Agendas and Minutes

Historic Preservation Advisory Committee (View All)

Historic Commission Regular Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Regular Meeting Minutes

February 6, 2008


Community Development/Engineering Services Building – 51 Winburn Way – Siskiyou Room


Historic Commissioners Present: Dale Shostrom, Henry Baker, Allison Renwick, Keith Swink, Alex Krach, Sam Whitford, Tom Giordano
Absent  Commission Members:  Terry Skibby, James Watkins

Council Liaison: Eric Navickas, Absent

High School Liaison: None Appointed
SOU Liaison: None Appointed
Staff Present: Planner: Angela Barry; Clerical: Billie Boswell




At 7:05 pm, Chairman Shostrom called the Historic Commission meeting to order.




Mr. Krach asked that the words “a little” be removed from the Carole Wheeldon Memorial paragraph to make it clearer that the Commissioners felt the design was too rustic.  Mr. Whitford made a motion to approve the January 3, 2008 minutes as revised and it was seconded by Mr. Swink.  Approval was unanimous.



PUBLIC FORUM:  Tom Phillips, President of the Siskiyou Woodcraft Guild explained the concept of the Carole Wheeldon Memorial bench to the Historic Commissioners.  The plan was to use local granite and either redwood or cedar recycled from local sites. Ms. Midge Theirols said Carole preferred organic materials.  They asked if the concept would be acceptable to the Historic Commission.  Chairman Shostrom said the location is the southern gateway to the downtown historic district and would need to reflect that distinction.  Ms. Renwick felt the design should be more refined and classical. Most of the Commissioners felt the site plan presented was not scaled and detailed enough nor were the sketches of the bench clear enough to understand the design being proposed.  Mr. Giordano also suggested photos of the area would also be helpful.  Mr. Swink said it would be acceptable to use natural materials and Mr. Krach stated that it was important to reflect on the historic nature of the creation of that corridor and use that as an inspiration for the design.




A.      Parks Department Archive Project – Parks Director, Don Robertson said the Parks Department had several hundred boxes of stuff in their basement that they are going through and documenting.  He shared several examples of historic documents and items they had found dating back to as early as 1912 such as a letter from Jesse Winburn agreeing to provide the City of Ashland with 2 swans and some trash cans for Lithia Park.  Mr. Robertson wanted information from the Historic Commission on what should be done with items the Parks Department does not have to keep.  He offered to let the Commissioners tour the basement to see all that was there.  Chairman Shostrom stated the Southern Oregon Historic Society might be interested and suggested the Commissioners discuss some options later after the Public Hearings were done.










A.  PLANNING ACTION:  PA2008-00069


OWNER/APPLICANT:  David Gremmels / Carlos Delgado

DESCRIPTION: Request for a modification of a previous Site Review approval (PA #2007-01400).  The modification requested is a proposed increase to the size of the shed structure at the rear of the property. The existing shed was originally proposed to be reduced from its current size, 378 square feet to 125 square feet; the applicant has requested that the shed be reduced in size by 48 square feet.  COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION:  Employment; ZONING: E-1; ASSESSOR’S MAP #: 39 1E 09AB; TAX LOT: 5400


Ms. Barry explained the modification was to increase the size of the rear shed structure.  Chairman Shostrom confirmed that the exterior materials would remain the same.  The business owner, Jared Renni explained the shed would house the coffee roaster.


There being no one in the audience wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed.


Mr. Giordano moved that the Historic Commission recommend approval of the modification as presented.  It was seconded by Mr. Baker and approved unanimously.


B.  PLANNING ACTION:  PA2007-01940

SUBJECT PROPERTY: 172 Skidmore St.

APPLICANT:  Urban Development Services, LLC

DESCRIPTION:  Request for a Conditional Use Permit and Site Review to construct two bathroom additions totaling 115 square feet within the required setback to a historic, legal non-conforming multi-family residential development located at 172 Skidmore Street. The application includes a request for a Variance to the requirement of Section 18.92.070 that the off-street parking be paved and an Administrative Variance to Site Design and Use Standards to allow for parking between the building and the street.   COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION:  High Density Residential; ZONING: R-3-; ASSESSOR’S MAP #: 391E05DD; TAX LOT: 1000


Ms. Barry explained that the existing building (unit 7) was only three feet from the property line.  This non-conformity remains the same on the bath addition.  Mr. Knox said the rentals have been in existence since the 40’s and did not have their own bathrooms.  The tenants used a common bath in the main house.  This application would add an additional 50 sq. ft and 65 sq ft to units 8 and 7 respectively. Not paving the parking area would protect the existing trees.  The owner, James Beard stated the neighbors were in support of the changes.


There being no one in the audience wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed.


Mr. Giordano moved that the Historic Commission recommend approval of the action as presented.  It was seconded by Mr. Baker and approved unanimously.


C.   PLANNING ACTION #: PA-2007-01941

SUBJECT PROPERTY:  1070 Tolman Creek Rd

APPLICANT:  OgdenRoemerWilkerson Architecture AIA

DESCRIPTION: A request for Site Review approval to construct an approximately 52,163 square foot elementary school on the Bellview School site located at 1070 Tolman Creek Road.  The application proposes partial demolition of the existing buildings and construction of a new 42,678 square foot elementary school facility.  The 9,485 square foot original Bellview School building (circa 1929) is to be retained and renovated as part of the proposal.  Also included are requests for a Variance to the required number of bicycle parking spaces to allow 33 bicycle parking spaces where 68 spaces are required; and Tree Removal Permits to remove three Oak trees and one Sequoia greater than 18-inches in diameter at breast height (d.b.h.).  The application includes the removal of six smaller trees; because these six trees are less than 18-inches (d.b.h.) and located on public school property they do not require Tree Removal Permits.  [The Planning Director has determined the proposal is not subject to the Development Standards for Floodplain Corridor Lands because the applicants have provided a survey establishing the floodplain boundary as outside of the proposed area of disturbance.]  Map & Tax Lots: 39 1E 14 CA Tax Lot #4700; Zoning: R-1-5; Comprehensive Plan Designation: Single Family Residential


David Wilkerson, from ORW Architecture, reviewed the design details they had added to the plans including windows on the back of the original building as requested by the Historic Commission.  He stated that they had withdrawn their request to modify the bike parking spaces.  Chairman Shostrom said the detail drawings were too small and the information given was insufficient.  He requested a minimum of ¾” scale on the details.  Mr. Krach was concerned about the transition between the old structure and the new proposed structure stating it appeared as an anonymous box.  Mr. Giordano suggested that a simple design would make the original structure stand out more.  Chairman Shostrom said the preliminary drawings showed more windows and an entry tower that broke up the flat box.  Juli Di Chiro explained that the budget was not sufficient to for those details.  Mr. Wilkerson said they could look into enhancing the cornice detail and use color to enhance the transition and help the old relate more to the new.


Mr. Giordano made a motion to recommend approval of the Bellview school construction with the following design recommendations:


·         The 1929 school building is separated from the new classrooms by a central building mass, which includes the gym, cafeteria, and kitchen. The Historic Commission has concerns about the connection and architectural transitions between the historic school and this central mass, as well as concerns about the bulk of this central portion of the building. This central mass is composed of three stepped volumes, built of very plain tilt up concrete panel construction.  The original of schematic drawings depicted a number of successful transition details that have been eliminated for budget considerations.

·         The Commission strongly recommends that the architectural team study this central volume to downplay the large mass and enhance the historic connection to the old through the use of architectural embellishments details, and the use of color.





A.      Historic Preservation Week – May 11-17, 2008 – Ms. Boswell reported that the nomination form had been posted to the City of Ashland website and would be sent out in the utility bills during February. The potential nomination list will be completed and reviewed at the March 5th meeting and will be divided up and assigned out to each Commissioner.  The Historic Commissioners agreed to meet at 5:30 pm before the April 2nd meeting to finalize the winners.





A.      Review Board Schedule - Mr. Baker announced he would not be able to attend the March Commission meeting. 

February 7th

Keith, Henry

February 14th

Terry, Alex, Allison

February 21st

Terry, Tom, James

February 27th

Terry, Sam, Dale

March 6th

Terry, Keith, Tom



B.     Project Assignments For Planning Actions – 172 Skidmore was assigned to Mr. Swink.  Mr. Swink questioned why 520 Fairview was no longer on the list. (Subsequent research showed 520 Fairview had been finalled)


PA #2004-138

234 Vista St (Sid & Karen DeBoer) {Under construction}



820 “C” Street (Randy & Helen Ellison) {Extension appvd to 2/08}



11 First St (Ron Yamaoka) (Bldg plans in review)



145 EMain/150 Lithia Wy (Urban Dev Serv/SERA Arch) {No Struc final}



125 Sherman Street (Russ Dale) {No Building Permit Submitted Yet}



175 North Main (First Methodist Church Remodel) {Under constr)



160 Helman (Batzer-Comm Bldgs) {New Bldg App recd-in review}



25 N Main Street (Sandler – Masonic 3rd Sty Addn) {No Bldg Permit}



237 Almond Street (Don Sever – ARU) {Under Construction}



80 Wimer Street (Thomas Petersen – Kitchen Addition) {under contr}



485 A St (Hoxmeier – Modification of Site Review for Mixed Use) {under constr)



542 A St (Gremmels/Delgado – Rebuild Shed & exist business) {No Bldg Permit}



165 Lithia Way (Archerd & Dresner – Commercial Mixed Use)



1070 Tolman Creek Rd (Bellview School)



172 Skidmore St. (Unit 7&8 bathroom additions) M.Knox




C.     Ashland School District – (see PA-2007-01941, 1070 Tolman Creek Rd - Bellview School project above)


D.     Lithia Springs National Register Nomination


E.     Single Family Residential Design Standards – No report


F.      Co-Sponsorship with Conservation Commission for Fall Workshop – No report


DISCUSSION ITEMS  - CLG Grant -Ms. Barry explained that the application form for the next CLG grant was due.  The Commissioners discussed using part of the money to develop a management plan for Lithia Springs.  Mr. Giordano asked if part of the money could be used for the Parks Department archive project.  Ms. Barry said she would look into it to see if it would qualify.


The Commissioners discussed meeting with Mr. Robertson to view the Parks archives sometime in the next week or so.  Mr. Whitford agreed to contact Jay Leighton and Carol Samuelson to see if they could give guidance on what to do with the archive objects.  It was also suggested that Terry Skibby may be interested in heading up a sub-committee to follow through with the project.




The next Historic Commission meeting will be on March 5, 2008 at 7:00 pm in the Siskiyou Room.




It was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 p.m.

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