Agendas and Minutes

Conservation and Climate Outreach Committee (View All)

Conservation Commission Monthly Meeting 08/27/08

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


7 p.m. – August 27, 2008

Community Development Center



The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Chapman at 7:00 pm.



Risa Buck, Russ Chapman, Stuart Corns, Ross Finney, Tracy Harding, Jim Hartman and Jim McGinnis were present.  Kerry KenCairn was not present.


City Council member and Chair: Dave Chapman

Staff representative: Larry Giardina



Commissioner McGinnis remarked he was not present at the last meeting and Cathy Cartmill was the representative for City staff.


Commissioner Chapman made a motion to approve the minutes with the stated correction and Commissioner Buck seconded the motion.


Voice Vote: All Ayes.  The motion passed with a unanimous vote.



Chairperson Chapman moved some items up on the agenda because he would need to attend another meeting shortly.



Kerry KenCairn letter of resignation was accepted by the City and a new applicant Shelley Lotz was introduced to the Commission.  Her final appointment by the Counsel is pending, and should be completely by the next meeting.


New Business, Item A.

Chairperson Ordinance Change/Commission Name Change


Chairperson Chapman explained Commissions are either defined by Charter, State Law, Local Ordinance, or

defined by a Counsel resolution.   The Conservation Commission was formed by a resolution and in order to

make changes we would need to repeal the resolution and replace it with a new one. 


The Commission discussed the different aspects and changes they would like to see contained in a new resolution. 

They also reviewed different aspects for the Council Liaison and decided this person would not automatically be Chair, but would contribute as a voting member and a full representative.



A motion was made by Commissioner McGinnis to have the Mayor’s representative be a full voting member of the Commission with full member powers which includes the ability to be voted in as Chair.  Also, the Vice-Chair would automatically become the New Chair following the year they were Vice, and a new Vice would be  voted into position by the Commission in May.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Harding.


Voice Vote: All Ayes.  The motion passed with a unanimous vote.


Commissioner Harding made a motion to leave the Conservation Commission Name as stands, seconded by Commissioner Chapman.


The Commission discussed researching what other entities that accomplish the same work as this Commission and their titles.


Commissioner Harding withdrew the motion.


Chairperson Chapman turned the Chair over to Vice-Chair Finney.




No Comments.





Commissioner Buck updated the Commission for the month.


Recycle Center

            Ashland Sanitary is starting a pilot project with now collecting plastic

            wrap and shrink wrap. These items are  only collected at the recycling

            center, never in a commingle cart.  More information is on the



Zero Waste Power Point

Commissioner Buck has presented the Earth Day presentation recently to Science Works, Salmon Festival, Talent Harvest Festival, and Red Earth Decendents.


Compost Classes

Larry Giardina helped at the event and remarked how well the event

went.  Ashland Sanitary has sold 2  worm bins this month.


Southern Oregon Plastics Roundup Event

Jackson County Recycling Partnership will sponsor the event that will

include 3 different locations for collection.  Commissioner Buck

passed around information on the November 14, 5 event.


Latex Paint Collection

 September 12-13 from 8am - 4pm


Free Leaf Drop-Off

The event this year will be November 4th and 18th at the recycling center. In addition the Leaf Bag Program will enter into the second year, partnering with the City of Ashland to help citizens receive a reduction in costs for bags to collect leaves and  keep them out of the landfill and storm drains.


ClearMax Program Update

Commissioner Buck spoke with staff about putting 4 collection

containers downtown that would collect aluminum cans and plastic

water bottles. January 2009, plastic water bottles will have a deposit

of .05 cents.


Children’s Environmental Conservation Work Books

If anyone is interested in purchasing these or would like more

information, Commissioner Buck can relay that information.


Commercial Compost Program

            There are 29 participants.




Sub-Committee Reports

All reports presented.




Larry Giardina reported Solar Pioneer II has over 80 panels sold and the system has been up and running since the end of June. 


Earth Advantage Update

Larry Giardina reported and handed out changes and summaries for the Earth Advantage and Energy Starr Certification programs. 






Commissioner McGinnis remarked about designating a time allowance per agenda item so the Commission can stay on task and complete the proposed agendas.  This responsibility would be of the Chair to estimate and keep the meeting on track.





The next meeting is September 24h.



            Meeting adjourned after 9pm




In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone number is 1-800-735-2900).  Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title1).


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