Agendas and Minutes

Conservation and Climate Outreach Committee (View All)

Conservation Commission Mtg 12/06/06

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Conservation Commission
These Minutes were approved by Conservation Commission at the January 24, 2006 Conservation Commission Meeting.

December 06, 2006– 7:05 pm
City Council Chambers
1175 East Main St.
Chairperson Amarotico called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.
Attendees: Risa Buck, Russ Chapman, Ross Finney, Lindsay Gerken, Jim Hartman, Kathryn Houser and Melissa Schweisguth, and Stuart Corns were present.
City Council Liaison: Alex Amarotico
Staff Liaison: Cathy Cartmill
Chairperson Amarotico noted that Dave Chapman and Kate Jackson were not official Council Liaisons and should be listed under public forum.
Chairperson Amarotico asked for an approval of the October 25, 2006 minutes.
Commissioner Buck corrected the Ashland Greenhouse project to the proposed Verde Village Project.
Commissioner Buck corrected her email address to

Commissioner Buck wanted to include under Item H on the third page, that it should read Environmental Sustainability Issues, not Environmentally Sustainability Issues. Also, page 3, question 6 which read: Can you suggest any improvements in communication between your commission and the City Council?
Commissioner Buck would like it to read: To support the City, to modify the decision making structure with guidelines that are truly sustainable.
Commissioner Schweisguth noted on the 3rd page, Item C to include Water Use and Water Reuse Efficiency Issues should read Item C to include Water use and reuse inefficiency issues.
Commissioner Chapman made a motion to approve the minutes of October 25, 2006 with the noted changes and Commissioner Finney the motion.
Voice vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.

The minutes of the Conservation Commission Meeting of October 25, 2006 were approved.

No one present wanted to speak at that time.
Set aside
Update on Global Warming Event
Cathy Cartmill asked the Commission if they were going to pay half of the cost for the event in the amount of $400.00. Chairperson Amarotico clarified that the event had already been paid through the Conservation/Electric Department.
Commission Buck raised concerns regarding the final bill for the event, due to lack of heat and equipment not working properly. The Commission discussed different aspects of the Global Warming Event.
Commissioner Finney offered a motion that the Conservation Department fund 50% of whatever the final cost of the event up to $400.00. Commissioner Hartman seconded the motion.
The Commission discussed different aspects of the Global Warming Event including cost, space, expectations, sponsors and the responsibilities of funding the event.
Motion was withdrawn and the second was withdrawn by Commissioner Finney and Hartman to be able to revisit the final bill at the next meeting and asked to put it on the agenda.
Commissioner Schweisguth would like to find out what the process was for organizing events and how limited time affects the choices/venues involved. Commissioner Buck and Schweisguth reminded the Commission that Bill Bradbury specifically wanted to involve the youth and therefore the Ashland High School would promote youthful attendance.
Commissioner Buck reported that Jim McGinnes attended the Al Gore Global Warming training to be a represented, and she invited him to attend the Conservation Commission meeting.
Commissioner Chapman made a motion the Commission support 50% of the bills turned in from the school district. Commissioner Corns seconded the motion.
Commissioner Schweisguth would like staff to develop a list of local venues for future events.
Voice vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
ICLEI Conference Call, membership decision
The Commissioners discussed supporting the ICLEI membership with a cost of $600.00. The members who attended a conference call with ICLEI presented a summary of the benefits associated with the membership fee. The Commission members discussed at length active participation in ICLEI, the software associated with the Capstone projects from SOU, and future participation.
Commissioner Houser moved to spend $200.00 of the Commissions budget to join ICELI for one year. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hartman.
Voice vote: all Ayes with Commissioner Gerken opposed.
The motion passed with a majority vote.
Commissioner Gerken expressed concerns of how many man hours (voluntary or paid) it would take to analyze data, look at the software that could be used in the future to create policy. Discussion followed.
Commissioners Hartman, Buck, Schweisguth, and Chapman volunteered to explore different options meet and discuss Global Warming issues and possible form a subcommittee or a task force with other city committee members or citizens.
Commissioner Chapman reported on the progress for the Earth Day Event, themed “Be the Change”. Commissioner Buck remarked the event would now take place at Science Works.
Commissioner Finney made a motion to commit $800.00 from the Conservation Commission’s budget for the Earth Day Event. Commissioner Schweisguth seconded the motion.
Voice vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
Commissioner Chapman reported for Ashland Sanitary about leaf recycling and how they diverted 12 boxes or 60,000 pounds of leaves and 700 pounds of nursery plastic containers.
Ashland Sanitary will follow Commissioner Hartman’s suggestion about paying for the recycling of fluorescent bulbs with money received from recycling ink cartridges. People may recyle the cartridges at the Ashland Coop and the Depoe. Information is available on their website.
Sustainability Plan/Resolution
Commissioner Schweisguth outlined a sustainability plan that was in draft form and hoped for feedback from the Commission. The goal would be to have the City endorse a long term sustainability plan, which could be a foundation for policy, actions, education and on-going projects. The Commissioners discussed
how the plan could be utilized within the City.
1.   Garbage Land Sub-Committee
No report
2.   Education/Events
No report
3. Green Business
     No report.
Commissioner Buck asked Paula Brown for an update regarding Bio Diesel, and Public Works will update the Council on January 11, 2007 and mentioned they have 3 Hybrids and going to receive one more by the end of year.  
Commissioner Buck also reported the paint the City uses is called striping paint, with is a solvent based paint and unnecessary for the stenciling project. North Mountain park will use a new water based paint that Commission Buck was able to locate and a new sticker that is easier to see.
Cathy Cartmill reported the City was approved for a $500,000 Federal bond for the solar project and will move forward with that. Also, the promotion, Saving with a Twist, has reached its goal of selling 6,250 CFLs.
Next meeting date, January 24, 2007
The Commission formally thanks Alex Amarotico for his service to the City Council and liaison to their Commission.
Meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary McClary, Administrative Assistant to
Electric/IT/Telecommunications Department

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