Chairperson Hartman made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:01pm, seconded by Commissioner Gould.
    Voice Vote: All Ayes.  The motion passed with a unanimous vote.

    Respectfully submitted by:
    Mary McClary
    Administrative Assistant for Electric, Telecommunication
    and the Conservation Department.

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