Agendas and Minutes

Conservation and Climate Outreach Committee (View All)

Conservation Commission Additional Meeting 12/30/210

Thursday, December 30, 2010

3-5 p.m. – December 30, 2010
Community Development Building
Chairperson McGinnis called the meeting to order at 3.00pm.
Thomas Beam, Risa Buck, Stuart Corns, Ross Finney, Shelley Lotz, Jim McGinnis and David Runkel were present. Sheri Cellini and Jim Hartman were not present.

City Council Liaison: Carol Voison, not present.
Staff Representative: Larry Giardina

Chairperson McGinnis asked for approval of the minutes for December 08, 2010.
The minutes state, under the Helman Project motion, all ayes, with one nay exception, and then unanimous approval. Unanimous approval needed to be removed.

Corrected verbiage to include, ‘The Commission agreed by consent’ regarding the Conservation Award Project.

Commissioner Cellini spelled incorrectly.

Commissioner Corns made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected, Commission Lotz seconded the motion.
Voice Vote: All Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
No speakers.
The next Commission meeting will be January 26, 2011.

Commissioner Lotz remarked the Conservation Awards Program is on the web site. There was some discussion regarding criteria for the project. Criteria set aside for next meeting.

  A.     Council Mtg. 01/04/11
  B.     Commission Input
           1. Sustainability Planning
The sub-committee gave a detailed report with handouts for the members to view, also a web
page to view the information. Page.asp?NavID=13650

The members discussed goal recommendations for the City Council goal setting 2011-2012.
 Develop a concise Ashland City and Community Sustainability Action Plan.
·        Create a baseline inventory of the Comprehensive Plan and select city services as well as plans and practices that relate to them.
·        Identify what the City of Ashland is currently doing to conserve environmental, social, and economical resources. Include current sustainability practices in Ashland, and the partially completed City of Ashland/Southern Oregon University Greenhouse Gas inventory.
·        Using the baseline as a point of reference, identify gaps (e.g. food security, climate change implications, and waste reduction).
·        Prioritize the order in which the comprehensive plan chapters, city services, associated plans and practices, and gaps will be addressed, and develop concise sustainability action items associated with each.
·        For each action item, develop sustainability performance measure(s), recommended timeframes to implement, and estimated impacts (environmental/social/economic) for each sustainability action item.
·        Present to City Council for approval.

Commissioner Beam motioned the Commission support the proposal for recommendation to the City Council for a sustainability goal to be included in their Council goals of 2011-2012. Commissioner Finney seconded the motion.
Voice Vote: All Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.

         2. Strong presence of Conservation within City
Commissioner Buck suggested evaluating how things are now, and what needs to be done in order to support us to move forward. (staff and policies that are in place)

Chairperson McGinnis summarized the Commission’s concerns:

The Conservation Commission recommends the City designate a staff position to oversee conservation in the City and to guide current staff within the department.

Commissioner Runkel suggested the Commission ask to speak to The City Administrator regarding this concern.
Commissioner Beam suggested presenting specific ways to save money, in order to help fund necessary costs for Conservation when speaking to Martha Bennett.

The members continued to discuss all aspects of the situation and set aside until next meeting.

Set aside
QUARTERLY LIAISON REPORTS (SOU, Ashland School District, Conservation
Department & Recology)
 Set aside
Set aside
  Chairperson Mcginnis adjourned the meeting at 5pm.

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