Agendas and Minutes

Historic Preservation Advisory Committee (View All)

Historic Commission Regular Meeting

Wednesday, July 08, 2009


Meeting Minutes

July 8, 2009


Community Development/Engineering Services Building – 51 Winburn Way – Siskiyou Room




Historic Commissioners Present: Dale Shostrom, Terry Skibby, Allison Renwick, James Watkins, Keith Swink, Henry Baker, Sam Whitford, Alex Krach, Tom Giordano

Absent  Commission Members:  None

Council Liaison: Eric Navickas

High School Liaison: None Appointed
SOU Liaison: None Appointed
Staff Present: Planner: Angela Barry; Clerk: Billie Boswell;




Mr. Watkins pointed out that the date was incorrect on the minutes and should show June 3, 2009 instead of June 30, 2009.  Mr. Watkins moved to approved the revised minutes of the June 3, 2009 meeting.  Ms. Renwick seconded the motion.  Mr. Whitford, Mr. Krach, Mr.Baker and Mr. Giordano abstained as they were not present at the meeting. The minutes were approved as amended unanimously by the remaining commissioners.


PUBLIC FORUM:   There being no one wishing to speak, Chairman Shostrom closed the Public Forum.


DISCUSSION ITEM:  Paul Christensen was not in attendance to speak.  The discussion was continued until Mr. Christensen could be present.




A.    PLANNING ACTION:          2009-00710         

SUBJECT PROPERTIES:                568 East Main Street

APPLICANT:  Mark McKechnie

DESCRIPTION:  A request for modification of a previously approved Site Review (PA #81-64) to allow the construction of a new 305 square foot enclosed seasonal dining area, a 107 square foot covered trash and recycling area, and a 126 square foot utility/storage area at Cucina Biazzi, located at 568 East Main Street.   COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION:  Commercial Retail; ZONING: C-1; ASSESSOR’S MAP #: 39 1E 09 AC; TAX LOT: 14803


Mr. Giordano and Mr. Baker disclosed that they had reviewed the plans at the Historic Review Board.

There were no conflicts of interest.  All Commissioners had done site visits.


Ms. Barry explained the addition had been built already without obtaining planning or building approval.  Mr. Skibby asked about the window elevations.  It was explained that they would be removed to meet building code but the indentations would remain.


Mark McKechnie, architect, passed out color pictures of what had been built.  He showed the change in the gate to be more compatible with the existing building.  When they removed the windows the inset alcoves would be left and finished with stucco.  Mr. Watkins felt the gate design should match the front.  Mr. Krach felt this was an important historic craftsman home and many of the changes have been designed to look like a stucco Italian villa, which is not compatible.  


There being no one in the audience wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed.


Mr. Giordano reviewed the Historic Review Board recommendations which the applicant addressed.  Mr. Skibby felt the painted murals gave the building a “Disneyland” look and was not compatible with the Frank Clark built craftsman architecture of the building.  Mr. Krach agreed.


Mr. Skibby made a motion to approve the project with the condition that the painted murals be removed.  Mr. Krach seconded the motion. 


In discussion Ms. Renwick and Chairman Shostrom were OK with the murals.  Mr. Krach suggested a letter be written to the owner requesting them to work more closely with the Historic Commission in the future.  Chairman Shostrom stated that had the project come before the Commission prior to being built it probably would not have been approved as presented.  The consensus of the Commission was to include that information in the letter to the owner.


The motion was voted on and passed by a majority, 5-4.



PLANNING ACTION:          2009-00725


APPLICANT:  Shoshannah Born

DESCRIPTION:  A request for Site Review and Conditional Use Permit approval to operate a two-unit Traveler’s Accommodation (including an owner’s unit plus one guest unit) for the property located at 407 N Main St. 

COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION:  Low Density Multi-Family Residential; ZONING: R-2; ASSESSOR’S MAP #: 39 1E 05 DA; TAX LOT: 7600


Since there was no one in the audience to speak on Planning Action 2009-00725, the Commissioners agreed to postpone the discussion to later in the meeting.


PLANNING ACTION:          2009-00551


APPLICANT:                         Louis Plummer & Sidney Brown

DESCRIPTION:  A request for Site Review approval to construct a 3,992 square foot two-story mixed use building for the property located at 426 A Street.  Also included are requests for a Mixed Use Parking Credit, a Variance to the parking requirements, an Exception to Street Standards, and a Tree Removal Permit to remove five trees.



Chairman Shostrom asked if there were ex parte visits or any conflicts of interest.  Mr. Swink revealed that he knows and is friends with the owners but felt he remain impartial in reviewing the project.  No one objected to him remaining.  There were no other conflicts or ex parte contacts.


Ms. Barry explained existing house would be demolished and some trees would be removed in order to build the 2-story, Leeds certified, mixed use building.  A variance would be required to make the parkrow wider to preserve the large trees in front.  She pointed out that the sign shown on the plan does not meet code and would have to be changed.  The main difference between the plans presented at the Pre-App was the roof is now showing as a live, green roof.


Christopher Brown, architect and owner, Louis Plummer explained that they were trying to qualify the building for a Leeds Gold rating.  1800 square feet of roof will be planted in live, green vegetation with a water collection system.  The building was also elevated to protect it from water run-off; bio-swales and impermeable pavers were added to collect and channel the water to the storm sewer system.  A ramp was added to reach the Third Street entry.  They also pointed out that the pitch of the solar panels had changed slightly because of the green roof system.  Samples of the standing seam metal roof material, the siding and the aggregate block was shown.  They explained that the trim and roof beams would be cedar.  Mr. Skibby pointed out that the metal roof would be compatible with the Grange across the street.  Use of concrete block was common in the Railroad District and the Arts & Crafts design was seen throughout the residential neighborhood.  Chairman Shostrom suggested the solar panels be moved forward and the green roof expanded to be seen coming down Third Street.


There being no further questions and no one in the audience to speak, the public hearing was closed.


Mr. Giordano made a motion to approve the plan as presented with the suggestion to move the solar panels in from the edges to allow the green roof to show when traveling down Third Street.  Also it was suggested that stacked block be used for the columns.  Mr. Baker seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.


(Continued) PLANNING ACTION:  2009-00725


APPLICANT:  Shoshannah Born

DESCRIPTION:  A request for Site Review and Conditional Use Permit approval to operate a two-unit Traveler’s Accommodation (including an owner’s unit plus one guest unit) for the property located at 407 N Main St. 

COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION:  Low Density Multi-Family Residential; ZONING: R-2; ASSESSOR’S MAP #: 39 1E 05 DA; TAX LOT: 7600


Chairman Shostrom confirmed there were no conflicts of interest or ex parte contacts.  Ms. Barry explained this was a reinstatement of a previously approved Travelers Accommodation that had been out of use for more than six months.  There were no proposed changes to the structures and only minor changes to the landscaping.


There being no one representing the project, nor anyone in the audience wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed.


Chairman Shostrom made a motion to approve the Conditional Use as presented.  Mr. Baker seconded the motion.  Mr. Krach stated that he thought that Traveler’s Accommodations dilute the residential rental market in neighborhoods. Mr. Swink agreed.  Mr. Krach asked to amend the motion to defer the decision until the applicant can attend a meeting.  Ms. Renwick felt that this was not the best project to make a stand particularly in the current economic climate and at this time of year.  Mr. Swink asked to amend the motion to require repair of the porch railing and the sign. 


Chairman Shostrom and Mr. Baker recinded their original motion and made a new motion to approve with the recommendation that the porch rail be changed to a more compatible, open design.  They also suggested the owner come to the Historic Review Board for guidance. Mr. Baker seconded the motion.  The motion was approved by majority vote, 8-1.


PLANNING ACTIONS:     2009-00662         

SUBJECT PROPERTIES:                155-157 Sixth Street

APPLICANT:                       Allison Renwick

DESCRIPTION:  A request for Conditional Use Permit approval to exceed the Maximum Permitted Floor Area within the Railroad Addition Historic District and a modification of a previous Site Review approval (PA #2005-968) to construct a 279 square foot addition to an existing residence, constructed in 2006, at 155-157 Sixth Street. 

COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION:  Low Density Multi-Family Residential; ZONING: R-2; ASSESSOR’S MAP #: 39 1E 09 AC; TAX LOT: 3300


Ms. Renwick recused herself from the Commission meeting since she is the owner of the property.  Mr. Skibby disclosed that when he went to the property to take pictures Ms. Renwick described the project to him.  Ms. Barry explained the project was to add a small addition. The original calculation of MPFA (Maximum Permit Floor Area) was incorrect and was actually 79 square feet over.  Responding to Chairman Shostrom’s question, Ms. Barry said the total square footage will be 2,764; the MPFA is 2,424, 15%.  It is an addition on the interior of the lot and will not be visible from the public right-of-way.


There being no further questions of staff and no one in the audience wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed.


Mr. Whitford said the house was beautifully done and had won an award.

Mr. Whitford made a motion to recommend approval of the project. Mr. Krach seconded the motion.   It was approved unanimously.





A.      Review Board Schedule


July 9th

Terry, Keith, Jim

July 16th

Terry, Henry, Alex

July 23rd

Terry, Tom, Allison

July 30th

Terry, Sam, Dale

Aug 5th

Terry, Keith, Jim



B.      Project Assignments For Planning Actions – Add 568 E Main – Skibby; add 426 A St – Giordano; delete 637/649 E Main, 281 Fourth St, and 21 Winburn Way.



11 First St (Ron Yamaoka) (under construction)



160 Helman (Batzer-Comm Bldgs) {Permit not issued-expired}



175 Lithia Wy (formerly 165 Lithia) Archerd & Dresner-Mixed Use Bldg –(No Permit yet)



165 W Fork – New SFR on hillside (Ashley Jensen) (project on hold per appl)



555 Siskiyou-Stratford Inn outside eating area



568 E Main St (McKechnie) Cucina Biazzi enclosed dining area



426 A St (Sidney Brown) Mixed Use Bldg



155-157 Sixth St (Renwick) Addition




C.      Single Family Residential Design Standards – No report


D.      Exits 14 & 19 – Tom Giordano – No report



Mr. Krach recommended renewal of the National Alliance subscription.  Chairman Shostrom made a motion to approve the renewal, Mr. Whitford seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.


Mr. Swink said he had been asked to be on the Croman Advisory Committee.  He asked the other Commissioners if they had any questions or concerns that he could take to the committee meeting on July 15th.  Industrial business is important to maintain in the area along with light manufacturing.  Once its gone it would be very hard to get back.  Mr. Krach suggested an Enterprise zone because there are tax incentives from the State to bring in certain types of jobs.  Mr. Baker said it would also help the City’s tax base.


Mr. Skibby said at the Mayor’s Brown Bag Lunch, sustainability and Council goals was the topic.  Ms. Barry said the Council goals will also be presented at the August meeting by Eric Navickas.


Ms. Barry said that George Kramer had been selected to draft the Lithia Springs Management Plan to be completed by the end of August.  Public Works is also doing an environmental assessment.


The next Historic Commission meeting will be on August 5, 2009 at 7:00 pm in the Siskiyou Room.



It was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m.

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