Agendas and Minutes

Citizens' Budget Committee (View All)

Economic and Cultural Grant Presentations

Thursday, April 08, 2010



Economic and Cultural Grant Presentations


April 7, 2010, 6:00 PM –Presentations from Applicants

 April 8, 2010, 6:00 PM-Proposed Allocations determined by Committee

Civic Center, Council Chambers, 1175 East Main Street




The Citizen’s Budget Subcommittee meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm on April 8, 2010 in Council Chambers at 1175 East Main Street, Ashland Oregon.




Mayor Stromberg was present.  Committee members Baldwin, Chapman, Everson, Jackson, Lemhouse, Silbiger, Thompson and Voisin were present.




                                             BRYN MORRISON, ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE

                                             MELISSA HUHTALA, ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY





The Committee discussed how they would go about the allocation process it was suggested that they look at the spreadsheet to see where they find agreement and move on from there.  The Committee discussed how they developed their allocations. 


The committee discussed the proposed allocations. See attached.  


St. Clair-They are the only blues music approach in Ashland, which draws a lot of people.  There was consensus on the average.


Ashland Independent Film Festival-Some felt that government funding should not increase so funded them with a maximum of what they got last year. They are a well established organization.


Ballet Rogue-Some felt the amount should be lowered because they dropped two performances. 


Southern Oregon Permaculture Institute-The Committee discussed their eligibility.  They are fiscally sponsored and their 501 c3 is pending.   Some felt they were too new to receive funding and some felt that because they are new they need the funding.  They are proposing a 3 year plan.  Permaculture is a global movement of sustainability and the classes will be put on regardless if the City funds them.  Some felt a small amount would be good to give and see what happens with the organization.  Majority of Committee suggested zero. 


Thrive- They have 3 new programs from what they have done before.  They are an established program with big connections.  Some felt they didn’t want to increasing people over last year without a good economic reason. 


The Imagine Project- They did not receive any funds last year and still went ahead and made the organization off the ground and running.  Did a good job for their first year and was precise with what the funds were going to be used for. 


ScienceWorks- They are a very worthy organization.  They are well established with a significant impact to the City.  The Committee felt that this organization is such a success they will continue to give a significant allocation just like film festival.   Consensus to go with the average.


Ashland Gallery Association- This organization has a good track record.  Felt it is a wise investment for an all year operation that can bring in tourism dollars to the City during the off season.


Dancing People Company-Consensus to go with the average.


Ashland Historic Railroad Museum-Some felt that it would be risky giving start money.  They have been around since 2007 and have 4 exhibits and specific goals.  Some felt uncomfortable using City funds to pay volunteer staff.  The committee agreed to grant funds although the funds must not be used for volunteer coordinator salary. 


Youth Symphony of Southern Oregon-They are a well established program with significant impact to the kids that participate in our Community.  It was felt by the Committee that it is important to continue to support this organization. 


Siskiyou Singers- This Organization did not receive money last year.  They have more shows planned for this year and are specific with what they would use the money for.  This year they will be celebrating their 25th anniversary.


Southern Oregon Repertory Singers-They are going to give 5 concerts in Ashland and have been stable over the years.


Rogue Valley Symphony Association-The Committee had consensus to go with the average.                    


Peace House-The Committee had a consensus of zero.           


Transition Town-Ms. Voisin felt it would be a good opportunity for the Community in terms of sustainability and worth the risk.  Others felt that they would be better off being privately funded.


Rogue Valley Farm to School-They gave an excellent presentation, very specific to what their goals were.  They also gave a great presentation to the school board in regards to foods benefiting children.  They are becoming a model program on how to engage kids and delivering food supply.


Rouge Farms Corps-They are very small, have no farms in the City of Ashland and are not accredited yet.  The Committee would like to see them move forward a little more before the City funds them.  Majority agreed to fund zero but appreciate the passion to the program.


Rogue Opera- The Committee had a consensus to the average.


Siskiyou Violins- Absent.


Ashland Community Theater-They are the only Community Theater.  The Committee agreed on allocating the minimum of $2500.00. 


Lithia Arts Guild-They are not showing signs of being self sustaining which could be problematic.


Web Spirit Community Foundation- The Committee had a consensus of zero.


Disabled United in Direction Empowerment-Some felt it qualified for a social grant but not economical.  Others felt it was economical in helping the disabled get jobs.


Ashland New Plays Festival-The Committee agreed on allocating the minimum of $2500.00.


TBL 21 (Triple Bottom Line for 21st Century)-The Committee had a consensus of zero.


Klamath Bird Observatory- The Committee felt they sound like an interesting organization but their application needs work they didn’t have specifics as to what they needed the money for.  They seem to be well funded already.  This is a good organization to get youth involved.  The Committee decided that they be granted $5000.00 to be used for trail for contractor work. 


John Muir School Garden Project- They had a great sustainability application.  They were very specific with what they needed. 


National center for conservation science and policy-They had a unique sustainability.  Bringing in a conference here would bring in tourism. 


Klamath Siskiyou Wildlands Center- The Committee didn’t think it fit in grant program and didn’t see it as economic, cultural or sustainability development.


The Ashland Art Center-They turned in a late application for the second time which had some Committee members concerned with their ability to organize.  Not clear as to where the money was going to go this year.  Last year they were more specific with how the money was going to be used.  They have the potential to be like the larger groups that get sustaining funding over time.  Offers artist great opportunities and is a great place for tourism.  Will need continued to support to keep the organization going.  They need infrastructure support.


(Committee Member Voisin left at 8:10) 




Chapman/Lynn ms to accept the allocations as presented.


Mr. Lemhouse stated that he respectfully disagrees with the some of the Committee members.  He does not feel that all the money needs to be spent just because it is there.  When using tax payer’s money he feels that you either need to invest in something that the City will get a return on or spend it on a gap that needs to be filled.  If there are places where the City can save then save and only spend on things critical.  He will not vote in favor of this allocation but felt it was a good experience. 


Roll Call Vote:  Committee Members Stromberg, Baldwin, Chapman, Everson, Silbiger and Thompson, YES; Jackson and Lemhouse, NO.  Motion passed 6-2. 


The Committee discussed how they learned through this process.  Ms. Voisin would like to have a report from the previous year included in the application packet.  She also would like to have a discussion when in the year the grant process should occur as well as grants in budget debrief at the end of the process. 


Ms. Everson suggested the possibility of not having presentations and to instead only have a question and answer time with each applicant.  She also suggested that there be mandatory training on how to submit the grant applications.  For next years process there needs to be more direction on priorities from Council on how to allocate the money. 


The Committee discussed establishing a policy on appeals and enforcing the deadline. 


Mr. Silbiger would like to see actual number of attendees, not only percentages in the Client Demographic section of the application.


Mr. Tuneberg thanked staff. 




This meeting was adjourned 9:05 PM.


Respectfully Submitted,


Melissa Huhtala

Administrative Secretary
















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