Agendas and Minutes

Conservation and Climate Outreach Committee (View All)

Conservation Commission Monthly Meeting 11/19/11

Saturday, November 19, 2011



9am-3 pm –November 19, 2011
Community Development Building---To be approved at the December 07, 2011h, Commission Meeting
Chairperson Hartman called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm.
Roll Call
 Risa Buck, Thomas Beam, Sheri Cellini (arrived at 9:15), Stuart Corns, Cat Gould, Jim Hartman, Jim McGinnis, David Runkel, and Mark Weir were present.  
City Council Liaison: Carol Voisin,
Staff Representative: Lee Tuneberg, and Mary McClary.
Chairperson Hartman announced this retreat would be in place of another meeting this month.  He welcomed new member Mark Weir and thanked him for joining the Commission today.
Chairperson Hartman asked for approval of the minutes for October 26, 2011.
Commissioner Buck corrected the following sections of the Recology Ashland Sanitary Service quarterly report:
She explained that recycling is an ok solution, and better than filling the landfill, but as a Waste Zero Specialists, she believes in education to empower people and let them make choices to create less waste.
Commissioner Buck doesn’t believe this section makes sense and would like to see the portion of “and let them make choices to create less waste, be corrected to state:  and provide alternatives to waste.
They had 55 gallons of plastic bottle caps, and last year there were approx. 394 garbage trucks full. 
She asked for this section to be deleted.
Commissioner Buck and Hartman are cleaning and redoing the compost area at the Recycling Center.
She asked this sentence to demonstration after the word compost, explaining there was not a compost area, just a demonstration area.
            Regarding the 4th of July event, the Chamber of Commerce is looking how the Chamber can serve as


            model for the rest of the community by the way it looks at doing its events.
            She asked this section to be re-stated as:
                        Regarding the 4th of July event, the Chamber of Commerce and Recology Ashland Sanitary Service
 (RASS) are discussing how the Chamber can serve as a model for the rest of the community for
 recycling at their events.
            Commissioner McGinnis corrected a typing error from mad to made.

Commissioner Buck made a motion to approve the minutes as amended and Commissioner Gould seconded the motion.
Voice Vote: All Ayes, one abstained.  The motion passed with a majority vote.
Shaun/SOU, The Student Sustainability Director was in attendance.
Chairperson Hartman discussed lunch options.
Commissioner McGinnis made a motion for lunch to be paid by the Conservation Commission budget up to $10.00 per person.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Gould.
Voice Vote: All Ayes, one abstained.  The motion passed with a majority vote.
The next Commission meeting was scheduled for December 7, 2011 at the Council Chambers beginning at 5:30pm.  The room will be reserved and Mary will send out an email to confirm.
Commissioner Runkel will need to leave today at 1:45pm.
Set aside
Set aside (December meeting: Southern Oregon University)
(Facilitator for this section of the meeting.)
Chairperson Hartman introduced David Wick, their facilitator for the New Business portion
of their meeting, and turned the meeting over to him.  He briefly described his background and his role for this meeting was to assist the Commission to reach the goals they have set forth.
  1. Sustainability Planning
David went over his agenda for facilitating the new business items:
sustainable planning and goals/mission statement.
  1. Logistics
  2. Perspectives
  3. Objectives
  4. Council Goals
  5. Commission/Staff input
  6. Direction for Conservation Commission
  7. Work Session
  8. Next steps
  9. Evaluation
David asked each person what perspectives brought them to the Commission.
Lee Tuneberg—City staff liaison
Commissioner Weir’s background was sustainability and conservation and felt it was a necessity to help out in the community.
Commissioner Runkel was motivated by his children and his interactions with the City of Ashland, to make contributions in these areas.
Commissioner Buck’s original connection was when she built her home, (1993) Ashland’s first and only off-grid home.  In 1996, she was a Commissioner for this Commission and the Commission sought her return for some time.  She returned and now represents Recology Ashland Sanitary Service for the Commission.
Commissioner Beam approached the Mayor wanting to do something good for the community that was not attached to his businesses in the city and joining this Commission was his recommendation.
Commissioner Hartman has been studying and teaching global and environmental issues for 20 plus years. He wanted to be proactive with his creativity and actions.  He also represents the school district on the Commission.
Commissioner Gould has a deep passionate love for the earth and it was difficult for her to observe non-sustainable practices.  Being on the Commission gave her an opportunity to contribute to a more positive future.
Commissioner Corns was appointed as the SOU facilities representative during his 26 year tenure and had a great passion for sustainability.  His former boss, Larry Blake became the first Director of Sustainability at SOU.  When they replace those responsibilities, Commissioner Corns will turn his position over to that person to represent SOU.   Shawn also represents SOU, as the Student Director of Sustainability.
Commissioner McGinnis was an avid supporter of making the world a better place to live when he graduated from college.  In 2006 he rekindled his commitment to sustainability mainly for the future generations after viewing the movie An Inconvenient Truth.
Commissioner Cellini felt sustainability was a new wanted direction, and joined the Commission to be able to contribute and work toward that direction.
Council representative, Carol Vision, asked the Mayor to be appointed as a liaison to the Commission because of her passion and beliefs that we need to be more proactive in these areas for our country, nation and city.
Shaun Franks has moved in the direction of sustainability due to his studies at SOU and has become passion and excited about his involvement for implementation of sustainable practices on campus. 
David spoke to the Commission about how ordinary people operate as extraordinary individuals when their motivation is based on passion, vision and action.  He brought to the Commission’s attention they possess all of these qualities based on their background statements for becoming part of this Commission.
Objective 1.  What course of action to take regarding the April 4th City Council Study Session.
The group reviewed the Council environmental goals that pertained to the Commission.
Lee Tuneberg gave the Commission information on Tier 2 power based on when and how the city
utilizes their energy usage.
            The Commission discussed their role as a Commission and that relationship as it pertains to the Council  goals.  There was discussion about expectations and the need to understand clearly what their role and direction should be as a Commission. 
They reviewed the Charter section 2.18.040 Powers and Duties-Generally:
            The powers, duties and responsibilities of the commission shall be to educate and advocate for the wise and efficient use of resources by the City of Ashland and all Ashland citizens.  In doing so the commission shall recommend to the council the adoption of policies, implementation strategies and funding related to…………..
            The Commission discussed the lack of communication/disconnect between city staff and the Commission in terms of how each entity approaches their duties that might overlap.  Lee explained the relationship between  the staff connection to the Commission and how that might translate into recommendations to council.  The members discussed their need for a closer communication level of involvement by staff to create more of a team.
            The Commission discussed different ways they could support the current Council goals long term and short term.  Lee clarified the roles and responsibilities about the structure and flow of communication between staff and the liaisons to the Commission.   The members continued to discuss their roles, goals and relationship with the city. 
            The members discussed responding to the study session with action items the Council could implement pertaining to their goals and sustainable practices.  In addition, they talked about plans/practices for the City that could be held to a higher standard than the citizenship. They talked about how to approach what direction the council was seeking from the Commission.
Shaun Franks wanted to keep in mind the request by the Council for sustainable practices/ a plan or input and hoped they would take that opportunity to capture all Commission’s ideas.
The members summarized the prior hour’s discussion:
  • Utilize staff and liaison
  • Increase Communication
  • Advocate for a Sustainability Manager
  • Update Charter, work within the Charter
  • Create a plan for the City government
  • CC does have influence and a voice
  • Conservation Division increase staff
  • Requests for stats/reports info from city
  • Metrics for measurement of progress
David handed out his report, Conservation Commission Direction Assessment, regarding information he gathered prior to the meeting in the following areas:
  • Guidelines from council
  • Directions for Commission
  • Goals for today, successes for today
  • Resources a body
  • How to be more effective
The members reviewed the handout and spent time commenting, and discussing different points and aspects of the document.
Commissioner Gould made a motion to put the current discussion aside and to look at measures they need to take, look at a sustainability plan.  Commissioner Weir seconded the motion.
            The members discussed the motion. Commissioner Cellini wanted to keep reviewing what has been compiled into a report for accuracy to better establish and work forward on goals.  Commissioner McGinnis  felt there was a key difference on proceeding.
  1. Make recommendations to the city council.
  2.  Look at how we operate and tell them what needs to be done
He felt vision and action are both required to make these points happen.
Commissioner Buck would like to strategize to pull what is needed to move to action, because of time restraints.  Commissioners Runkel and Corns felt they should stick to the facilitator’s agenda and Commissioner Beam would like to have a framework of a document at the end of this retreat.
Vice-chair Beam calls for the question.
No votes in favor. Motion fails by majority vote.
David asked the members to review the document during their lunch break.
The members broke for lunch at 12:10pm.
The meeting convened at 12:34pm.
Objective 2.  Work Session.
The members discussed how to proceed for the rest of the day.  Shaun suggested they develop a
 sustainability plan with the low hanging fruit contained with the plan, thereby accomplishing all goals.
Commissioner Beam would like to make a sustainability report addressing the Council goals including a
 framework within the report consisting of approximately 3-5 pages.
Commissioner Cellini referred to the document Toward a Sustainable Community, she had forwarded to the Commission prior to the retreat, reading the 10 steps on how to move toward sustainability.
  1. Convene a task force
  2. Commit to becoming a sustainable community through a formal resolution
  3. Adopt a guiding principle or framework for sustainability
  4. Establish a standing committee
  5. Establish a department, reconfigure existing departments, or appoint or hire a director of

           sustainable development

  1. Educate and train staff and officials across departments about sustainability
  2. Establish demonstrations
  3. Adopt Full Cost Accounting
  4. Measure, track, record, and report progress and results
  5. Publicize
Commissioner Gould believed the Conservation Commission would not be able to create a Suitability plan on their own, it would require a manager and utilizing the Natural Step Process.
The members again discussed what options to pursue. Lee went over his memo to the Commission and included ways to implement what the Commission wanted to accomplish.
The Commission decided to look at each of the 10 steps for sustainability and documented comments on a flip chart.
The members began crafting a report for the Council and discussed what would be included.  They decided different members would do research on different council goals and report at the December7th Conservation Commission meeting.
Council Goal:  Develop a strategy to use conservation and local renewable sources to meet Tier 2 power demands.  Commissioner Hartman will research this option. 
Staff will give an updated report for the Commission.
Council Goal:  Adopt land use codes, building codes, green building standards, and fee structures that create strong incentives for development that is energy, water, and land efficient and supports a multi-modal transportation system.  Commissioner Weir will research this option. 
Council Goal:  Implement specific capital projects and operational programs to ensure that City facilities and operations are a model of efficient use of water.  Commissioner Cellini and Gould will research this option.
Council Goal:  Develop a concise sustainability plan for the community and for City operations.  Commissioner McGinnis will research this option.
The Commission reviewed their retreat in terms of what worked well, and what they would change for the next time.
  1. Goals/Mission statements
           Set aside
Set aside
Set aside
Chairperson Hartman adjourned the meeting at 3:08pm.
Respectfully submitted by:
Mary McClary
Administrative Assistant for Electric, Telecommunication
and the Conservation Departments.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone number is 1-800-735-2900).  Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title1).


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