Agendas and Minutes

Conservation and Climate Outreach Committee (View All)

Conservation Commission Mtg 10/25/06

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Conservation Commission
These Minutes will be approved by Conservation Commission at the December 06, 2006 Conservation Commission Meeting.

October 25, 2006– 7:00 pm
Community Development Building
51 Winburn Way
Chairperson Chapman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Development Building.
Attendees: Risa Buck, Russ Chapman, Ross Finney, Lindsay Gerken, Jim Hartman, Kathryn Houser and Melissa Schweisguth were present. Stuart Corns was absent.
City Council Liaison: Dave Chapman, Kate Jackson
Staff Liaison: Dick Wanderscheid
Chairperson Chapman asked for an approval of the September 27, 2006 minutes.
Commissioner Buck corrected spelling words under the Ashland Sanitary section of the minutes.
Commissioner Finney made a motion to approve the minutes of September 27, 2006, and Commissioner Schweisguth seconded the motion.
Voice vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.

The minutes of the Conservation Commission Meeting of September 27, 2006 were approved.

Ryan Langmeyer/1700 East Nevada spoke to the Commission about Ashland having the potential to be the most resourceful community in the country. He suggested changing the name of the Commission and offered a recommendation, a name similar to “The Office of Sustainable Development” which comes from the City of Portland. He believes all the entities of garbage & recycling, green buildings, energy & bio fuels, global warming issues, sustainable food, sustainable government and sustainable development need to be all included within this Commission.
Commissioner Chapman replied the Commission would actually be discussing the name of the Commission later when they review a survey by the City Council and also look at the resolution that created the Commission.
 Greg and Valri Williams presented to the Commission the new Ashland Greenhouse Project regarding a sustainable housing project emphasizing energy efficiency. They included in their presentation part of their packet that would be presented to the Planning Department, City of Ashland.
The Commission discussed various aspects of the project with the Williams.
Commissioner Buck and Commissioner Finney were in favor of supporting this type of development, believing it was good for the City and the City should work to allow these types of developments. City Counselor Jackson remarked this annexation could make use of the Comprehensive plan. The Commissioners discussed ways to generally support this type of development.
Commissioner Buck made a motion that the Conservation Commission supports the concept of this type of project representing the most exciting sustainable development and a new model for the City of Ashland.
Commissioner Houser seconded the motion.
There was discussion from the members of the Commission.
Voice vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
The Williams can be reached at Ashland Greenhouse, 482-2866 or .
Gwyn Myer spoke to the Commission regarding the Capstone project at SOU. She explained to the Commission she began with the intent to use this for her capstone project but went with a different presentation. She then updated the Commission about the work that was done on the project and her continued efforts to finish the project. Mr. Wanderscheid offered the analysis his department did for the City regarding water efficiencies for her to use on her project.
Commissioner Chapman announced his newest employee, Risa Buck, will be a Waste Reduction Educator. She could be reached at
Ashland Sanitary held its last Chipper Day and was successful with 9 participants.
Valley View Landfill is now signed on with the Blue Sky Program with Pacific Power and Commissioner Chapman announced all their electricity now comes from purchasing renewable power.
On November 7, and November 21st, free leaf recycling, citizens will now also be able to bring in the nursery plastic trays and they will also be recycled.
Membership in ICLEI
Dick Wanderscheid presented a memo to the Commission regarding background information for the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI). He announced ICLEI now has membership dues of $600.00 a year.
The Commission members discussed different benefits of being members. The members decided to form a sub-committee, (Buck, Schweisguth and Hartman) to further research the Commission’s involvement. Commissioner Jackson provided some background information regarding the project and how it was originally started. Mr. Wanderscheid offered to host a conference call with the sub-committee, members from the Bike & Peds Commission, and a ICLEI representative.
City Council Commission Survey
  1. Is the purpose of your commission clearly stated and still applicable in the ordinance/resolution? If not, what are you doing that is different, what are you not doing, what do you think you should be doing that is not stated?
8.   Does the name of your commission reflect what you are doing? If not, please suggest an alternative?
The Commission discussed changing their name to the Environmental Sustainability Commission, to indicate a wider scope of powers and duties including renewables and sustainability.
The Commission would like to include under the resolution that created the Conservation
Commission; Section 4, Powers and Duties: insert sustainable/sustainability where the
word conservation is now.
Item D change to include Resource Conservation Environmentally Sustainability Issues Item A to include Reduce, Recycling, Resource Reduction and Solid /Waste/Landfill Issues
Item H to include Education of citizens about Environmentally Sustainability Issues
Item C to include Water Use and Water Reuse Efficiency Issues
                        Item F to include Renewable Energy Development
                        Item G to include Air Quality and Carbon Reduction Issues
6.       Can you suggest any improvements in communication between your commission and the City
                        Commissioner Finney suggested more interaction/communication with other
                        Commissions, stating that there are benefits to sharing information and issues.
Commissioner Buck wrote: To support the City, to create an underline structure and guidelines that are truly sustainable.
Councilor Jackson reported that Council is looking to request that the City Councilor representative would not be in a chair position or a voting member of the Commissions. Also, they are looking into a format where a vice chair would become the next chair.
Discussion of Bill Bradbury/Al Gore Global Warming Speech
Councilor Jackson informed the Commission that she was working with the Secretary of State, Bill Bradbury, to come to town and talk about Al Gore’s Global Warming Speech. At present, Councilor Jackson and the City are researching facilities to utilize. The members supported the event.
1.   Garbage Land Sub-Committee
No report
2.   Education/Events
No report
3. Green Business
     No report.
Councilor Chapman suggested starting a library for the Commission.
Next meeting date, December 6, 2006.
Meeting adjourned at 9:13 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary McClary, Administrative Assistant to
Electric/IT/Telecommunications Department

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